Le vendredi 25 décembre 2009 à 22:08 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> 3) Given that there's some kind of problems with accents with
> savannah lists (I haven't grasped what it is, but read
> https://savannah.gnu.org/task/?9148
> if you're interested), is it really good to have these non-English
Le vendredi 25 décembre 2009 à 22:04 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> My tentative answer is that we could create an official
> language-specific list for any translation that finished the
> top-priority items (IIRC, the website + Learning 1 Tutorial).
> Thoughts?
This is basically what happened
Le vendredi 25 décembre 2009 à 23:56 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> I agree that if we make the change, we'd need to have lots of warning about
> it.
> If we want to do the change, there's two possibilities:
> 1) ask the savannah people to change the name.
If we go for this, which I wou
Le jeudi 24 décembre 2009 à 20:45 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Looks fine to me, and nothing broken while doing an out-of-tree build
> from scratch.
Pushed. I finally decided to keep the diff generation, because this
allows us to reliably catch hash collisions, and with last doc build I
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 02:32 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> The attached patch lets me build xrefs by looking at
> Documentation/*.tely
> directly, instead of looking at the corresponding
> Documentation/out-www/*.texi
> files.
> This would be very nice for the website, since we ca
Hi Andrew,
What's the completion status of the essay? Are at least some chapters
stabilized enough so that they can be translated, reusing translations
of former Chapter 1 Introduction of the Learning Manual and the Essay on
the old website? I can't figure it out myself from Git history.
In the
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 20:58 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> That's a good point. I mean, if somebody submits a bug report to
> the es list, presumably somebody would translate it and send it to
> the bug-lilypond list.
Sure, this has already happen with the French-speaking Lily communit
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 22:14 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> I agree (not fully happily) on lilypond-users-es, with an English word
> on the name and a different name wrt our existing list, which is not
> too old, after all.
You gave good reasons for not putting -users in the name, so I do
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 22:17 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> And of course I'd like _very_ much to have the word 'español' which is
> the Spanish for 'Spanish' into the short description [when technically
> available]
I'm afraid this is out of our control; we can't kidnap gnu.org admins.
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 14:13 -0600, David R. Linn a écrit :
> As I recall, the "plan" in the migration from the GMP lists to the
> LilyPond lists was to annnounce the new lists and deprecate the old
> lists in one stable release and kill off the old lists with the
> *following* stable release
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 12:27 -0700, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> Shall we change the name to 'lilygit', or 'lilypond-git', or 'lily-git'?
> I think there *has* to be a better name than lilycontrib.
What about lily-git-gui, lily-gitg, lily-gitp ("p" for porcelain ;-)?
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 22:57 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Or just "lily-git" ? I don't follow the "porcelain" joke...?
This is not a joke, this is the official name for Git user front-ends.
Sorry for not joking :-)
Description: Ceci est une partie de message numé
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 16:13 -0700, Andrew Hawryluk a écrit :
> On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Graham Percival
> wrote:
> Probably not stable enough to translate, but getting close. (I'm
> assuming that the translators would not want any changes to the
> English version once they star
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 01:14 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> I'm getting weird autogen-related errors in GUB, which is puzzling,
> since I can't think of any recent futzing around with autogen.sh
> (either in the GUB git tree or in lilypond itself).
Isn't GUB supposed to call smart-auto
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 04:55 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Sorry! I forgot to comment out some lines before pushing my
> latest work on website.make. There's a comment right above the
> two lines in question reminding me to comment them out, but I
> forgot. :(
If I understand well
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 01:02 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> writing: /main/src/build-lilypond/./out-www/xref-maps/usage.fr.xref-map
> touch -r out-www/usage.texi
> /main/src/build-lilypond/./out-www/xref-maps/usage.fr.xref-map
Ugh, this touch is unnecessary.
> cp -p web.texi out-www/
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 14:34 +0100, John Mandereau a écrit :
> Even in a build , the command should be
> cp -p ./web.texi out-www/web.texi
I meant "Even in a build from the source tree...".
