Well, it turned out to keep that tutorial short. Still, I think it will have its use, since questions about temp staves/divisi turn up at regular intervals.

My first attempt is here:


Please, have a look, say what you (don't) like.

I still debate in my head what the best venue for this would be.


On 6/2/20 11:33 AM, Lib Lists wrote:
On Mon, 1 Jun 2020 at 22:16, Rutger Hofman <rut...@cs.vu.nl> wrote:

I am thinking of sharing my experiences as a user in this field by
contributing a tutorial or a practical experiences story (or whatever)
on this topic. It would make a distinction between:

1) temporary staves
2) divisi allocation over groups of staves

since these are different concepts, and they are handled differently by
the Lilypond user, although both depend on keepAliveInterfaces.

And I could contribute a bit on techniques to have >2 voices per staff,
rhythmically homophonic or rhythmically polyphonic, especially in the
context of divisi staves.

What would be the best venue for this? Lilypond docs? User list? Scores
of Beauty? If it gets into the Lilypond docs, it is there to "stay
forever" which would be nice.

One elaborate example of my experiences is found in the score and parts
of "3 Bruchstücke aus Wozzeck" by Alban Berg, see
https://imslp.org/wiki/Wozzeck%2C_Op.7_(Berg%2C_Alban) (travel to the
tab [Arrangements and Transcriptions]). One can have a look at e.g. the
Violins I part, mvt. 1, Bars 396-404; there is a 5-fold divisi which is
folded into one staff in the full score. Or practically any instrument
group, for that matter.


Hi, that would be awesome, and thank you so much for sharing the code
for Wozzeck, that's exactly what I was looking for. I've been trying
to find my way out for days, and even though I'm making steps in the
good direction, it's not an easy job. A commented example on how to
organise a modern large orchestral score and parts with divisi, desks,
solos, temporary staves, and so on would be extremely useful, at least
for me. I couldn't find such an example in the otherwise awesome
documentation, and I was thinking to contribute myself once I'll be
more familiar.
Thank you!


On 5/28/20 10:33 AM, Lib Lists wrote:
On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 18:10, Valentin Villenave <valen...@villenave.net> wrote:

On 5/27/20, Lib Lists <lists...@gmail.com> wrote:
merge the stems so
that the final result looks like one voice.

In that case, what you want clearly is \partcombine (\partCombine since 2.21).

If you have more than two voices, then you can always apply another
\partCombine on top of the first two voices, or use other tricks to
deal with the more complex situations.

I understand. Unfortunately I cannot find a way to use the
remove-layer technique with \partcombine (see attached file). I'd like
to hide the top staff while maintaining the staff group between bar
19-24 for the difficult passage. Is there a way to achieve this? In
other words there are four notations that I'd need to achieve for
divisi: unisono, divisi (a2, a3, etc.) on same voice & same staff,
divisi on different voices & same staff, divisi on different staves.

Finally, adding a \shortInstrumentName in the StaffGroup gives an
error, but the resulting pdf is otherwise correct.

instrumentName and shortInstrumentName are both siple property
definitions, not variables or functions so the \ is not needed; just
       instrumentName = "something".

That worked, thank you!

-- V.

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