Can you, John or Han-Wen do
lilypond-devel mailing list
r documentation streams that I need
to add doc strings to?
I've also attached a small example of using mapMusic to use different
articulation styles for a passage of music - any use as an LSR snippet?
Ian Hulin
Author: Ian Hulin 2009-01-09 16:16:40
Committer: Ian
Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
The name is "Affaire étrangère"; how would you translate it, Valentin? :-)
"Foreign affair" surely sounds odd :-)
"Business Abroad"?
Break a leg for the rest of the run, Valentin.
Hi Ric,
Ricdude wrote:
Quick intro: Mediocre guitarist/composer, Lilypond newbie,
Professional programmer.
I've got lilypond 2.10.33 (cygwin version), and, as some others have
noted, there is no way to resolve whether a straight stem on a
tablature staff refers to a half note, or a quarter note.
Ricdude wrote:
Ian Hulin> writes:
Hi Ric,
Ricdude wrote:
Quick intro: Mediocre guitarist/composer, Lilypond newbie,
Professional programmer.
I've got lilypond 2.10.33 (cygwin version), and, as some others have
noted, there is no way to resolve whether a straight s
Hi Nicolas,
Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
Le 10 mars 09 à 10:22, David Kastrup a écrit :
As some sort of progress,
'#{ \notemode { c e g } #}
puts out
(let ((parser-clone (ly:parser-clone parser))) (parse-string-result "
\\notemode { c e g } " parser-clone))
but since parser is #f, without quot
Bravo, Peter,
I say go with this, it is pitched just right for the intended audience.
You've got a note-reference "Bes" in there which will need to be marked
as translatable.
Ian Hulin
Peter Chubb wrote:
I reckon it'd be better to split the whole thing into th
I'd like to have a debugging environment in place too, so we can maybe
get nearer to quickly tracking down 'squawk' errors, (typically ending
"crossing fingers, trying to continue", but where you still get a pdf
score out of it).
Any tips, pointers, references
Hi Reinhold,
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 16. April 2009 schrieb Ian Hulin:
I want to use this as I've been seeing if I can add some of the TODO's
in Reinhold's orchestrallily package. (I've already managed to add
stuff like Tabstaff and RhythmicStaff proc
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Then I suggest
Titles, Headings, Headers, Footers
or something similar to avoid the nasty `/'.
Headings (Titles) and Margin Text (Headers and Footers)
3.2. Titles Headings and Front-Matter
3.2.1 Titles Headings and Front-Matter
score "book", Score Titles, subtitles
Ian Hulin wrote:
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Then I suggest
Titles, Headings, Headers, Footers
or something similar to avoid the nasty `/'.
Headings (Titles) and Margin Text (Headers and Footers)
3.2. Titles Headings and Front-Matter
3.2.1 Titles Headings and Front-Matter
score "bo
You've put Linux-style bash shell commands to interpret this rule to
differentiate what to do for the midi and pf files
if ...
don't forget that on Windows you're dealing with the cmd command-line
interpreter rather than bash, so you may need to do a Windows-variant
version of this rule.
Hi Mark, Werner
The most important thing about these errors is that they can _always_ be
traced back to a source line so is it possible to word the error
something like:
warning: lilypond cannot interpret a (de)crescendo.
MIDI output ignoring (de)crescendo starting at line .
This wa
Hi Werner,
Werner LEMBERG wrote:
warning: lilypond cannot interpret a (de)crescendo.
MIDI output ignoring (de)crescendo starting at line .
This way the diagnostic states why Lily can't do what the user has
coded, what it's doing as a result, and the consequences of the
error condition
ort you've put in.
Ian Hulin
lilypond-devel mailing list
Hi all,
I've been prompted by a reply from Mats on the -user list.
>and follow-ups for the previous discussion on the topic. As far as I
>can see, an implementation proposal is already available, just to >commit.
paste the command line being complained about, it happily
produces the .pdf from the .ps.
What's wrong here, gs --version gives me
Is this a problem with the lily kit, or my system set-up?
Ian Hulin
lilypond-devel mailing lis
Whoops, that should have read Ubuntu 9.04 in the title of course.
