Re: \lyricsto vs. \set associatedVoice

2008-12-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.12.2008 um 20:31 schrieb Wilbert Berendsen: Op zaterdag 27 december 2008, schreef james: What exactly is the difference between \lyricsto and \set associatedVoice? I think \lyricsto is a shorthand for \lyricmode { \set assosiatedVoice ... } so: text = \lyricsto "alto" { bla bla

Re: avoid slur help

2008-12-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 29.12.2008 um 00:17 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: Once I learned about outside staff-priority, everything was good. Which for me is the usual situation: I get unexpected output, and then learn that there's a perfectly acceptable reason for that output. In this case: outside-staff-priority takes p

Re: avoid slur help

2008-12-29 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 29.12.2008 um 06:26 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: However, there are situations where you don't have access to the mailing list, and then you have to find it in the docs. Can you suggest where improvements shall be added so that your specific problem is covered? Well then I'd have to say that t

Re: 4

2008-12-29 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 29.12.2008 um 11:58 schrieb sdfgsdhdshd: Is there a way to get in the pdf only the simple 4? I don't understand how it works, but I got this from Mark Polesky (I think) and it worked for me. \version "2.11.64" myChordDefinitions = { -\markup \super{–9} -\markup \super{4

Re: 4

2008-12-29 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 29.12.2008 um 12:23 schrieb sdfgsdhdshd: James E. Bailey-3 wrote: Am 29.12.2008 um 11:58 schrieb sdfgsdhdshd: Is there a way to get in the pdf only the simple 4? I don't understand how it works, but I got this from Mark Polesky (I think) and it worked for me. \version &qu

Re: 4

2008-12-29 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 29.12.2008 um 16:11 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen: BTW, James, do you want german note names for your chords (h instead of bes, IIRC)? Your init file includes a line that sets german note names. You may want to eliminate that line. Yes, and like the other german speaking people, I lament

Re: problem with hidden notes

2008-12-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Also, the command index. Am 30.12.2008 um 20:47 schrieb Francisco Vila: 2008/12/30 kristof : is there somewhere a list of all predefined commands? /usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/ contains many, and possibly all of them. -- Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) htt

Re: Move slur for acciaccatura

2009-01-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 01.01.2009 um 10:48 schrieb Nick Payne: The slurs on the acciaccaturas in my score are all defaulting to above the stems of the grace notes, even when the grace notes are on or above the middle of the stave and their stems are up. How can I move the slurs to appear beneath. I tried usi

Re: Move slur for acciaccatura

2009-01-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 01.01.2009 um 10:48 schrieb Nick Payne: The slurs on the acciaccaturas in my score are all defaulting to above the stems of the grace notes, even when the grace notes are on or above the middle of the stave and their stems are up. How can I move the slurs to appear beneath. I tried usi

Re: Move slur for acciaccatura

2009-01-01 Thread James E. Bailey
want to re-read NR 1.5.2 Explicitly instantiating voices. Nick -Original Message- From: James E. Bailey [] Sent: Thursday, 1 January 2009 21:16 To: Nick Payne Cc: Subject: Re: Move slur for acciaccatura Am 01.01.2009 um 10:48 schr

Re: text missing

2009-01-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Apparently lilypond is a little too smart with delayed ties. You have a ~ in the first measure which isn't completed until the third measure. Get rid of it, and you should have what you want. Am 02.01.2009 um 21:12 schrieb Nikolay Kirov: Hi! Can anybody answer me, why there is no text corre

Re: text missing

2009-01-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.01.2009 um 23:46 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: James E. Bailey wrote: Apparently lilypond is a little too smart with delayed ties. Is this perhaps even worth a bug report? The one thing I've learned with lilypond is that I don't know what

Re: Writing above a bar

2009-01-02 Thread James E. Bailey
You may also want to look at the section in text on writing text, if the text needs to be at the end of a line, or at the end of the piece. Am 02.01.2009 um 23:34 schrieb Ole Schmidt: maybe like this? ole %% \version "2.12.0" \new Staff { \time 4/4 \

Re: a "floating" markup with many \score blocks in it

2009-01-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.01.2009 um 15:43 schrieb Francois Planiol: Hello! I need for a kind of Summary of "Different way to harmonize a melodie" a command of markup, I suppose. If it does exist, i dont find it or how and be very pleased for having help My idea would be something like \markup \floating {