Description: Ceci est une partie de message numé
Hi Graham,
scripts/build/create-version-itexi.py has a couple of coding style
nitpicks that should be fixed:
- every tab should be replaced with 4-spaces;
- duplicate definition of depth looks like a maintenance nightmare
similar to the issue Joe just reported on -devel;
- "line[0:x] ==" should b
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 16:53 +0100, Matthias Kilian a écrit :
> The often-used idiom #!/usr/bin/env python not only is potentially
> dangerous, but it also fails if there are several versions of python
> installed, with the python binaries named python2.4, python2.5,
> python2.6, ...
> T
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 14:34 +0100, John Mandereau a écrit :
> Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 01:02 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> > writing: /main/src/build-lilypond/./out-www/xref-maps/usage.fr.xref-map
> > touch -r out-www/usage.texi
> > /main/src/build-lilypon
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 18:30 +0100, Matthias Kilian a écrit :
> It still needs the $(PYTHON), regardless wether it's in scripts/auxiliar
> or scripts/build.
For build scripts, the $(PYTHON) is put into the shebang when writing
the script (and makeing it executable) from scripts/build to
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 23:56 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Done.
Thank you.
> > - duplicate definition of depth looks like a maintenance nightmare
> > similar to the issue Joe just reported on -devel;
> That's not an issue; AFAIK the macros won't be used in a normal doc
> build.
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 00:35 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Since lilypond-book is now fixed for parallel builds, do we still need
> an independent CPU_COUNT var? I mean, would it be possible to use -jX
> automatically for the CPU_COUNT=x value?
According to a quick look at Make manual,
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 21:25 -0700, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> But if you write what you would have liked to have had, then it will be
> available for the next person like you. And whether it goes in an appendix
> or in the body of the CG can be resolved later, IMO.
Whereas detailed explana
Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 18:20 -0700, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> And I don't see much of a maintenance headache; basic git isn't likely to
> change much, and all we're using is basic git.
This hasn't been true in the past, remember the merge of
git-update-index and git-add commands into git-a
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 19:35 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> 2009/12/27 John Mandereau :
> > Le dimanche 27 décembre 2009 à 14:34 +0100, John Mandereau a écrit :
> >> Ugh, this touch is unnecessary.
> >
> > I see, it was added because some transla
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 19:07 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> If you do "make EXTERNAL_BINARY doc", then you don't need "make" at all.
yes... except
make -C scripts && make -C python
Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 20:25 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 09:15:50PM +0100, John Mandereau wrote:
> > make -C scripts && make -C python
> Oh, it needs scripts? The CG only mentions make -C python.
It has needed them since we started
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 20:33 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Ok, added.
Better would be adding this in the right makefile.
> That said, as far as I know nobody's used EXTERNAL_BINARY in at least
> half a year, so it's probably broken by now. It would be nice if
> somebody tried it out b
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 20:06 +0100, Matthias Kilian a écrit :
> There are two make rules using a command like
> find $(outdir)/$* -name '*.html' |
> xargs grep -L --label="" 'UNTRANSLATED NODE: IGNORE ME' | ...
> What's the reason for that `--label=""'? It's breaking the buil
Thanks, applied.
Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée
lilypond-devel mailing list
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 21:00 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> If you want to figure out how to do this, go ahead. But I thought the
> general idea was to do the minimum amount of screwing with the old
> make system, and instead just to collect requests for the new build
> system?
Sure, for
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 21:10 +, Trevor Daniels a écrit :
> No. Git GUI and gitk provide a far easier way to work with
> branches than the command line. If the intention is to help
> people move up to developing why deliberately make it harder?
Sure. FWIW I use gitk as much as command
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 21:18 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> I found the same problem with a fresh build, but then I remembered
> that I'd switched back to 2.12.2 to build new regtests for the
> comparison to 2.12.3. When I switched back to master after that, git
> left some old files in
Le mardi 29 décembre 2009 à 00:00 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> It's _just_ possible that some change won't be picked up by "make" and
> will require a rebuild from scratch, but this only occurs once or
> twice a year.
True, "make" is known to be more robust than "make doc" in non-clean
Le lundi 28 décembre 2009 à 19:11 -0700, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> I've been continuing to work on the logical structure of autobeaming rules,
> because the rules aren't right yet. There are still some rules that don't
> make sense, and in trying to make things make sense, I've run into some
> phi
Le mardi 29 décembre 2009 à 20:19 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 08:00:46PM +0100, Matthias Kilian wrote:
> > The `-delete' primary isn't very portable, it's a GNU extension.
