y tutorial-like stuff
from Scores of Beauty to such a new section of the Lilypond LM site.
On 6/23/20 3:13 AM, Carl Sorensen wrote:
In my opinion, this does not belong in the notation reference.
I think there should be another volume added to the documentation, perhaps something like
; fixes like
adding \partCombineApart etc. If these fail, I convert to PMP
completely. It depends on the complexity of the polyphony I guess.
On 8/8/20 6:34 PM, David Sumbler wrote:
Hi Rutger
Thanks again for sharing your brilliant work on staff management.
I downloaded pmp.ily, and I
I mean (sorry for the typo): if a spanner stops at the start of a new
partCombine mode.
On 8/6/20 10:11 PM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
I think you have stumbled into one of the (many) limitations of
partCombine; it routinely messes up if a spanner stops at the end of a
new partCombine mode
n my tutorial. These do allow insertion of an explicit spanner end token.
P.S. When you wrote 'Vaughan', did you actually mean 'Rutger'?
On 8/6/20 7:11 PM, David Sumbler wrote:
\version "2.21.2"
instOne = \relative {
a'1 | a | a |
a1 \startTrillSpan | a1
Well, if you change partCombine... (back) to partcombine... (as 2.20.
warns about), the problem persists.
On 8/6/20 8:15 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
It compiled correctly under 2.20.
-Original Message-
From: lilypond-user [mailto:lilypond-user-bounces
Would the trajectory hum2abc
http://extras.humdrum.org/man/hum2abc/ (to abc) ->
abc2xml (written by my earstwhile supervisor Wim Vree!)
https://wim.vree.org/svgParse/abc2xml.html (to xml) ->
xml2ly or musicxml2ly
be an option?
On 6/30/20 8:09 PM, Jacques Menu wrote:
with unequal-length".
Basically, you must move the Timing_translator and the
Default_bar_line_engraver from the Score context to the Staff context.
On 6/11/20 9:43 AM, ebenezer wrote:
Hello gentlemen,
Thank you for the replies. I have enclosed the full file as it seems
turned out to keep -> turned out hard to keep
On 6/7/20 9:26 AM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
Well, it turned out to keep that tutorial short. Still, I think it will
have its use, since questions about temp staves/divisi turn up at
regular intervals.
My first attempt is here:
x27;t) like.
I still debate in my head what the best venue for this would be.
On 6/2/20 11:33 AM, Lib Lists wrote:
On Mon, 1 Jun 2020 at 22:16, Rutger Hofman wrote:
I am thinking of sharing my experiences as a user in this field by
contributing a tutorial or a practical experiences stor
When IMSLP turned to the membership-or-delay model, they gave me a
ten-year membership for free because of the number of scores I had
contributed. Members don't see a delay, and they do see 'download all
parts as a zip file'. You might enquire.
On 6/1/20 10:45 PM, Valentin Villenave wrote:
On 6/1/20, Rutger Hofman wrote:
On that note:
One elaborate example of my experiences is found in the score and parts
of "3 Bruchstücke aus Wozzeck" by Alban Berg, see
/imslp.org/wiki/Wozzeck%2C_Op.7_(Berg%2C_Alban) (travel to the
tab [Arrangements and Transcriptions]). One can have a look at e.g. the
Violins I part, mvt. 1, Bars 396-404; there is a 5-fold divisi which is
folded into one staff in the full score. Or practically any instrument
group, for that ma
I would also welcome this feature. How difficult is it to write a
[Scheme] engraver?
On 2/2/20 6:55 PM, Daniel Rosen wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Kieren MacMillan [mailto:kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2020 11:15 AM
To: Daniel Rosen
Cc: Lilypond
Cannot you fake it using a TupletBracket (\tuplet 1/1) and override the
On 1/22/20 8:14 PM, Paolo Prete wrote:
is it possible to obtain a stencil, for a HorizontalBracket, similar to
the TupletBracket one?