2009-01-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.01.2009 um 11:11 schrieb fa070232: How to make an easy installation on vista ? I have very little it background. Best regards Edmond. I don't have any experience with windows vista, but the lilypond wiki may help

Re: Umlaute

2009-01-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.01.2009 um 20:22 schrieb Arjan Bos: On 4 jan 2009, at 19:31, Hasi wrote: Do any of you know how I can use Umlaute? I'd like to do the following: _\markup { \italic hartnäckig } it just comes out as "hartnckig" Hasi, Please save the file with UTF-8 encoding. Most editors offer this

Re: Accidentals collide

2009-01-05 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 05.01.2009 um 10:26 schrieb Hasi: How can I move the accidentals apart? They are layed over each other... Search the LSR for bartók accidentals. I'm pretty sure that's what it's labeled under. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Re: Newbie question: tie between a and b

2009-01-05 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 05.01.2009 um 11:24 schrieb Gyula P. Szokoly: Hi, GNU LilyPond 2.10.33, input is at the end. The tie between the two 'a's works, but not between a and b. The problem seems to be related to the orientation of the stem (i.e. tie between opposite stems) but forcing the stem (\stemUp) does

Re: Music figures like images

2009-01-05 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 05.01.2009 um 10:50 schrieb Hasi: Is there a way that I can name sheet music samples the same way as images (figure)? And can I make an index of all the sheet music samples at the end? It sounds like what you want is lilypond-book. ___ lily

Re: Music figures like images

2009-01-05 Thread James E. Bailey
enter} \includegraphics[height=1cm]{images/1} \caption[1]{1} \end{center} \end{figure} and in the end: \listoffigures I hope this is clear. --- On Mon, 1/5/09, James E. Bailey wrote: From: James E. Bailey Subject: Re: Music figures like images To: "Hasi" Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.o

Re: downloading

2009-01-05 Thread James E. Bailey
Moved to user-list because it's not appropriate on the bug list. On the lilypond website, go to the documentation for version 2.12 and start with the Learning Manual. There are instructions there on how to use lilypond. Am 05.01.2009 um 20:13 schrieb andy: Hi. I downloaded version 2.12 for

Re: Simultaneous rehearsal marks?

2009-01-05 Thread James E. Bailey
I think an easier way would either be to use \mark \markup \center- column or to define another context for the \mark. Search the mailing list archives, I had a similar question a few weeks ago, but with two marks, one above, and one below the system. I think the solutions would be similar.

Re: a "floating" markup with many \score blocks in it

2009-01-05 Thread James E. Bailey
The problem with stopping and restarting a staff(group) is the fact that restarting the staff will not restart the entire score. The documentation didn´t help me, but the suggestion to put the scores in a markup did help me. I find that a lot of problems with lilypond output require imagi

Re: also, lyric help

2009-01-06 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 06.01.2009 um 21:23 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: James E. Bailey wrote: The problem I have is that when I switch between voices in my melody, the lyrics don't pick up when the voice comes back. Is that a bug? You may have to make sure that the same context survives. If you do, say,

Re: also, lyric help

2009-01-07 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 07.01.2009 um 11:06 schrieb Graham Percival: On Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 10:18:02PM +0100, James E. Bailey wrote: Thanks. I remember seeing that in the choral template, but I never understood that contexts "die" after they're no longer in use. That explains a lot. Can I req

Re: Some slur and part was forgotten with combined parts.

2009-01-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 08.01.2009 um 04:42 schrieb T. Kiriyama: Hi,all, I just find another problems with part cobination. The slur for partone, bar number between 2 and 3 and drawing of partone, bar number 5 to 6 were forgotten. Is this a bug or is there any kind of solution? Best Regards, %% %% lilypond source

Re: lsr having problems?

2009-01-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 07.01.2009 um 23:11 schrieb chip: I just tried to register on the LSR, got to the registration page, entered my info, but the cursor never changes from the timer to the arrow. Pressing the go button does nothing. Using Firefox on Linux. I also tried on my XP box in both Firefox and IE7

Re: Some slur and part was forgotten with combined parts.

