Put the \include "english.ly" call in your top-level file instead (see below)


Federico Bruni wrote:
Hi Jan,

thanks for your reply.

Actually, I had tried \bookpart (see the 1st example below, in my first email) but I have problems with \include.

If in the included files there's an \include (even a simple include "english.ly"), it can't compile.

I attach a tiny example, where book-test.ly includes file1.ly and file2.ly.
It works just if you comment out the \include lines in file1.ly and file2.ly.


I've checked this page:

All the files I want to include are in ~/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly

so it's not a matter of path

Jan-Peter Voigt wrote:
Hello Frederico,

you can use \bookpart :

\book {
      \tocItem ...
       \header {
         title = ...
      \tocItem ...
       \header {
         title = ...

If you surround every piece with a bookpart-statement, you dont need to pagebreak. My mobile INet-Connection is quite slow right now, so you have to google to find the right page in the docs.
Or someone else has a pointer ;)

I hope it helps!

Federico Bruni schrieb:
I'm trying to compile a number of scores in a book using just LilyPond (I've tried lilypond-book before, but I had some trouble with layout and as I'm not confident with LaTeX I dropped it).

I need a help to start in the right way.

What I want to print:
* table of content
* scores (let's say 2 scores, as example)

Each score should have the title printed at the beginning.
Page numbers should start from the first score, not from the toc page: so from page 2 and not page 1 of the output.

In order to get a title for each piece, I guess I need to use \bookpart.
I tried the code below, but I get some weird error messages.. Probably, there's something wrong with the way I've included the files in \bookpart

Any suggestion?


\version "2.13.3"
   \include "english.ly"

\paper {
  % I'll add something later

\bookpart {
  \header {
    title = "Score 1" %remove the \include "english.ly" from here
  \include "score1.ly"

\bookpart {
  \header {
    title = "Score 2"
  \include "score2.ly" %remove the \include "english.ly" from here


If I use the code below, the file compiles but I can't get the titles at the beginning of each score.

\version "2.13.3"

\markuplines \table-of-contents

\tocItem \markup "Score 1"
\include "score1.ly"

\tocItem \markup "Score 2"
\include "score2.ly"

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