Something like:
transOn q4~ |
\once \transOn q1 |
On 12/21/19 12:32 PM, Robert Blackstone wrote:
Hi Robin,
I tried some of the procedures I found on
the thread you advised me to look at but th
Thanks, your first solution works, and I will give your second solution
a try!
On 8/30/19 4:20 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Rutger,
What setting can I apply to get correct horizontal spacing in the second case?
One possibility:
\new GrandStaff \with
e multiple TextSpanners, because (at least in parts with few or
no notes) the vertical offset of the texts is not constant: I saw
situations where they are stacked 3 high.
\version "2.19.83"
\paper {
indent = 40
tempi = {
\time 12/8
s1. |
ction (further) (number?) #{
\override LaissezVibrerTie.X-extent = #'(0 . 0)
\override LaissezVibrerTie.details.note-head-gap = #(/ further -2)
\override LaissezVibrerTie.extra-offset = #(cons (/ further 2) 0)
It works for me.
On 7/26/19 1:23 PM, Peter Toye wrote:
Isn't it an option to use \lassezVibrer and \repeatTie?
On 7/25/19 8:14 PM, Peter Toye wrote:
Hi Muzhic,
Something like this but with the tie between the staves.
Best regards,
www.ptoye.com <http://www.ptoye.com>
verter package for each notation
system to be converted.
Wim's converter is listed in the 6-of-the-best for ABC, see
lilypond-user mailing list
\score {
\new Staff {
Beware that there are limitations here. quoteDuring cannot quote quoted
music, for instance, and the partcombiner, when switching mode (Apart,
Chords, Unisono etc), gets confused by spanner-type stuff (hairp
\relative c {
\clef bass
8 \change Staff = RH \change Staff =
LH g' r2 |
On 10-07-18 23:16, Menu Jacques wrote:
Hello Mark,
That’s the example I was mentioning.
But in the
(1) \undo \partcombineApart
(2) \partcombineAutomatic
HTH, Rutger
Lilypond treats the quarter note rest in the second voice as reason to
put "Solo" and down-stem the first note of the first voice. I'm not sure
this is reasonable behaviour since the lower voice has its own rest
which \partCombine
\crossStaff { .. } for the
chords you want cross-staff? Be aware, you (probably) need to disable
auto-beaming and specify stem direction explicitly for those.
I applied these, the resulting .ly and .pdf are attached. It shows
cross-staff chords.
On 04/07/2018 10:51 AM, Menu Jacques wrote
t;alto" \relative c'{
f2 f
g2 g
{ \quoteDuring #"melody" s1
\quoteDuring #"melody" s1 }
{ \quoteDuring #"alto" s1
% This does not get rendered:
\quoteDuring #"alto" s1 }
Confirmed for version 2.19.80.
staves are
displayed. What can I do to achieve what I want?
Rutger Hofman
Minimal example (sorry, involves multiple staves/voices so not really
\version "2.19.80"
targetstaff = #(define-scheme-function (ctx) (string?)
\set Staff
you are not conversant with 'make' and friends, I once did a Windows
build (with the compatibility system mingw). If you are interested, let
me know.
On 12/11/2017 10:03 AM, Joshua Stutter wrote:
If I remember correctly, and backed up by
On 12/11/2017 12:08 PM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
Hello list, Joshua,
If Personal Composer exports NIFF, then you can give my converter
niff2ly a try: it reads NIFF and generates. Nowadays, it is in a public
I mean: reads NIFF and generates lilypond.
git repo: https://github.com/rfhh/lily
On 14-09-17 15:57, David Kastrup wrote:
David Kastrup writes:
Rutger Hofman writes:
My preference would be to clearly explain that '(' is an attribute of
the note that directly precedes it.
That's what the "loose post-event" bit is supposed to be about.
Yes, I
f <> makes things more complicated for
us, unenlightened users, if anything.