2009-01-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 08.01.2009 um 12:03 schrieb T. Kiriyama: Yes, It's my mistake. Does anyone know how to find such kind of easy mistake like gcc's - Wall option ? I don't know what editor you use, but if it has a syntax hilighting, you can use that to easily hilight ( and end the hilight with ). I

Re: Minimum width for a bar

2009-01-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 08.01.2009 um 12:20 schrieb Nick Payne: How can I specify that a bar containing only a single tied note be a certain minimum width? Because the note is tied, I tried using \once\override Slur #'minimum-length = #16 That works if the bar is in the middle of a line, but it doesn't work a

Re: short instrument name setting

2009-01-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 08.01.2009 um 23:15 schrieb chip: I've been reading all the messages in this thread and haven't quite understood all of it, but I believe you are referring to the content section as the section where all the notes are. That being the wrong place to put \set short.instrumentname. I finall

Re: stacked markup with parenthesis

2009-01-09 Thread James E. Bailey
It's crude, and there's probably a better parenthesis glyph, but it's a quick and dirty solution. And perhaps a different way to think. \version "2.11.65" \markup \vcenter { \fontsize #12 { ( } \column { \line {a} \line {b} \line {c} } \fontsize #12 { ) } } Am 09.

Re: Minimum width for a bar

2009-01-10 Thread James E. Bailey
ixed the layout problem. Nick -Original Message- From: Mark Polesky [] Sent: Saturday, 10 January 2009 18:15 To: Nick Payne; Andrew Hawryluk; James E. Bailey Cc: Subject: Re: Minimum width for a bar \once\override Slur #'minimum-length

Re: arpeggio next to a chord

2009-01-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 11.01.2009 um 04:46 schrieb Miklos Vajna: Hi, I'm trying to use lilypond to digitalize some of my guitar chords, and I seem to hit a problem. So in guitar chords it's a common to have something like \arpeggioArrowDown next to a chord. … and I would like to add something like a \arpegg

Re: Arpeggio next to a chord

2009-01-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 11.01.2009 um 15:11 schrieb Miklos Vajna: On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 05:53:20AM +0100, Miklos Vajna wrote: and I would like to add something like a \arpeggioArrowDown next to e1:m. Here is a picture about the original chord, just in case the description would be hard to parse: http://fru

Re: Arpeggio next to a chord

2009-01-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 12.01.2009 um 00:05 schrieb Miklos Vajna: On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 06:08:40PM +0100, "James E. Bailey" wrote: Here is a picture about the original chord, just in case the description would be hard to parse: Ah, well

Re: Arpeggio next to a chord

2009-01-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 12.01.2009 um 00:19 schrieb Miklos Vajna: On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:13:59AM +0100, "James E. Bailey" wrote: Second, this does exactly what I want, but how do I use this next to a chord? \chords {\germanChords e2:m b:m e1:m^\arpeggioGuitar e2:m e:m b:m b:m e:m e:m} I

Re: Arpeggio next to a chord

2009-01-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 12.01.2009 um 00:54 schrieb Miklos Vajna: On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:30:11AM +0100, "James E. Bailey" wrote: The problem with this workaround is that the arpeggio is simply a markup attached to the note, rather than being a part of the chord name, which is a markup. Perh

Re: Slur across voices without taking time with hidden notes

2009-01-12 Thread James E. Bailey
You could try putting the slur in a completely different voice altogether. <<{b'4\rest e,2}\\{a,2.}\\{\hideNotes a4_( e2)}>> Am 12.01.2009 um 21:56 schrieb Nick Payne: In this example, excerpted from a score, how can I get a slur between the two notes? The snippets repository shows slurs ac

Re: Assigning lyrics to stanzas without using \lyricsto

2009-01-13 Thread James E. Bailey
You can also put the notes for the stanza and the notes for the chorus in differently named contexts, so that you don't have to use \skip. It can make it easier if you add or remove measures in a section. And you can just use the required associatedVoice. Am 13.01.2009 um 08:55 schrieb Mats

Re: No menu

2009-01-13 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 13.01.2009 um 15:18 schrieb Julio: Hi I am just a new comer. I installed the last version 2.12 (also 2.10) for intel. I have mac os x leopard. The appication does not work. It does not show any option in the menu. Is there anyway to fix it? Yes and no. Yes it is possible to use the

Re: No menu

2009-01-13 Thread James E. Bailey
proceed? Julio E-mail: On 13.01.2009, at 16:19, "James E. Bailey" wrote: Am 13.01.2009 um 15:18 schrieb Julio: Hi I am just a new comer. I installed the last version 2.12 (also 2.10) for intel. I have mac os x leopard. The appication does not work. It d

