Am 24.02.2008 um 14:29 schrieb till:

Andrew Hawryluk-2 wrote:

OK. maybe this isn't advertising, but as a recovering Finale user I
have been taking notes about what it was like to try LilyPond for the
first time. The first three installments of those writings are now
posted on my site and, of course, the LilyPond output looks

Really nice, thank you for that!

I was just wondering what is it then that you like so much in Finale? You said both are good, but for different things. What is this thing? Is it that
it is easier to correct typesetting errors in Finale?


Being in a similar situation, it's a lot quicker to get something into finale and see it on paper, or hear a rough sketch in MIDI. In terms of pure notation, what takes 10 minutes in lilypond often takes 5 in Finale. But, when it comes to fixing things, because finale needs to have sooooo many things fixed, usually across every part or every page of a score, what takes 20 minutes in lilypond can take 80 minutes in finale. So, for just getting something quick, that doesn't really have to look good, finale is definitely faster, but for something beautiful that's easy to fix, lilypond is definitely preferred, at least on my end.

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