> IMHO, that's all we need to hear. -delete must be removed.
Yes, that's what I figured ou
Le mardi 29 décembre 2009 à 22:05 +0100, Matthias Kilian a écrit :
> `must' is such a strong word. There are other GNUisms (or non-portable
> extensions) hidden in the build system, like that `grep -L' at some
> places.
This will disappear in some future (when Texinfo has a good enough i18n
Le mercredi 30 décembre 2009 à 16:06 -0700, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> I did decide to try the out-of-tree build, which required me to do a new
> configure. I thought I could do a configure in the out-of-tree build
> directrory, but the error messages said I had to do a make distclean first.
> Afte
Le mardi 29 décembre 2009 à 20:37 -0700, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> The documentation is broken right now due to the french translation of the
> Notation reference.
> A bad index entry is found in Documentation/fr/out-www/notation.cp
> Line 2 in this file is:
> \entry{\par }{1}{\code {\par
Message transféré
De: Harmath Dénes
À: translati...@lilynet.net
Sujet: [translations] Language negotiation on lilypond.org
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2010 13:32:28 +0100
Hi all,
I recently noticed that http://lilypond.org/doc/latest redirects to
Hi guys,
After having noticed that
doesn't return the expected web page, I propose to rename source
directory Documentation/web/examples to Documentation/web/ly-examples,
in order to fix this name clash. This is the same kind of issue that
Le samedi 02 janvier 2010 à 12:49 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Yes, this was already added to the tracker in Oct:
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=844
As the old documentation index has been scraped preamturely, the new
website is the only way to access manuals, so could
Le samedi 02 janvier 2010 à 20:12 +0100, Harmath Dénes a écrit :
> make -C distclean
> /configure --srcdir=
The --srcdir flag is unnecessary, and between these two commands you
should do
/autogen.sh --noconfigure
This should be explained in the CG; if not, could somebody fix this?
Le samedi 02 janvier 2010 à 21:20 +0100, Harmath Dénes a écrit :
> > /autogen.sh --noconfigure
> No success. This results in:
> thsoft-macbook:lily-build thsoft$
> /Users/thsoft/Development/lilypond-translation/autogen.sh --noconfigure
> stepmake/aclocal.m4 is newer. Copying file.
> cp: ste
Le samedi 02 janvier 2010 à 21:34 +0100, Harmath Dénes a écrit :
> The result is the same,
Gosh, I should have noticed the actual error earlier, see below.
> I just don't have to do distclean.
I disagree with this. If you don't distclean or doc-clean in the source
tree, you'll probably get we
Le samedi 02 janvier 2010 à 22:57 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> Hello, for the new year I have upgraded my Ubuntu system to 9.10
> Karmic and I have been able to compile the lilypond binary and docs
> after many attempts and permutations. Finally it seems the main issue
> was texi2html. The p
As I'm wondering about i18n the string "(main)" in the navigation bar of
the new website, I don't understand why it's there: the topmost parent
section of the page currently viewed is already reachable from the top
bar. Therefore, I'm for removing it; however, if somebody gives a good
Le samedi 02 janvier 2010 à 06:47 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Grand LilyPond Input Syntax Stabilization (GLISS)
> It's up, such as it is:
> http://lilypond.org/~graham/gliss/
Excellent. I only wonder why you haven't already decided on the mailing
list name on lilynet.net.
Le dimanche 03 janvier 2010 à 00:54 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Oh, we did, but I forgot to update my notes. Valentin, what was
> the name again?
I've been added on a list named syn...@lilynet.net around the same time
you first announced GLISS.
Description: Ceci
Le dimanche 03 janvier 2010 à 01:52 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> When you're clicked through a few options in a chapter, you've
> been staring at the highlighted second-level TOC changing. It's
> not obvious how to get back to the first page, if you want to see
> the overview of pages in tha
Le dimanche 03 janvier 2010 à 01:30 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Thanks, updated. Is there a signup / archive page for that list?
