Somewhat more affordable is PDFToMusic Pro. It takes a PDF with music fonts (so not scans) and exports to MusicXML; it ought to be more reliable than the OMR that recognizes scans. It runs under Wine (at least the trial did).


On 11/22/2016 11:13 AM, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:
Hi List,

I've unfortunately run up against a suddenly very urgent deadline, that
involves all the worst things about doing engraving work with Lily while
trying to work with entrenched commercial interests.

Namely, I've spent the last year engraving a set of scores with Lily
that look great, but for a project that was financed by a large
commercial publisher that is dead-set on Sibelius. The financing depends
on the publisher getting a .sib file, and the project lead just told me
yesterday that I need to produce such a file in a week or two "or else."

I don't have Sibelius (I roll linux), but my partner does, so Urs and I
have a sort of hacky solution that might work: I start with a blank sib
file with all the voices and measures and meter changes, and then the
individual voices of the score from the .ly file. The .sib file gets
exported to a MusicXML file, as do the parts from the .ly file, and
we're going to try to copy the latter into the former, hoping that we
can re-import into Sibelius into something that only requires a
reasonable amount of work to clean up and submit.

Problem is, MusicXML is turning out to be somewhat … sub-functional, so
we're having difficulties.

However, my partner tells me that there's a commercial program called
"Photoscore" that can take scanned scores and produce Sibelius files
from them. But it's around $400, and (obviously) doesn't have a linux

My question for the list is: do any of you have this program? Does it
work? If so, would you be willing to help me by scanning in the Lilypond
scores I have? If we could get to a .sib file that even just *mostly*
contains what it needs to, without all this import/export buggery, it
would save huge amounts of time.

Please let me know asap if any of you do. Like I said, I'm under a
deadline to get this done, and the alternative is a lot of time spent
commuting to a computer lab off-site to re-enter everything manually.
I'm *really* hoping one of you can spare me that fate.



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