Apologies for the noise.
Ian Hulin wrote:
I get this error message when compiling my lilypond source (by this
stage it's already produced the .ps file):
Converting to `./Exsultate-Andante.pdf'...
\score block in the source file?
Apologies for the lousy Scheme but I'm still learning.
If anyone can help out I'll buy you a virtual pint :=).
Ian Hulin
Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
And here's Graham's reply about where the filenames should go.
I second his o
Hi Graham,
Graham Percival wrote:
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 06:15:31PM -0700, Mark Polesky wrote:
Thanks, Neil. My editor does confusing things with tabs.
I hate them. Who would object if I just started running
tabs->spaces on the source docs? I think we should have
a strict no-tabs rule. And I'm
Mark Polesky wrote:
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
You can run it from the dos cmd prompt. Just do "lilypond" and it should work.
Yes it does... thank you, that helps. But shouldn't the output
be sent to the log file? I wish it were. Does anyone know how
to do that?
- Mark
$ lilypon
looks like a top-posting, but the overall issue Mark
raised here has shed light on something I've been struggling with, and
maybe has exposed a design assumption that wasn't clear beyond the
original lilypond developers.
Ian Hulin
lilypond-devel mailing list
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Mark Polesky wrote Thursday, July 30, 2009 7:06 PM
It would be nice to have some central place that explains some
"internals" concepts. Here are examples of things that a new developer
might have to ask about, or perhaps spend a long time disentangling:
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Mark Polesky wrote Thursday, July 30, 2009 7:06 PM
It would be nice to have some central place that explains some
"internals" concepts. Here are examples of things that a new developer
might have to ask about, or perhaps spend a long time disentangling:
Graham Percival wrote:
On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 12:12:59AM +0100, Ian Hulin wrote:
This is AU section 3.2.1
If ‘’ contains more than one \score block, then the rest of the
scores will be output in numbered files, starting with ‘filename-1.pdf’.
This is a regression
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Mark Polesky wrote:
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
I think in general the manual should not encourage users to define or
set variables using Scheme, exactly because the scoping semantics are
I just had an idea. Why no
On 09/08/2009 23:23, John Mandereau wrote:
Sorry for my initial reply to this, it was not enough to the point, I'm
trying again :-)
Le jeudi 06 août 2009 à 09:55 -0700, Mark Polesky a écrit :
Well, now I think we're pretty much back at Han-Wen's original
suggestion, which was to have two comman
On 10/08/2009 09:03, John Mandereau wrote:
Le dimanche 09 août 2009 à 16:43 -0600, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
How about \afterGraceSpacing?
That's OK for me; unless there is any objection on the command name,
I'll add the function with this name.
I still think it's
On 10/08/2009 10:52, John Mandereau wrote:
Le lundi 10 août 2009 à 00:36 +0100, Ian Hulin a écrit :
So providing we could stitch this into the lilypond parsing, you could get
\afterGrace #(5.16) {c'1} {d16[ e16]) ;or
\afterGrace {c1} {d16[ e16]} ; or even
\afterGrace #:fraction #
one please push it to the main git repo?
>From 87504a757a98b6a5ff64c8dd67bc2f114de6acfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Hulin
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 16:35:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Issues 714 and 404: Add greater user flexibility in naming output files
using output-suffi
Besten Dank, Reinhold,
Patch is now available for review on rietveld
Ian Hulin
lilypond-devel mailing list
would the code to get \bookpart to inherit the output-suffix parser
variable value and \score to inherit the \bookpart value be C++ or
Scheme, and in which bits of code?
Thanks for any ideas/help in advance,
Ian Hulin
Put the \include "" call in your top-level file instead (see
Federico Bruni wrote:
Hi Jan,
thanks for your reply.
Actually, I had tried \bookpart (see the 1st example below, in my first
email) but I have problems with \include.
If in the included f
Hi Michael,
Just one nit-pick: in the error message "outputted" -> "output".
lilypond-devel mailing list
erties which can be applied to \score blocks, like
autoAccidentals must use a different mechanism.
