Am 29.12.2008 um 12:23 schrieb sdfgsdhdshd:

James E. Bailey-3 wrote:

Am 29.12.2008 um 11:58 schrieb sdfgsdhdshd:
Is there a way to get in the pdf only the simple 4?

I don't understand how it works, but I got this from Mark Polesky (I
think) and it worked for me.
\version "2.11.64"

myChordDefinitions = {
         <c e g b des'>-\markup \super{–9}
         <c e f>-\markup \super{4}
         <c e>-\markup \super{3}

myChordExceptions = #(append
    (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions myChordDefinitions #t)

myChordInit = {
         \set chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->german-markup #t)

    \set chordPrefixSpacer = #0.4

    \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup{j\super{7}}
    \set chordNameExceptions = #myChordExceptions

This is OK, but graphically. I'm not sure this will help for the full score.
Why not? What would you change for it to be helpful for the full score?
      \chords { \myChordInit g1:4 }
      { g'1 }

The syntax g:4 is very logic. I don't understand why it adds two times the
4th, plus suspends then unsuspends the 3th. Looks like a bug to me.
The "G 4" display is correct, just the "/sus4/add3" is unnecessary, to say
the least.
Okay, it may be a bug, that I can't say. It may be intentional. But the easy solution, or at least the one I got when I posed the question was to simply redefine what g:4 produces. So, we redefine g: 4 to produce the output that we expect.

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