Le dimanche 03 janvier 2010 à 02:13 +0000, Graham Percival a écrit : 
> > There is a quite explicit path with links at the bottom of each page,
> If it's confusing, it's confusing.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

> How is it confusing?  The first time somebody clicks on it,
> they'll discover what it does.

If it's confusing, it's confusing (sic).  Your remark would still be
valid if we replaced "(main)" with any other text, so that's not a very
good criterion.

> > Anyway, this "(main)" is un-i18n-able,
> WTF?!  It's a string in perl.  You've already dumped 368 lines of
> translations into lilypond-texi2html.pl.  Adding another 6 lines
> for the translations of (main) can't be hard!

Yes, sorry, I meant "not localizable", or "not translatable": figuring
out a decent translation is hard.

> Now, I still don't think that we should have all those strings
> directly in lilypond-texi2html.pl, but that's a separate issue.

I don't know how to properly load and execute a Perl file from Perl
code, so I won't tackle this.  Having Perl code in our sources requires
Perl knowledge, but I don't have it and I'm not interesting in learning

> Oh, and if you use the name of the chapter (via
> node->section->up->name or however it's done in perl), then it
> *will* be translated automatically -- it would be displayed as
> whatever the @chapter is called in the translated .itexi file.

Thanks for the hint, done.

> > so I'll remove it (or comment it out)

Now the name and appearance have been fixed, I changed my mind.


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