My preference would be to clearly explain that '(' is an attribute of
the note that directly precedes it.
On 14-09-17 11:53, Malte Meyn wrote:
Am 14.09.2017 um 11:43 schrieb David Kas
On 06/14/2017 12:47 PM, Marc Hohl wrote:
Am 14.06.2017 um 12:34 schrieb Rutger Hofman:
Good morning list,
what you want?
This LSR snippet uses VoiceFollower and Glissando. I cannot make it draw
*vertical* lines/arrows, is there
e follower? Can I force the
angle of the follower line? Or should I try to abuse glissando, for
Obviously, an arrow can be drawn in markup, but that is not really
portable. Its length would be fixed, and need to be retuned for each
different situation, or score/parts, or whatever. I w
Judicious use of \partcombineUnisono and \undo of same might help with
quoting combined with \partcombine. E.g. where you start quoting, you
can try to specify \partcombineUnisono etc.
On 06/06/2017 05:22 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hello all,
The snippet below contains a [M]WE
ust out of curiosity, what did you do to get lilypond running on Android?
Rutger Hofman
lilypond-user mailing list
For winds, this is a different matter. A separate part for each
instrument is usual, although sometimes the parts for e.g. the two
flutes are combined into one 'part'. I have seen that mostly in French
editions, FWIW.
{ }
Or maybe , and for the companion starter,
lilypond-user mailing list
pen discussion" forums for nwc2ly on its web page but I have no
idea how active they may still be, given that the last software release
appears to be from 2005.
You might also try to convert your NWC file to MusicXML and import that
into Lilypond.
if you want.
Rutger Hofman
P.S. In a minimal example, why not discard the lyrics? and the skipBars?
And the instrument names? Etc?
On 03/08/2017 05:15 PM, Son_V wrote:
Well, I know it's not a good example of a minimum example, but it's the
closest thing I am able to do.
in the second bar of the image.
How can I set it up so this happens automatically, both in 8. 16 and
in 16. 32 groups?
Sven Axelsson
What about:
\set subdivideBeams = ##t
\set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)
lilypond-user ma
#x27;t have any effect (using 2.19.52).
Any suggestion would be welcome.
Hacky: adding s32 (or whatever) as the first note of the grace group
works. Of course this is only because it is within a grace, but
otherwise force-hshift might
And using Urs' suggestion for voiceFour, and some force-hshift and
forcing of beam positions, I get the following (attached).
\version "2.19.0"
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with {
\consists #Span_stem_engraver
} <<
\new Staff = "up&q
if I really bundled everything :-) ) I think 2.19.48 or so.
If you like, I can also submit my ongoing work on the Rondo from the
same piece. It has a solo piano, and Berg uses all the typesetting
tricks in the book. Even so, it is *far* from finished, but it compiles
for me.
On 11/23/20
Somewhat more affordable is PDFToMusic Pro. It takes a PDF with music
fonts (so not scans) and exports to MusicXML; it ought to be more
reliable than the OMR that recognizes scans. It runs under Wine (at
least the trial did).
On 11/22/2016 11:13 AM, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:
Hi List
On 10/17/2016 06:49 PM, David Nalesnik wrote:
On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 9:35 AM, David Nalesnik
On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 8:26 AM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
Thanks for all the help! First I post some rationale, then my real question,
which is targeted at the developers I guess.
The behaviour
guard against? Should it
only hold for other spanners than text spanners? Or for right-broken
text spanners? Etc. Or is it just a bug/feature silently living on from
the past?
P.S. Building lilypond on my (up-to-date-ish but certainly not
killer-class) PC take some minutes, not tho
Yes, this helps! Thanks a lot!
On 10/16/2016 08:15 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Rutger Hofman writes:
Hm, I suspect
(string? sp-id)
(string? es-id)
(string=? sp-id es
Finish my sentence at the end of the paragraph:
... No spanners are drawn at all in this example.
