I'm having two questions.
First, \override VoiceFollower #'style = #'dotted-line doesn't seem
to work here. Why not?
\version "2.12.2"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = RH \relative g' {
\time 3/2
\once \override VoiceFollower #'style = #'dotted-line
g4 a h c a \change Staff = LH f4 |
\hideStaffSwitch \change Staff = RH
r4 c' h2 g |
\new Staff = LH \relative f' {
\time 3/2
f2 d4 e c \change Staff = RH r \change Staff = LH
d4 c e2 g
Second, is this the most efficient way to do something like this? It
seems a bit over-burdened.
James E. Bailey
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