On 08.03.2009, at 06:24, Tom Cloyd wrote:

After 3 months away from Lilypond, I'm back, thankfully. All updated and sailing...right into a wall. I could really use a hint about this current problem.

I cannot get a horizontal shift of a note, resulting in an ugly collision. I think the problem is the "too many clashing note columns" warnings I keep getting. I dimly recall someone telling me what to do with that, but it's long gone from my memory, and in any case hasn't been a problem (that I'm aware of). My score is, and has been, working well. This is an old problem I'm trying to fix tonight.

At the risk of overload, I'll include the full program and CLI output, the latter first:

I haven't begun to compile your score, but I see something (that I've corrected a lot of in the past weeks).
You have, essentially:
\version "2.12.2"

vOne = \relative c'' \new Voice {
        c d a c
        d e d c

vTwo = \relative c'' \new Voice {
        a g f a
%% The following two lines are equivalent
        <<{b c a a}\\{a g g f}>>
% <<\new Voice = voiceOne {\voiceOne b c a a } \new Voice = voiceTwo {\voiceTwo a g g f } >> \oneVoice

\score {\new Staff <<\vOne \vTwo>>}

You'll notice here that in vTwo, there is a section that puts music in voiceOne, which already has music, that'll cause collisions. You may want to change to voiceFour, and then do your manual note shifting using:

vTwoFour = \relative c'' \new Voice {
  a g f a
<<{b c a a}\new Voice = vFour { \voiceFour \shiftOn a \shiftOff g \shiftOn g \shiftOff f}>>\oneVoice

\score { \new Staff <<\vOne \vTwo>>

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