On 10/16/2016 07:53 PM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
Hello list,
to my grief I noticed that David Nalesnik's id-aware spanner
implementation in scheme no longer works in 2.39.48. It gives me errors
reference, I again attach David N's (most recent) textspanner
implementation. The \score block is a minimal example.
Note: this worked fine with 2.19.39, and fails with 2.19.48. I didn't
look at intermediate versions.
\version "2.19"
%% Incorpor
tion' of suppressing the spanner under these conditions doesn't
sound immediately logical to me. And this suppression only struck my eye
for spanners that cross a line break; which doesn't imply that it cannot
occur otherwise of course.
ound to
create enough space to the right of the right-hand text so it doesn't
move under the markup.
Needless to say, this is from a long and complicated score, and I am
looking for a solution that works for all my 40+ spanners, which are all
used in 14 parts
TextSpanner, and also with David
Nalesnik's spanner-id TextSpanner.
A workaround can be found by inserting \breaks or \noBreaks, but that is
an unappealing hack, and not maintenance-friendly.
Is there a 'good' workaround, or a 'good' way to let the TextSpanner
behave in
I tested with multiple spanners. It threw me an error on line 77: s is
an unbound variable. I don't grasp your code, but if I replace '(cdr s)'
with 'f' in that line, it works fine with overlapping spanners.
Thanks very much!
On 10/07/2016 04:47 PM, David
the feature/bug
Alternate text spanner:
Attached a minimal example of correct/buggy behaviour, and, for ease of
reference, David N.'s implementation.
I would dearly love to see this fixed, but I have no idea where to
ial 16*5, and have a look at the result.
On 09/18/2016 10:42 AM, bb wrote:
I was wrong with 16*4, that means 5x 1/16. But I do not understand what
you want to get?
%right =
\relative c'' {
% Music follows here.
\partial 16 * 4
I guess you want \partial 16*5
On 09/18/2016 09:47 AM, Serious Fun wrote:
right = \relative c'' {
% Music follows here.
\partial 16 * 4 e,16 \noBeam \tuplet 3/2 {g8 e g} |
a8. [a16] r4 r8. a,16 \noBeam d8.c16 |
cs8. c16
left = \relative c' {
x27;a2' marking for the unison note.
lilypond-user mailing list
On 09/14/2016 12:18 AM, David F. wrote:
On Sep 13, 2016, at 4:14 PM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
On 09/13/2016 11:32 PM, David Wright wrote:
On Tue 13 Sep 2016 at 21:56:04 (+0100), J Martin Rushton wrote:
On 12/09/16 19:21, Karlin High wrote:
On 9/7/2016 11:56 PM, David F. wrote:
Is there a way
#'(2 . 9)
\score {
\new Staff <<
\partcombine #'(1 . 9)
Rutger Hofman
lilypond-user mailing list
On 07/20/2016 03:15 PM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
For me, this just works, with differentlyHeaded and with different
durations for the same NoteHead type:
\version "2.19.39"
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with {
\consists #Span_stem_engraver
} <<
For me, this just works, with differentlyHeaded and with different
durations for the same NoteHead type:
\version "2.19.39"
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with {
\consists #Span_stem_engraver
} <<
\new Staff = RH <<
\time 3/4
\relative c'' {
Staff <<
d''1~ |
d''1~ |
2 |
} \\ {
d'1~ |
d'1~ |
d'1 |
If you prefer, you can avoid the '\\' syntax by using
% not
wait penalty.
On 05/22/2016 09:53 AM, Richard Shann wrote:
On Sun, 2016-05-22 at 17:51 +1000, Andrew Bernard wrote:
HI Richard,
On 22/05/2016, 5:41 PM, "Richard Shann" wrote:
I gave a link to a scan of the original print,
You can’t view it unless you are a subscriber to I
de TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
\markup{\bold{wieder zurück ins}}
\override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text =
c''1\startTextSpan |
Rutger Hofman
On Windows, there is PDFtoMusicPro, which is (of course) not free. For
Unix, it lets itself be installed under Wine. The free trial version
only processes the first page of a document.