Re: No menu

2009-01-13 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 13.01.2009 um 20:43 schrieb Ivo Bouwmans: Hallo all, James E. Bailey schreef / wrote / skribis: Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you'll need to build lilypond from source. There's no need to do that to use LP on Mac OS X Leopard. Ah, but he wants to,

Re: No menu

2009-01-13 Thread James E. Bailey
ys be preferred by the average user over a program like lilypond or LaTeX, where, in order to use the program, you have to read the manual, and learn how the program works. I try to always remember, just because something is good, doesn't make it successful. On 13.01.2009, at 2

Re: Slur across voices without taking time with hidden notes

2009-01-13 Thread James E. Bailey
You know, with the addition of the \voiceOne, this looks oddly similar to my original proposal. ;-) Am 14.01.2009 um 00:06 schrieb Bertalan Fodor: Well, I think this is the ideal solution. \relative c' { \time 3/4 \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn \merg

Re: No menu

2009-01-14 Thread James E. Bailey
he nano editor and it seems to be pretty straightforward. It would then be nice to run the app. from the terminal. Can it be done? Sorry for asking but I am completely new comer to the terminal in mac osx. Thanks Julio Julio Casares On Tuesday, January 13, 2009, at 07:59PM, "James E

Re: nanorc

2009-01-15 Thread James E. Bailey
It was probably me. And I gladly accept any regex improvements. I learned regex for the sole purpose of having syntax hilighting for lilypond, so I'm certain someone who knows something about it could do a far better job than I. And again, thanks. sometimes I just don't bother with trying t

Re: nanorc

2009-01-15 Thread James E. Bailey
I tried, asked around, and basically got the impression that I'd need a text parser in order to figure that stuff out, so I didn't bother with it. Am 15.01.2009 um 20:49 schrieb Francois Planiol: Thank you thank you thank you, I never had the idea to look deeply in the man page of nano. Na

Re: Whole note tremolo repeats - bug ?

2009-01-16 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.01.2009 um 01:08 schrieb Lasse Rempe: Hi Kieran, Why should it look like the scan? That is, what engraving reference (e.g., Gardner Read) do you have which indicates that the tremolo should be inside the staff? I do not have any engraving reference; however I am going by 20+ years o

Re: Error when changing font

2009-01-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Wow, I just had that same problem this morning. I was trying to do: { \clef bass c d e f \override NoteHead #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \override Voice.NoteHead #'text = \markup { \override #'(font- name . "Palatino Bold " ) { d } } c d e f } Where did you add the 0? Am

Re: Error when changing font

2009-01-17 Thread James E. Bailey
-name 0))) James E. Bailey wrote: Wow, I just had that same problem this morning. I was trying to do: { \clef bass c d e f \override NoteHead #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \override Voice.NoteHead #'text = \markup { \override #'(font- name . "Palatino Bold &qu

Re: A single word in lyrics italicized?

2009-01-17 Thread James E. Bailey
I don't usually use \addlyrics, but it should be the same as in the section on entering lyrics. Am 18.01.2009 um 00:33 schrieb Jay Hamilton: I can't find in the doc where/if you can italicize a single word in lyrics using \addlyrics or is there a different thing to do? Yours- Jay Jay Ham

Re: "circa" metronome mark

2009-01-19 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 19.01.2009 um 20:27 schrieb J. Van Thuyne: As the subjoined code obviously isn't working, how exactly would you code this in a correct manner? \tempo "Grave, solemn." 2 = 54-56 I presume this property will only accept numbers, not a minus sign. How can it be overridden? Best regar

Re: nano ^R problem

2009-01-20 Thread James E. Bailey
M-f toggles between reading the file into a new buffer, or inserting it at that point in the current one. Am 20.01.2009 um 19:44 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen: I was experimenting editing a small Lilypond score using the nano editor. That's why I'm asking this slighly-off-topic-question here :-)

Re: nano ^R problem

2009-01-20 Thread James E . Bailey
M-f toggles between reading the file into a new buffer, or inserting it at that point in the current one. Also, it may be turned off in a config file, or your build may have the -x flag called by default, but there should be a two line help at the bottom of the screen, also, you can show he

Re: about Liypond

2009-01-20 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 20.01.2009 um 22:42 schrieb Roi Redondo Garcia: Ei: Itś posible to download the program, I not sure about how it works, but needs to send this message Thankyou Yes, please use the download link on the website. ___ lily