However, I'm having a hard time using git grep to discover what this is.
If anyone can shed some light on this, I'd be really grateful.
Ian Hulin
ing output-suffix from Scheme
would be if the user insists on coding a group of \score blocks in
a file without using \book.
If you have any ideas for an architecturally cleaner solution which
would allow users to avoid dropping into Scheme I'm open to suggestions.
Ian Huli
cess routines to use the new all-pv-properties list
This would be more work, but give us a cleaner result and it would be
less likely to fall foul of a fatwah from new Syntax Standardization
project when it gets going.
Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 9/19/09 7:27 AM, &quo
Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 9/20/09 5:40 AM, "Ian Hulin" wrote:
Hi Carl,
That will work, but it's still a work-around.� We'd be avoiding setting it as
a context property to keep the architectural thinking clean, while at the same
time duplicating the functionality o
Hi Joe,
Joe Neeman wrote:
On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 18:06 -0600, Carl Sorensen wrote:
It would be convenient if the output-prefix could be defined in the /score
or /layout block that causes the creation of a Score context. I think
that's why Ian was wanting to make it a context property of Scor
I haven't yet found out how \set, \unset, \override or \revert code
decides which of the property lists like all-music-properties,
all-translation-properties or all-backend-properties to search for a
valid property definition.
Thanks in advance for any he
Declared in only are:
general_pushpop_property (which calls sloppy_general_pushpop_property)
Should execute_override_property be a method, too?
Ian Hulin
I vote for the Essay page. The Glossary page format wastes space at the
bottom left of the screen unless the description and notes are very
wordy (and we don't want them to be). The single column of the Essay
Page allows longer individual text lines which are more comfortable to
read. The Gl
Hi Martin, Jan, Han-Wen,
Does this message about etf format feel like it's been translated by a
machine to native Dutch speakers?
msgid ""
"Enigma Transport Format is a format used by Coda Music Technology's\n"
"Finale product. etf2ly converts a subset of ETF to a ready-to-use
LilyPond file."
Hi all,
Can't you use a \bookpart block to achieve the page break at the start
of a \score, too?
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Am Montag, 19. Oktober 2009 20:09:33 schrieb Joe Neeman:
For a couple of years now, we've had Nicolas' cool t
Please push if these changes look OK.
>From c602f0c384450a7f7a3500858696ce7132c761e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ian
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 17:57:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add missing documentation strings to declarations in
Neil Puttock wrote:
2009/10/20 Ian Hulin :
Please push if these changes look OK.
Hmm, this looks suspiciously like one of the patches you posted last
month, but missing some of the changes I suggested.
Cor, blimey, guv'nor, you've got me banged to rights (serves me
And here's the patch actually attached (sorry for the noise).
Ian Hulin wrote:
Neil Puttock wrote:
2009/10/20 Ian Hulin :
Please push if these changes look OK.
Hmm, this looks suspiciously like one of the patches you posted last
month, but missing some of the chan
-end currently in this as the code I tried to use in parser.yy
negates the effect of calling the new functions altogether. If anyone
with more experience of how bison works has any better ideas as to how
do this I'd be interested in hearing them.
Thanks in advance for a
Thanks for the feedback, Neil. Is *this* OK to push now?
Neil Puttock wrote:
2009/10/23 Ian Hulin :
Cor, blimey, guv'nor, you've got me banged to rights (serves me right for
trying to tidy up my git repository).
Heh, sometimes it's easier to delet the
Neil Puttock wrote:
2009/10/25 Ian Hulin :
Thanks for the feedback, Neil. Is this OK to push now?
Sure is.
Woo-hoo, green light! Could someone with the relevant privileges push
this to the main git repository, please?
Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 10/23/09 5:52 PM, "Ian Hulin" wrote: - Add new parser variables book-output-suffix and book-filename
initialized as #f and empty queue/stack structure. adds three new functions
* \bookOutputSuffix - to set the output suff
the patch and some test files I've been using.
>From 9468630bfe1202baafe94fa49dfab851fab8c73d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Hulin
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 15:50:26 +
Subject: [PATCH] Tracker 836: Add facility to change output file-name for a \book block
or to set a suf
x27;t change it.