On 01/14/2016 10:03 PM, T4b wrote:
sorry if this has been asked before, didn't find any
osers (or publishers) use both notations. Right
now, each user is free to use what (s)he (or the composer, or the
publisher) wants.
lilypond-user mailing list
Good luck,
lilypond-user mailing list
beam count between subgroups
should be 2.
Is this different from Lilypond's default behaviour?
Rutger Hofman
lilypond-user mailing list
f preference: if the movements are clearly separated by piece
titles and ample vertical white space, I don't indent the first system
of the movement.
In Mvt III., from [C]: I think the tuplet spanners are a bit tiring to
the eye. How does it look without the spanner lines?
On 02/14/2015 02:48 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
2015-02-14 13:27 GMT+01:00 Rutger Hofman :
Good morning list,
I would like to create cue notes with lyrics. I added lyric-event to the
Score.quotedCueEventTypes but that gave me no lyrics. How should I go about
Rutger Hofman
Good morning list,
I would like to create cue notes with lyrics. I added lyric-event to the
Score.quotedCueEventTypes but that gave me no lyrics. How should I go
about this?
Rutger Hofman
lilypond-user mailing list
voice (no \new or \context), havoc results
if I specify \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn (or even \time 4/4) *before* the
\voiceOne in that voice, but things are fine if I specify \voiceOne first.
So here again, with contexts :
\version "2.18.2"
global = { \clef "G_8" \ti
in stead of \stemUp, and \voiceTwo for the lower line in stead of
\stemDown. Sadly, for full-measure rests in the upper line the result is
incorrect. These must be positioned with \oneVoice.
lilypond-user mailing list
inal correct? I would guess that a treble clef has been
forgotten in the upper staff, at the moment the staff is crossed in the
"grace note" run. How else can the run, and especially the cross-staff
chords in the last four 1/32 notes make sense?
Is the original correct? I would guess that a treble clef has been
forgotten in the upper staff, at the moment the staff is crossed in the
"grace note" run. How else can the run, and especially the cross-staff
chords in the last four 1/32 notes make sense?
On 11/29/201
# /etc/init.d/apparmor restart
On 03/07/2012 11:26 AM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
On 03/07/2012 11:09 AM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
On 03/07/2012 09:12 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
Stjepan Horvat writes:
On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 5:48 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Stjepan Horvat writes:
On 10/28/2014 09:42 AM, Dr. Bernhard Kleine wrote:
Hash: SHA1
There should be a tie between the two c and a slur from e to f. and a slur
from g over b(bes) to a in the right hand. The upper g and b and a are in a
separate voice and no problem.
But how to cod
The following code works for me. It depends on two voices having the
same predicate \voiceTwo. Note that you will probably want to tune the
shape of the voiceTwo slur, it is wider than in your original.
\new Score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice \relative c' {
On 04/28/2014 09:45 AM, Marc Hohl wrote:
Am 28.04.2014 00:08, schrieb Rutger Hofman:
Good evening list,
I want to include a title page w/ an \epsfile image in a number of files
(score, parts), where the point size for the files may differ: score has
smaller font than parts, basically. Now I
cally query the font size and correct for that?
Rutger Hofman
lilypond-user mailing list
ps for new pages.
Wouldn't it be easier to typeset it in the regular way but with page
width set to the desired column width, and then use some PDF or
Postscript manipulation tool to move each pair of pages into one?
On 04/01/2014 12:23 PM, Phil Holmes wrote:
- Original Message - From: "Rutger Hofman"
To: "lilypond-user"
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: Smarter automatic beam subdivision?
