Hi all,
I've been grubbing around, grepping my git repository and I need a bit of steering from some of you who've been around the lilypond source longer than me.

I'm trying to design a solution to the original request for tracker 714, which asked to be able to specify an alternate output filename from the code. I don't think this is completely feasible but feel we should be able to support changing the output suffix for midi files, which are produced on a per \score block basis, so I would need to be able to define a property to do this for \score which would pick the value of the output-suffix parser variable as a default and would allow it to be user-settable for the scope of the \score. For example:

% In file VW.ly
#(define output-suffix "Five-songs")
\book {
  \score \with {midi-output-suffix="Dark-Eyed-Sailor"}
%above produces midi file VW-Dark-Eyed-Sailor.mid(i)
% pdf output is going to VW-Two-Songs.pdf
\bookpart {
  \score \with {midi-output-suffix="Lovely-On-The-Water"}
%above produces midi file VW-Lovely-On-The-Water.mid(i)
% pdf output is still going to VW-Two-Songs.pdf

The parser variable is currently scoped for each source file unit or \book block. The \bookpart block would need to pick up the value of output-suffix as defined for the current \book block and store it as an internal property. Each \score block could then pick up the \bookpart outpt-suffix setting and copy it to its own midi-output-suffix property which would be settable via the user interface.

So finally, here's my questions:
whereabouts in the code would I declare the new midi-output-suffix property? would the code to get \bookpart to inherit the output-suffix parser variable value and \score to inherit the \bookpart value be C++ or Scheme, and in which bits of code?

Thanks for any ideas/help in advance,
Ian Hulin

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