John Mandereau
Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement sig
Le dimanche 03 janvier 2010 à 05:23 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Please don't report bugs or try to discuss problems in the bloody
> comments of a texinfo file. I don't care if you do this in the source
> code (although I think it's a stupid way to communicate),
Why then do you use them as
Le dimanche 03 janvier 2010 à 10:03 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Because I'm a bad person and should be taken to task over it? I
> always mean to go back and fix it,
I didn't intend to do anything else with the comment I added. There are
many other issues with the website I'm going to repo
Le samedi 26 décembre 2009 à 11:39 +0100, John Mandereau a écrit :
> Looking at the .i?tely files will basically work as well, except that it
> will miss any anchors (nodes, sections...) created by lilypond-book;
> this is not a big deal, though, as the only ones it creates are for the
Le dimanche 03 janvier 2010 à 01:42 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 02:06:31PM +0100, John Mandereau wrote:
> > I propose to rename source directory Documentation/web/examples
> > to Documentation/web/ly-examples, in order to fix this name
> >
Le dimanche 03 janvier 2010 à 02:13 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> > There is a quite explicit path with links at the bottom of each page,
> If it's confusing, it's confusing.
I'm not sure what you mean here.
> How is it confusing? The first time somebody clicks on it,
> they'll discove
Le lundi 04 janvier 2010 à 00:49 -0800, Patrick McCarty a écrit :
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Was this caused by your refactoring of the texi2html init file?
Certainly, I botched generation of CSS class attribute for both the new
website and manuals when we merged the two init files. All these ki
Le lundi 04 janvier 2010 à 21:00 +0200, Dave Plater a écrit :
> Disregard what I said about building the documentation although it seems
> to take a long time. The "make web" target no longer exists, I'm trying
> it out with "make doc", there is a "make WEB_TARGETS=" but I don't think
> thats wh
Hi Mark,
Could you consider adding something like the following to Git pulling
instructions? Maybe this could be under a @knownissues section (or
"Troubleshooting") at the bottom of the the node "Update command".
If pull fails because of a message like
error: Your lo
Le samedi 02 janvier 2010 à 18:56 -0800, Patrick McCarty a écrit :
> I think that using the chapter name instead of "(main)" would be
> perfect. I'll take care of the CSS problem tonight.
Current style of this button you changed is better, but what about using
Le lundi 04 janvier 2010 à 16:11 +0100, Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :
> Yes, that's related. The openSUSE extended info install check blindly
> gzips everything it finds, including the target of symlinks that do
> not exist.
> The symlinks will help emacs find the images, there need be two
Le lundi 04 janvier 2010 à 15:03 -0800, Patrick McCarty a écrit :
> I just fixed two of the gradient images in master. I didn't notice
> them before because they are not currently used in the CSS. :-)
> For the CSS, you'll want to use nav-bg-2.png, nav-hover-2.png, and
> nav-active-2.png on th
Le lundi 04 janvier 2010 à 14:18 -0800, Patrick McCarty a écrit :
> 2010/1/4 John Mandereau :
> > Current style of this button you changed is better, but what about using
> > lily-home-nav-{bg,hover,active}.png backgrounds in exactly the same
> > situations as the first na
LGTM if the two nitpicks are adressed.
File scripts/convert-ly.py (right):
scripts/convert-ly.py:213: class InvalidVersion:
this class should be subclassed from a basic Exception class,
Le vendredi 08 janvier 2010 à 01:29 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> Hello, I can not say since when, but currently all 2.12 docs show
> titles and links in English:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond-program/
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilyp
Le vendredi 08 janvier 2010 à 12:15 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> grr. If you add new files in master, check that you add them properly.
> file from VC not distributed:
> lilypond-2.13.11/Documentation/es/search-box.ihtml
> file from VC not distributed:
> lilypond-2.13.11/Documentation/h
Le vendredi 08 janvier 2010 à 13:56 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> I volunteer but I don't have the lightest idea of what to do :-)
Blindly replacing texi2html init file (and probably the default CSS file
too) by the one from master branch. At least, that's what I'll try
first as soon as I fin
Le vendredi 08 janvier 2010 à 23:02 +, Trevor Daniels a écrit :
> Why not qualify each of these generic words? Like
> Graham did with "Summary of contributing"?