File ly/ (left):
Line 353: \consists "Bar_engraver"
This file and this change are not part of the changes in the patch-set
on my local repo.
Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 10/27/09 7:05 PM, "Neil Puttock" wrote:
2009/10/27 Carl Sorensen :
The patch looks good to me. Neil?
Not bad, Ian, but you need to keep an eye on trailing spaces and indentation.
To try to save you time, I'm going to explain the indentation issues.
Hi all,
I've installed emacs and checked the indenting as per Carl and Neils
recommendations. Patch set has been on rietveld 143055 for some days.
Is this ready to push now?
Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 10/29/09 6:10 PM, "Graham Percival" wrote:
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 06:00
rl, I'm attempting to write a Chapter for CG to outline the bare bones
of what new developers can get involved in (a sort of 'Intended
Audience' Chapter), and I'd like to be able to include answers to the
questions I've asked here.
Ian Hulin
lilypond-devel mailing list
Graham Percival wrote:
I've made a first draft of the "help us" page:
I'm not very happy with the result, but I can't put my finger on
precisely why. Maybe it's that I've forgotten some ways that
people can help, without source code,
Graham Percival wrote:
I've made a first draft of the "help us" page:
I'm not very happy with the result, but I can't put my finger on
precisely why. Maybe it's that I've forgotten some ways that
people can help, without source code,
I'm now having similar problems on Rietveld as Graham.
First five lines of your docstring in scm/markup.scm in the
property-bind macro should say:
"Search properties in `props', and bind each property symbol to a
corresponding value, or to a default if a value is not found.
props: a
Valentin Villenave wrote:
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 7:05 PM, David Pounder wrote:
Very small point, but the phrase "Frogs are simple LilyPond users" would be better
expressed as "Frogs are simply LilyPond users" as the former has an undesired
implication, at least in UK English.
Hehe. It neve
Graham Percival wrote:
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 03:19:00PM +, Ian Hulin wrote:
Graham Percival wrote:
I've made a first draft of the "help us" page:
"To get the source code, see Starting with git."
Carl, Trevor,
You've discussed the overloading of 'string' in Scheme and what variable
name to use, and looked at Dana's suggestion of using 'course' but did
you consider the other important point Dana made? wrote:
Hhm, I'm not so sure about this. I had envisaged
Hi Carl,
Carl Sorensen wrote:
On Dec 6, 2009, at 7:18 PM, "Ian Hulin" wrote:
Carl, Trevor,
You've discussed the overloading of 'string' in Scheme and what
name to use, and looked at Dana's suggestion of using 'course' but did
you cons
Hi Neil, wrote:
Hi Ian,
LGTM, apart from some formatting issues and a few incorrect \version
Can you sort out the naming of the new regression tests? For
consistency with the existing test, I'd advise amending them as follows:
Hi Graham,
Graham Percival wrote:
I wanted to wait until GOP started, but it seems there's a lot of
interest in this now. Here's my proposed new classifications for
There are four hopefully-not-really-contradictory goals, listed in order:
1. easy for core developers to find the type of
Hi Mark, Graham,
On 19/12/09 10:49, Graham Percival wrote:
On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 10:35:28PM -0800, Mark Polesky wrote:
Without intending the slightest offence towards those of you
who've already put a lot of work into the CG, I think it can
still be clearer.
The only organization that's gon
Hi Neil,
On 21/12/09 23:34, wrote:
On 2009/12/21 00:33:59, Ian Hulin wrote:
New patch-set uploaded with regressions in fixed.
Now OK to push?
LGTM, applied.
Much obliged,
Have a good Christmas,
Hi Reinhold,
On 22/12/09 15:34, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Typically, \quoteDuring is used to duplicate everything in a voice,
while \cueDuring is used to only quote the notes, but not e.g.
phrasing, slurs, accents, markup, etc.
So, this patch adds an additional property quotedCueEventTypes in
On 26/12/09 19:27, Carl Sorensen wrote:
Shall we change the name to 'lilygit', or 'lilypond-git', or 'lily-git'?
