Am 21.01.2009 um 12:28 schrieb Gilles Sadowski:
My problem is that when combining the top parts as separate
voices, it
looks rather messy and confusing. I can combine two parts with
\partcombine, and that does give a much better copy, but it still
the third part. I know that \partcombine can only handle two
parts, but
has anyone any idea how three parts might similarly be combined?
I think I need the same thing: combining 2 *OR MORE* parts in one
staff or
double staff.
I need this for orchestral music in order to produce a simplified
such as "woodwinds" or "brass" staves instead of a dozen staves
with 90% of
void measures each...
Couldn't tweak \partcombine but perhaps because I'm just a basic
Any idea?
I'm not sure that "\partcombine" is the best option. You could try
"Voice" contexts, something along the following lines (for the
If you need more voices on one staff, there is also "\voiceThree" and
"\voiceFour" (see manual).
To that end, not using \voiceOne or \voiceTwo will give you note
collision errors (which you can turn off), but stems and slurs in the
proper direction. It will not, however, adjust accordingly if one
voice has, say, a half note, and the other voice quarter notes,
you'll need to manually override the bad positioning. But otherwise,
it may be an acceptable solution, if all the voices have the same
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