Re: newbie issues:repetition, midi & lyrics

2009-01-20 Thread James E. Bailey
I won't attempt to answer all of this, but, the easiest beginning to a solution is to have two separate \score blocks, one with a \layout and one with a \midi. That way, you can structure your midi output the way it should be, and structure the pdf the way it should be. Very simplified examp

Re: Combining parts

2009-01-21 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 21.01.2009 um 12:28 schrieb Gilles Sadowski: Hi. My problem is that when combining the top parts as separate voices, it looks rather messy and confusing. I can combine two parts with \partcombine, and that does give a much better copy, but it still leaves the third part. I know that

Re: newbie issues:repetition, midi & lyrics

2009-01-21 Thread James E. Bailey
Ah, the learning Manual, section 3 would probably be a good place to start for these things. It explains why one uses \new Voice or \voiceOne, exactly what \voiceOne does, and the different ways of aligning lyrics to notes using \lyricsto. Am 21.01.2009 um 20:54 schrieb Grateful Frog: Tha

Re: Lilypond mini-IDE

2009-01-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.01.2009 um 13:01 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: Johan Vromans wrote: Francisco Vila writes: It looks _very_ interesting and I'll try it as soon as I can. I look forward to your feedback. Maybe the IDE could trigger the printing on M-x something by issuing the lpr command. Sounds feasible? S

Re: Lilypond mini-IDE

2009-01-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.01.2009 um 13:21 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: James E. Bailey wrote: Am 22.01.2009 um 13:01 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: Johan Vromans wrote: Francisco Vila writes: It looks _very_ interesting and I'll try it as soon as I can. I look forward to your feedback. Maybe the IDE could trigge

Re: Stopwatch time in markup

2009-01-23 Thread James E. Bailey
Wow, that took me a minute to figure out. The quotes around 33" are the problem. That makes it separate text. Putting the quotes around the entire time fixes it. { \mark \markup \rounded-box { \small { "4'33\"" } } c'2 } Am 23.01.2009 um 22:39 schrieb Tom Hall: Hel

Re: utf-8 characters

2009-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
There may be an easier way. In osx, you have utf-8 on by default. So you don't need to use the lilypond special of inserting utf-8 characters. Which, by the way, mark's way I don't understand, it uses scheme. The easier way is to just use \markup \concat { 4/char ##x2032 } But, since on osx,

Re: Stopwatch time in markup

2009-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
#x27;am on Mac OS 10.5.6 using the latest Lilypond... ole Am 23.01.2009 um 23:59 schrieb Mark Polesky: James E. Bailey wrote: Wow, that took me a minute to figure out. The quotes around 33" are the problem. That makes it separate text. Putting the quotes around the entire time fixes

Re: utf-8 characters

2009-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 24.01.2009 um 11:44 schrieb Tom Hall: James E. Bailey> writes: { \mark \markup \rounded-box { \small { 4′33″ } } c'2 } Hmm, trying the code directly above, gives me the following error

Re: utf-8 characters

2009-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
Oh yeah, that's a problem. Apparently it's been fixed, it's just not in the distributed binary. There's a thread on the list that shows how to fix it. Am 24.01.2009 um 12:26 schrieb Tom Hall: James E. Bailey> writes: Hello James I also get an error

Re: Stopwatch time in markup

2009-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
k \markup { \rounded-box \small \concat { 4′33″} } c'2 } ole Am 24.01.2009 um 11:31 schrieb James E. Bailey: That's odd, there are extra spaces in there too. What if you try just copying and pasting in the ′ and ″ characters? Or what about using \char ##x2032? Does

Re: Stopwatch time in markup

2009-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
-WARNING error I've mentioned in the utf-8 characters thread. tom { \mark \markup { \rounded-box \small \concat { 4′33″} } c'2 } ole Am 24.01.2009 um 11:31 schrieb James E. Bailey: That's odd, there are extra spaces in there too. What if you try just copying and pastin

Re: Stopwatch time in markup

2009-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
See, that's just amazing. personally, I think \markup \concat {4\char ##x2032 " 33"\char##x2033 } is a little shorter, but it's kind of awesome that that can be done with all that stuff that apparently means something. Am 24.01.2009 um 21:49 schrieb Mark Polesky: Don't forget you can stor

fontconfig link in documentation

2009-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
I just noticed that the link to fontconfig in the documentation again points to fontforge. Wasn't that fixed a while ago? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: utf-8 characters