I think there *has* to be a better name than lilycontrib.
lilylibrarian, lilysourcesafe , lysourcestore, lycodemanager ?
A related question, Does wish (and therefore lilypond-git) run in the
bash shell provided by git on Windows, if not, in the words of NASA:
"Houston, we have a problem. . ."
lilypond-devel mailing list
On 28/12/09 17:46, Graham Percival wrote:
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Mark Polesky wrote:
Graham Percival wrote:
Dscho offered to make a custom git installer for windows,
which apparently would have this built-in.
I'm currently on a Windows XP machine (just for this week);
and it
On 28/12/09 20:09, Graham Percival wrote:
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 01:03:19PM -0700, Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 12/28/09 12:54 PM, "Ian Hulin" wrote:
Why discuss git gui at all? Just give the command-line options.
If somebody just wants to get work done, they use
Hi Mark, Trevor, Graham,
On 11/01/10 12:29, Trevor Daniels wrote:
Graham Percival wrote Monday, January 11, 2010 11:30 AM
That said, a few more comments:
- if you're going to go to all this effort, please eliminate the "git
on windows" section -- for each portion of the (unix-aimed) docs, jus
st know if there are going to be compatibility
issues with the new guile, and is it possible to run the latest X1.9.6
alpha version in parallel with Lily without screwing up guile 1.8.7?
When will Lilypond support running Guile V2.0, and are there any
transition plans?
Hi Peter,
On 01/02/10 23:20, Peter Chubb wrote:
"Graham" == Graham Percival writes:
Graham> On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 07:51:03PM -0700, Carl Sorensen wrote:
Graham> I'd rather keep them at the end, to somewhat discourage their
Graham> use. Only music history geeks will understand them; \tr
Hi Frogs and Developers,
This is by way of limbering up for a discussion on the GLISS list when
it gets going.
I'm trying to think of all the commoner combinations of Segnos, Codas
and Da Capo instructions so maybe we can work out a consistent syntax
for addressing what are, after all, variat
On 15/02/10 18:47, David Pounder wrote:
--- Original Message ---
From: Ian Hulin
To: Lilypond Frogs List
Sent: 15.2.10, 17:40:48
Subject: [frogs] Da Capos, Codas and Segnos
Hi Frogs and Developers,
This is by way of limbering up for a discussion on the GLISS list when
it gets
Hi Marc,
On 15/02/10 18:32, Marc Hohl wrote:
Ian Hulin schrieb:
Secondly, what I had in mind was this kind of thing:
* \dalsegno and \dacapo - both of these start off a segno/dacapo
section. I know it's a bit weird that the \dacapo command would
have to be at the
Hi David,
On 16/02/10 07:00, David Pounder wrote:
--- Original Message ---
From: Ian Hulin
To: David Pounder
Sent: 15.2.10, 22:18:25
Subject: Re: [frogs] Da Capos, Codas and Segnos
On 15/02/10 18:47, David Pounder wrote:
--- Original Message ---
From: Ian Hulin
On 16/02/10 17:20, reinhold [via LilyPond Frogs] wrote:
Am Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010 18:07:11 schrieb Ian Hulin:
> Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've been lurking a bit on this thread, but felt I should comment.
> >
> > I personally think
There's a FIXME in lily.scm:
(define (gui-no-files-handler)
(let* ((ly (string-append (ly:effective-prefix) "/ly/"))
;; FIXME: soft-code, localize
(welcome-ly (string-append ly ""))
(cmd (get-editor-command welcome-ly 0 0 0)))
(ly:message (_ "Invoking `~a
On 14/03/10 13:25, Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 3/14/10 5:59 AM, "Valentin Villenave" wrote:
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Ian Hulin wrote:
Hi all,
Greetings Ian,
such reports actually belong more to -devel than bug- (normal users
are not expected to daily build LilyPond ;-)
On 22/03/10 14:56, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Am Dienstag, 16. März 2010 18:04:37 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:
Am Freitag, 12. März 2010 14:41:20 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:
Our problems with \RemoveEmptyStaffContext resetting previous context
modifications highlights one problem we have: So far,
he last line says
warning: Compilation completed with warnings or errors
It's available for review on rietveld
Ian Hulin
>From 3cccaae13a9cfe6fc2a7d58583e8d854ec652852 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Hulin
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 22:55:58 +
On 25/03/10 00:22, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Ian Hulin wrote:
I've always thought it a real shame that the standard set of messages from
lilypond left you with a nagging sense of uncertainty whether it had
actually completed or not.
