El 09.02.2009, a las 23:16, Brett Duncan escribió:
James E. Bailey wrote:
I'd like to have a chord that is C-10. I have
myChordDefinitions = {
<c e g b dis>-\markup \super {-10}
And then, of course the requisite
myChordExceptions = #(append
(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions myChordDefinitions #t)
myChordInit = {
\set chordNameExceptions = #myChordExceptions
I have my very simple input file of
Chord = \chords { \myChordInit c:9+ }
music = { c'2 }
\score {
So why is the output not changed? The chord name chart shows me
that <c e g b dis> is a #9 chord. What I see is the default output
of a #9 chord.
Because c:9+ would be the chord <c e g bes dis> rather than <c e g
b dis>, so it doesn't match your chord definition.
No, that actually wasn't it. I usually use deutsch.ly and the source
I copied was from the documentation. The output is the same between
<c e g b dis> and <c e g bes dis>, it was the <c e g b dis'> that
mattered. I don't know why, but it's apparently important.
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