I second this for node names; as for section titles, they needn't be
unique, so we could use the same title 'Introduction' for each
Le lundi 04 janvier 2010 à 15:03 -0800, Patrick McCarty a écrit :
> I just fixed two of the gradient images in master. I didn't notice
> them before because they are not currently used in the CSS. :-)
Great! I'm not sure whether the gradient image of this ones for hover
(for the first item of
Le vendredi 08 janvier 2010 à 12:09 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Ok, let's get a few more opinions. Should we release a 2.12.4
> which is identical to 2.12.3 other than changing
> lilypond-texi2html.pl? If so, who is volunteering to do the work
> on lilypond-texi2html.pl ?
The problem isn'
Le mardi 12 janvier 2010 à 09:09 +, Trevor Daniels a écrit :
> I don't
> use Cygwin, so I don't know if it shares a
> clipboard with Windows.
IIRC there is an option in Cygwin to share the clipboard between Windows
and XWindow applications, but if you just use Cygwin as a Windows
application i
Le mardi 12 janvier 2010 à 12:31 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> now that John's
> updated stable, I need to drop that work and start figuring out how to
> get GUB to make 2.12.3-2.
Why not releasing a 2.12.4 instead? Revision numbers (third number of
the version number) are cheap, aren't they
Le mardi 12 janvier 2010 à 14:49 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> For unstable, yes. But they're not all that cheap for stable -- I
> mean, I'd expect many users to update to a new stable version. But
> there's absolutely no functional difference between 2.12.3 and the
> hypothetical 2.12.4. T
Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 01:19 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> I've just pushed the translated Essay into the lilypond/translation
> branch but I don't know how to make new files distributable or what
> GNUMakefile to copy into essay/.
I thought I knew, but I obviously didn't. Anyway, that
Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 02:24 +0100, John Mandereau a écrit :
> Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 01:19 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> > I've just pushed the translated Essay into the lilypond/translation
> > branch but I don't know how to make new files distributabl
Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 00:32 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Given that John's fix *should* have worked (adding stuff to
> one of the stepmake/ or make/ files), but didn't,
It worked for me in a in-tree 'make dist', but I just noticed it failed
in a out-of-tree dist because a leading wh
Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 09:27 +, Trevor Daniels a écrit :
> In gitk (in either Unix or Windows) you can only
> copy/paste within the fields that you can highlight.
> The include only the SHA1 ID and the Find fields, I
> think.
You can also copy (but not paste) from the commit content su
Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 12:20 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> - I'm not positive, but I believe that we put punctuation outside @q{}
> brackets. If you want to change this policy, we can discuss it, but
> please don't just go changing things inside the hu/ translation.
Indeed; Mark, diff
Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 10:56 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> 2010/1/13 John Mandereau :
> > git checkout lilypond/translation
> > # pull lilypond/translation, whatever the command is for you
> > git diff paco |git apply --whitespace=fix
> > git add NEW_FILE
Le dimanche 10 janvier 2010 à 13:35 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Yeah, but 80% of the time, that person is me. And I'm doing major
> changes to the build system that could potentially screw up other
> people. When major developers (be it John in relation to
> translation stuff, Carl about
Le dimanche 10 janvier 2010 à 11:05 -0800, Mark Polesky a écrit :
> I was thinking the same thing. What if we all agree to
> prepend an exclamation mark (!) to the subject line? Keep
> in mind that threads can become significant long after the
> first post. Putting a "!" in front will be easy to
Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 15:15 +0100, John Mandereau a écrit :
> Another thing that we could do instead of creating another list is
> writing down as a specification (even written quite informally) the
> important changes already started i.e. the i18n of Texinfo, stuff
> specific
Le jeudi 14 janvier 2010 à 12:52 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> 3) this is a presentation issue, not a content issue. As long as it
> compiles, push it, then let other people work on the presentation.
> Based on your description, I gather that there's yet another bug in
> lilypond-texi2html
Le jeudi 14 janvier 2010 à 08:36 +, Trevor Daniels a écrit :
> Unlike copying from the SHA1 ID and Find fields, cntl-c
> cannot be used to copy to the clipboard from this pane.
> In Windows you have to press enter.
> In gitk running under ubuntu even this does not work. The field
> to be
Le jeudi 14 janvier 2010 à 20:46 -0800, Mark Polesky a écrit :
> I read that "@w" can prevent this, but is one of these two
> forms preferred?
