Ah, the learning Manual, section 3 would probably be a good place to start for these things. It explains why one uses \new Voice or \voiceOne, exactly what \voiceOne does, and the different ways of aligning lyrics to notes using \lyricsto.

Am 21.01.2009 um 20:54 schrieb Grateful Frog:

Thanks to all of you for your help!

I implemented Robin's solution and got it to work straight away.

I still have some questions though, if anyone has the time and energy to attempt to answer them! When should one use \voice ? What is its purpose? I haven't been using it but maybe I am missing something? Same question about \lyricsto ? I followed the Learning Manual and used several \addlyrics (you can see in my original mail). But I get he feeling that \lyricsto + \voice might give a better structure, if I could only understand...
Any more help would be welcome!

In the meantime I am overwhelmed by the quality and power of lilypond as well as the cohesiveness and strength of its user community! Both are uplifting!

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Robin Bannister <r...@dataway.ch> wrote:
Grateful Frog wrote:
how to get that out in a midi file that plays properly, and only the melody not the lyrics and chords?

You can get the midi output to do repeats, but it won't know about the D.C.
So give it a helping hand by defining
myNotesDC = { \repeat volta 2 \notesOne \repeat volta 2 \notesBridge

 \alternative  {
 \relative c'

and then set up a separate score block, just for the midi.
% MIDI Output
\score {  \unfoldRepeats { \relative c' \myNotesDC }

 \midi {
  \context {
    \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 86 4)

Keep the first score block for the sheet music alone i.e. remove its midi block.


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