2009-01-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 25.01.2009 um 10:38 schrieb Hans Aberg: On 24 Jan 2009, at 12:35, Ole Schmidt wrote: when I choose in the preferences "show invisible characters", my file look like this: it seems like a copy & paste promblem from my mail-client (Apple "Mail"). Does anyone know how to fix this? Wh

explicitly stating the output filename

2007-12-03 Thread James E. Bailey
While I'm fine just renaming my files after they are created or passing the output filename in my command-line options (I'm on 2.11.35-2 Mac OSX), I was just wondering if there's a way to explictly set the filename in my lilypond file. Something akin to the point-and-click option. Thanks

help with TexShop

2007-12-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Hello, I was wondering if anyone here uses TexShop with the lilypond plugin. So far it's working well, but I'm having some issues with the UTF-8. Namely, my umlauts and ß show up as ASCII code rather than the characters. TexShop displays the special characters in the input file correctly, but if

Re:Layout integrating LaTeX and music

2007-12-31 Thread James E. Bailey
>Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 17:24:28 +0100 >From: "Patrick Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: Re: Layout integrating LaTeX and music >To: > >Hi Tobias, > >>I don't use lilypond-book, but call >>lilypond from within latex. This approach has some advantages and some >>drawback

Re: Is lilypond working on Leopard?

2008-01-03 Thread James E. Bailey
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 22:10:07 + From: Alberto Sim?es <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Is lilypond working on Leopard? To: lilypond Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Hi I remember seeing emails on this list complaining that Lilypond was

a Lilypond-LaTeX font question

2008-01-14 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm new to LaTeX, but not lilypond. I'm using TeXShop, and I'm getting some not really desired output. \begin{document} \begin{lilypond} \version "2.11.36" \include "" \header { title = "Beauty—be not caused—It Is—" instrument = "Querflöte" } {c'2

Re: a Lilypond-LaTeX font question

2008-01-14 Thread James E. Bailey
e for your LaTeX files. /Mats James E. Bailey wrote: I'm new to LaTeX, but not lilypond. I'm using TeXShop, and I'm getting some not really desired output. \begin{document} \begin{lilypond} \version "2.11.36" \include ""

Re: a Lilypond-LaTeX font question

2008-01-15 Thread James E. Bailey
Having tried all of the options suggested, I've come to something, first, in TeXShop, using Lilypond-LaTeX mode, on a file saved in UTF8 encoding, this code parses and translates correctly, with the errors stated %!TEX TS-program = Lilypond-LaTeX %!TEX encoding = UTF8 \documentclass[a4pape

Re: Different tempos

2008-01-20 Thread James E. Bailey
>Message: 7 >Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 06:34:49 -0500 >From: Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: Re: different tempos >To: Kostia Rapoport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Cc: Lilypondusers Group >Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed >

Re: Different tempos

2008-01-20 Thread James E. Bailey
On Sunday, January 20, 2008, at 05:27PM, "Kieren MacMillan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Hi James, > >> Since lilypond can only have a line break where there is a measure, >> essentially, >> I just inserted a blank bar line in the repeat command. That solved >> everything for me. > >Except it

Re: Different tempos

2008-01-20 Thread James E. Bailey
On Sunday, January 20, 2008, at 05:27PM, "Kieren MacMillan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Hi James, > >> Since lilypond can only have a line break where there is a measure, >> essentially, >> I just inserted a blank bar line in the repeat command. That solved >> everything for me. > >Except it

Re: Different tempos

2008-01-21 Thread James E. Bailey
On Monday, January 21, 2008, at 04:13AM, "Kieren MacMillan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Hi James, > >> forbid_line_engraver did the trick > >Yeah!! I didn't even know about this one... >Thanks! > >Kostia: I've attached my reformatted version of the shortened version >of your code, applying Jam

Re: german translation

2008-02-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 17:23:42 +0100 From: Christian Braumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: german translation To: lilypond-user Mailinglist Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Hi all, I'd like to help with a german translation of the ma

musicxml2ly problems

2008-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Hello, I'm finding some old(er) files on my computer that I'd like to work with again, but this time in Lilypond. I'm converting them from Finale using musicxml. Unfortunately, the files don't convert and this is what I get: James-TiGERmac:/Applications/ m

musicxml2ly problems

2008-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Message: 5 Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 23:38:58 + (UTC) From: Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: musicxml2ly problems To: Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii File "/Applications/ mus

Re: Leopard?

