On Sunday, January 20, 2008, at 05:27PM, "Kieren MacMillan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Hi James,
>> Since lilypond can only have a line break where there is a measure,  
>> essentially,
>> I just inserted a blank bar line in the repeat command. That solved  
>> everything for me.
>Except it doesn't solve Kostia's problem.  =\
>He needs the eighth notes *not* to be synchronized -- i.e., the last  
>eighth note in each part should land together.
>If you look at the output from your code, you'll see that each part  
>simply stops playing when it "runs out of notes".
>Nice effort, though!  =)
>Best regards,
D'oh totally forgot about that part. Perhaps the Forbid_line_break_engraver is 
better suited for this then.

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