Am 22.03.2009 um 22:50 schrieb Jay Hamilton:
TenorIIexaminer = \relative c
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "T-II"
 \clef "treble_8"
} then

\addlyrics {  }

so I'm not sure if \context is there or not, it's not explicit.

So then you want to make it explicit. \new Voice = "Tenor II". I
You ask "This is not where Lyrics are defined. How did you come to this conclusion?"
My answer is that it is the only place that worked for the text at  
all without causing even more difficulties.
I ask because this particular syntax doesn't exist to my knowledge anywhere in the documentation.
When I put it where you suggest the lyrics dissappear AND the stems reappear. In fact I just tried it and it wouldn't compile so I would assume that 'context' is not what's going on. So how do I add context?
Assuming you've read this before, and you've just forgotten it, may I point you towards Section 3.3 of the Learning Manual on Contexts. And if you haven't read it before, then let me suggest that you stop the engraving you are working on and read through the entire Learning Manual. The process of attempting to generate a score in lilypond will be painful, frustrating and most likely wrong unless you read through the Learning Manual first. Also, once you're done reading the Learning Manual, two very useful sections in the Notation Reference will be Sections 2.2 Vocal Music and 1.5.2 Multiple voice polyphony. While the second of these two is far better than the corresponding section in the Learning Manual, I still wouldn't suggest reading the Notation Reference until after you've read the Learning Manual.
BTW I appreciate the attention to this. Thank you.

You're welcome.

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