Good morning list,

in Berg's Violin Concerto, bar 93, there is a vertical arrow between the solo violin and the first violins. See attached. I am convinced this is a voice follower indication. This construct occurs numerous times in this score, as in many other works by Berg.

I don't know how I can make this in Lilypond. An obvious construction (which appeals to me because it is 'semantically correct') would be a separate invisible voice and a 0-length starter note like:

   ... g4*0 \once \showStaffSwitch \change Staff = mvtIvlnI g8 ...

and the arrow can be obtained by \override VoiceFollower.bound-details.right.arrow = ##t (found on the web, although I couldn't locate the specs for bound-details.right in the docs). But this doesn't work. It gives me some warnings about 'adding note head to incompatible stem' and doesn't display the voice follower.

Making some time distance between start and end note of the voice follower of course works, but then the arrow is not vertical, which is obviously Berg's intent.

I also tried cross-staff glissando, but again to no avail.

Is there any other way to achieve this voice follower? Can I force the angle of the follower line? Or should I try to abuse glissando, for instance?

Obviously, an arrow can be drawn in markup, but that is not really portable. Its length would be fixed, and need to be retuned for each different situation, or score/parts, or whatever. I would love to stay away from that.

Rutger Hofman
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