Typically, you would see
ompletely and sending patches to the Lilypond/TeXmacs people.
> What do you think?
If you do add scm_set_module_public_interface_x, could you back-port it
to Guile V1.8.6 and V1.8.7?
Those are the lowest versions of Guile the upcoming stable release of
Lilypond will support.
Ian Hu
On 02/04/10 10:37, Ludovic � wrote:
Hi Ian,
Ian Hulin writes:
On 30/03/10 22:52, Ludovic � wrote:
Andy Wingo writes:
On Tue 30 Mar 2010 22:56, (Ludovic Courtès) writes:
I'm pretty sure that the submodule thing can be changed withou
Hi Carl,
On 06/05/10 01:17, Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 5/5/10 11:03 AM, "Ian Hulin" wrote:
Hi all,
I put this patch up for review about a month back.� Patrick has given some
feedback and I have implemented his comments.� Could someone have a look and
if it's OK push, p
As I understand it, these are to get round problems with Guile pre
V1.8,7, which we no longer support. Is it now safe to delete this code?
Ian Hulin
lilypond-devel mailing list
On 15/05/10 22:42, Patrick McCarty wrote:
On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Graham Percival
On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Ian Hulin wrote:
As I understand it, these are to get round problems with Guile pre V1.8,7,
which we no longer support. Is it now safe to delete
As I understand it, these are to get round problems with Guile pre V1.8,
which we no longer support.
Please open a tracker so we can delete this code and I will begin work
on a patch.
Ian Hulin
Hi Reinhold,
On 28/07/10 01:43, wrote:
Reviewers: Neil Puttock,
File ly/ (right):
ly/ #(if (ly:get-option 'user-init)
On 2010/07/27
Hi Patrick, Neil and all,
On 29/07/10 20:24, wrote:
On 2010/07/29 00:55:35, Patrick McCarty wrote:
With your patchset, I am getting a compile failure with the regression
Same here.
How did you guys track it down to this module? I on
Hash: SHA1
Hi all,
On 01/08/10 22:37, Patrick McCarty wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Neil Puttock wrote:
>> On 1 August 2010 21:49, Patrick McCarty wrote:
>>> I think I found the problem.
>>> With Guile 1.9, `module-public-interface' doesn't r
Hi Neil,
On 09/08/10 22:34, wrote:
On 2010/08/09 20:01:10, Ian Hulin wrote:
Presumably this means make a parallel change to
Documentation/snippets/ OK.
then run to update snippets/
here either as I've used orchestrallily to
generate the stave declarations, and this is a really long piece using a
lot of different files.
Any observations or suggestions?
Ian Hulin
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG
Hi all,
I'm just recovering from building and testing my first docs patch
*{s\h/u\d/d\e/r\}*. As I didn't know any better, I had to resort to
doing make doc and make doc-clean while developing the patch.
Firstly, what's the grown-up doc developer's way of this without having
to kick off your mak
e so far?
I now seem to be finding compatibility problems not directly related to
replacing %module-public-interface, and I'd rather tackle these as
smaller, more discrete items of work.
Ian Hulin
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
10 at 4:16 PM, Ian Hulin wrote:
>> (define (make-music-type-predicate . music-types)
>> (define ((make-music-type-predicate-aux mtypes) expr)
>>(if (null? mtypes)
>>(or (eqv? (car mtypes) (ly:music-property expr 'name))
Hi Patrick,
On 21/10/10 01:12, wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> I just tested your patch.
> In addition to the small tweak that is needed (see my comment below), it
> seems that the `(use-modules (ice-9 curried-definitions))' statement
> does not carry over to display-lily.scm. I am a bi
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