> @co...@w{--rebase}}
> @w...@code{--rebase}}
I don't think so; these two forms are equally legible, so if they
actually produce the same outptut in all
Le vendredi 15 janvier 2010 à 22:27 -0800, Mark Polesky a écrit :
> ROADMAP has always confused me. I prefer something more
> like the attached file.
Hi Mark, thanks for you work work; I only have two nitpicks below to
> | |
> | |-- de/ Ger
Le lundi 18 janvier 2010 à 19:25 -0800, Mark Polesky a écrit :
> Is there a difference between `make' and `make all'?
No. Where does the convention that all is the default target come from,
by the way? Is it a GNU standard?
Description: Ceci est une partie de message
Le lundi 18 janvier 2010 à 16:13 -0800, Mark Polesky a écrit :
> Here's a small patch to clean up the `make help' output. I
> know, it may soon be obsolete, but it was bothering me, and
> it may yet help people who start compiling in the meantime.
> I mentioned this idea a little while ago, but h
Le mardi 19 janvier 2010 à 09:47 -0800, Mark Polesky a écrit :
> I see. Okay, here's a new patch that
> * cleans up some more `make help' outputs
> * incorporates multiple lines of "@echo"
LGTM, except that changes to mutopia-targets.make is completely useless,
find -name 'GNUmakefile*' |
Le vendredi 22 janvier 2010 à 00:35 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Does anybody object to this patch? Alternately, is anybody
> willing to rewrite the GNUmakefile portion to make it like a real
> makefile?
I don't care too much for the makefile, but please fix the shebang of
the Python script
Le vendredi 22 janvier 2010 à 22:45 -0800, Mark Polesky a écrit :
> I could be wrong, but it looks like `test-redo' accomplishes
> (automatically) what you're doing manually in your step "run
> the individual regression files..." The CG says that it
> will "redo files differing from baseline".
Le jeudi 28 janvier 2010 à 00:07 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 10:33:45PM +0100, Harmath Dénes wrote:
> > make PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C ly-examples all && make
> > PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C server all && true
> > true
> > make: *** server: No s
2010/1/28 Harmath Dénes :
> Yes, I'm building outside the source tree.
> I ran ./configure in the source tree, and it didn't help. What are the exact
> commands?
Oops, you should have run the script configure of the source top
directory with the *build directory* as current directory. Now you
Le jeudi 28 janvier 2010 à 12:27 +0100, Harmath Dénes a écrit :
> Yes, these commands helped. Thanks!
> Unfortunately the CG still contains outdated information about this.
> It should mention that ./autogen.sh should be run with --noconfigure,
> and the --srcdir argument is superfluous.
A patch
Hi guys,
Le lundi 01 février 2010 à 16:39 +, Neil Puttock a écrit :
> On 1 February 2010 06:36, Patrick McCarty wrote:
> > Sorry, here's a real patch (in case this is the correct fix).
> Heh, that's the exact opposite of John's intention, I believe. :)
Indeed, good catch!
> Any item whi
Le lundi 01 février 2010 à 17:58 +0100, John Mandereau a écrit :
> > Any item which has a match in PROCESSING_INDEPENDENT_OPTIONS is
> > supposed to be removed. Unfortunately, the double loop ends up
> > removing one match while duplicating seven others (hence why some
Le lundi 01 février 2010 à 17:15 +, Neil Puttock a écrit :
> 2010/2/1 John Mandereau :
> > I'd suggest a list comprehension.
> Ah, I didn't get that far down the page in the Python docs. :)
Even better: generator expressions, which instead of a list generate an
Hi Patrick,
Le mardi 02 février 2010 à 14:40 -0800, Patrick McCarty a écrit :
> I need this patch for the latest updates to bibtex in TeX Live 2009 on
> my machine. LilyPond fails to compile the bibliographies without it.
Thanks for making me aware that I should check out TeXlive updates :-)
Le mercredi 03 février 2010 à 13:30 +, Graham Percival a écrit :
> We officially only require python 2.4 for lilypond. Could the recent
> change to ilypond-book.py be rewritten to avoid using the "any"
> keyword introduced in 2.5 ?
Oops, I used 'any' to avoid invoking 'startswith' string met
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