Good morning list,
I would love to be able to make 'smart'
by hand is uhm...
verbose... I wouldn't mind if the syntax would allow things like:
c32[[ c c c] c[ c c c]]
where the number of non-divided beams would follow The Rules.
lilypond-user mailing list
\revert TupletBracket.transparent
\revert TupletNumber.transparent
\new Staff <<
\new Voice \relative c'' { \voiceOne c4~ }
\new Voice \relative c' { \voiceTwo 8 q }
\new Voice \relative c' { \voiceThree \transOn s8 q }
On 03/24/2014 01:50 PM, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:> Gilberto Agostinho wrote
The correct syntax is with the "s" [...]
I meant without without the "s", as in "repeat" and NOT "repeats"
Rutger Hofman-2 wrote
As a fix, I made a small addition t
Hello list,
In LSR-131, the shorthand notation for staccatissimo is correct in the
lilypond code (c4-!) but not in the markup that accompanies it: that
still has c4-|, the syntax of v2.16 and earlier.
lilypond-user mailing list
like that
sounding right. Or /is/ there are way to do it with a couple of code
Doesn't \transposition do what you want?
In 2.17:
Rutger H
iolin; parts and score from one source; and some more, I guess. I would
organise some things differently now, but that wouldn't change the
typesets. (BTW, this is a ravishing piece+orchestration that deserves to
be played much more often.)
On 09/01/2013 04:16 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Rutger Hofman writes:
(sorry for not including the conversation, but this from my Android phone.)
OK, a slur it must be.
But, although the notation a8( a8) may be uncommon nowadays, it is
quite common in baroque music. Most recently, I met it in
notes. My baroque violin player friend
says: "oh yes, that is bow vibrato." Not vibrato in the modern sense, but 2 (3,
4) notes under one bowing.
Rutger Hofman
Verzonden vanaf mijn Sony Ericsson X10
Peter Bjuhr schreef:
>As David points out the original example is
is is preferred engraving practice.
Rutger Hofman
\version "2.16.0"
\relative c'' {
\voiceTwo a8~^"ties" a a8~ a
a(^"slurs" a) a( a) |
lilypond-user mailing list
Rutger Hofman
lilypond-user mailing list
s, and in all of them, the accidental style is not something
that would be easily automated. In some bars it is exactly
dodecaphonic-first, in others accidentals are suppressed only for
immediately repeated notes, and often it is some mixture. Using
dodecaphonic-first and adding ! here and there wo
Insert some empty markup before the pageBreak, before the \score:
\score {
lilypond-user mailing list
On 03/14/2013 02:51 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Rutger Hofman writes:
On 03/14/2013 01:01 PM, Janek Warchoł wrote:
On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
Good afternoon list,
I want to have a rehearsal \mark halfway a bar. I cannot find anything in
the v2.16 manual
On 03/14/2013 01:01 PM, Janek Warchoł wrote:
On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
Good afternoon list,
I want to have a rehearsal \mark halfway a bar. I cannot find anything in
the v2.16 manual.
I'm not sure i understand your problem. You can simply insert a
Good afternoon list,
I want to have a rehearsal \mark halfway a bar. I cannot find anything
in the v2.16 manual.
Thanks for helping out,
lilypond-user mailing list
On 12/01/2012 12:46 AM, Rutger Hofman wrote:
On 12/01/2012 12:05 AM, Saul Tobin wrote:
I'm trying to find an example image, but most of the ones I can find
don't have
other staves going at the same time to show the spacing I want. I want
spacing to look something like:
much smaller.
I used the notated lengths in your clarifying example, which makes the
first glissando invisible. You might have to tune the factors.
lilypond-user mailing list
ts. Is there a way to set a minimum for \< only,
which stays in effect also when there is another dynamic (like \mp)?
Thanks in advance,
lilypond-user mailing list
And related: is there a way to remove one note's explicit accidental even when
a style prescribes it?
Rutger Hofman
lilypond-user mailing list
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