On 20-04-18 08:46, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote:
in the following example
\version "2.19.80"
One = \relative d'' {
r8 d4 e8 f4
Two = \relative g' {
r4 e4 d2
\new Staff \partcombine \One \Two
As the docs state, the decision about which partcombiner mode to choose
(Apart, Chords, SoloI, SoloII) is hard, and can frequently mismatch with
the user's expectations. In that case, it is OK to specify the mode
So: add \partcombineApart before bar 2 in either of your voices. You can
revert in two ways:
(1) \undo \partcombineApart
(2) \partcombineAutomatic
HTH, Rutger
Lilypond treats the quarter note rest in the second voice as reason to
put "Solo" and down-stem the first note of the first voice. I'm not sure
this is reasonable behaviour since the lower voice has its own rest
which \partCombine (reasonably) doesn't suppress, so in fact we have a
two-voice situation for the whole bar.
I know how to get rid of the "Solo" marking, and of course I could also
correct the stem of the upper voice's first note by \once\stemUp,
\once\voiceOne or something similar (maybe combined with tags in order
to still be able to create an extra part for the first voice). But
somehow I feel that \partcombine shouldn't force me to do so.
So: Is there a way to make \partcombine recognize the lower voice's
quarter rest as reason to automatically treat the upper voice as the
\voiceOne ?
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