2008-02-11 Thread James E. Bailey
you can use an external editor (Textmate, TeXShop) to edit and compile lilypond files in osx 10.5 Am 11.02.2008 um 14:52 schrieb Roberto: Dear Geniuses, There isn't a OSX 10.5 version available yet, right? Any idea when is there going to be on? All the best, Roberto. ___


2008-02-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Just to be clear, lilypond does not work, command-line, PPC, or anything with apple's latest update? I've been using it in 10.5.1 with TextMate and TeXShop just fine, but now I get absolutely nothing. Should I bother trying to build it myself to see if I can it working? ___


2008-02-23 Thread James E. Bailey
Hello, I'm trying out the lilypond bundle in TextMate, and there are a couple of things that don't really show logically. I don't know a thing about TextMate, and I was wondering if whoever created the bundle could give me a couple of tips on how to make some changes. _

Re: free LilyPond advertising

2008-02-24 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 24.02.2008 um 14:29 schrieb till: Andrew Hawryluk-2 wrote: OK. maybe this isn't advertising, but as a recovering Finale user I have been taking notes about what it was like to try LilyPond for the first time. The first three installments of those writings are now posted on my site and,

Re: free LilyPond advertising

2008-02-24 Thread James E. Bailey
On 24.02.2008, at 16:36, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi James, for just getting something quick, that doesn't really have to look good, finale is definitely faster Several years ago, I would have called myself a Finale expert: in addition to over a decade of use (typesetting well over a hun

Re: Problem with tuplets ... please help

2008-02-27 Thread James E. Bailey
On 27.02.2008, at 18:21, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: Am Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008 schrieb eagle136: Processing `' Parsing... error: syntax error, unexpected STRING g4 \times 2/3 { gis g g} r4 | Without the actual file to look at, it's hard to

Re: Problem with tuplets ... please help

2008-02-27 Thread James E. Bailey
On 27.02.2008, at 18:44, Graham Percival wrote: On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 18:29:32 +0100 "James E. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Another way of answering that is, lilypond uses "" by default, so unless you specify \include "", you'


2008-02-27 Thread James E. Bailey
I've got a minor problem. It's incredibly difficult to reproduce because of how it occurs, but I've got a little screenshot to show it. Basically, the double-sharp is a bit too close to the time signature for my tastes, and I'm wondering

time signatures

2008-02-27 Thread James E. Bailey
okay, I'm a little confused. This doesn't work {\clef bass #(set-time-signature 9 8 '(2 3 2 2)) gis8^\<([ fis] [gis a h\!] [a fis] [e d)] } ___ lilypond-user mailing list

time signature

2008-02-27 Thread James E. Bailey
oh wow, nvm. I should sleep. ___ lilypond-user mailing list


2008-02-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Maybe I'm still sleepy (it's early), but I'm not finding the section on comments in the new documentation. Specifically, something that deals with but in the documentation for 2.11. I realise

Re: Comments in GDP, Was: comments

2008-02-28 Thread James E. Bailey
On 28.02.2008, at 11:07, Mats Bengtsson wrote: Did you search for "Comment" in the index of the Tutorial? However, you are right that it seems to be missing in the NR, where it also should be included for completeness. /Mats James E. Bailey wrote: Maybe I'm still sleepy (i


2008-02-28 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm wondering how difficult it will be to have a slur change direction. I can get in finale (I know, horrible considering the current discussions), and I'm just wondering if there's an easy way to do that in lilypond.___

mulitple voices

2008-03-02 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm currently having some difficulties with polyphony. I don't understand what I've missed in the statement: {\time 5/4 <<{\voiceOne fis2 e4}\\{\voiceTwo s2 e4~ e8[ d] cis4}\\{\voiceThree cis4 h h8[ a] h2}>>} But it fails, and it fails pretty hard. _

headless notes

2008-03-02 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm trying to get headless notes that I can attach a glissando to. I've gotten as far as \once \override Voice.NoteHead #'stencil = ##f dis2.\fermata but that doesn't really work and gives errors. Is there another way to set the note head to invisible? _

Re: Use Google to search the Snippet Repos.

2008-03-03 Thread James E. Bailey
Wow, thanks, I've liked the concept of the searchable LSR for a while, but because of this apparent "ancient" bug, it was largely useless for me. I don't use google much, but I'll certainly try this. On 03.03.2008, at 14:26, Nicholas WASTELL wrote: Hello, After suffering the 'ancient' bug

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