Hi David,

On 16/02/10 07:00, David Pounder wrote:
------- Original Message -------
From: Ian Hulin<i...@hulin.org.uk>
To: David Pounder<pound...@lineone.net>
Sent: 15.2.10, 22:18:25
Subject: Re: [frogs] Da Capos, Codas and Segnos

On 15/02/10 18:47, David Pounder wrote:

------- Original Message -------
From: Ian Hulin<i...@hulin.org.uk>
To: Lilypond Frogs List<fr...@lilynet.net>
Sent: 15.2.10, 17:40:48
Subject: [frogs] Da Capos, Codas and Segnos

Hi Frogs and Developers,
This is by way of limbering up for a discussion on the GLISS list when
it gets going.

I'm trying to think of all the commoner combinations of Segnos, Codas
and Da Capo instructions so maybe we can work out a consistent syntax
for addressing what are, after all, variations on the theme of repeat

Here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head

Da Capo al Fine:

A "Fine" B "Da Capo al Fine" ==>   A B A

Dal Sego Al Fine

A "§" B "Fine" C "Dal Segno Al Fine" ==>   A B C B

Da Capo Al Coda

A B  "©" C "Da Capo al Coda" "©" D ==>   A B C A B D

Dal Segno Al Coda

A "§" B C "©" D "Dal Segno al Coda" E ==>   A B C D B C E

Firstly, can anyone think of any more combinations I may have missed here?

To Trio.

Thanks for that, David, but isn't that a variant of "Da Capo al Coda" ?

A B "second time to Trio" C "Da Capo"   D "Trio" ==>  A B C A B D .

Maybe need to think about adding alternate text for \tocoda.

Apologies for the blank replies - my e-mail client has been playing up.

I was thinking that if you want to represent the musical structure of a piece 
in terms of repeated sections then a trio is different to a coda, and both are 
often present in the same piece. Added complication is that the trio may 
contain volta repeats.


A volta repeat or repeats is simply a musical expression, so can be left to the stage when the music expression passed to \dalsegno or \dacapo is evaluated

\version "2.13.nn"
Asection = { c1 | c1 | }       %Section A
Bsection = { f1 | f1 | }        % Section B
Csection =  { g1 | g1 |}       % Section C
Dsection = {\repeat volta 2 {bes1 bes1 | es1 | f1 |} \alternative { {f1 |} {f2 g2} }} % Coda or Trio

\relative c {
  \clef treble
  \time 4/4
%{ proposed syntax
\Asection \dalsegno coda {\Bsection \tocoda \Csection \enddalsegno \Dsection}
\Asection \dalsegno coda {\Bsection \tocoda "to Trio" \Csection \enddalsegno \Dsection}
  \Asection \Bsection \Csection \Dsection

However, there may be a problem if a \repeat block is included as part of Bsection and/or Csection, as the current \repeat doesn't need to have a clear end delimiter and may get confused if you try to nest \repeat volta blocks with \alternative clauses. We're sort of nesting repeats if we have \repeat volta ... \alternative in Bsection or Csection here, so it may be a corner condition. I'll have to get prototyping to check.

Hope your e-mail client is feeling better, David.

Marc, any thoughts?
If we go with \repeat segno that would mean \repeat would *have* to be able to be nested, and would need to have counter of how deeply nested we are in repeat blocks: each new \repeat would need to increment it and there would need to be some consistent point at which to decrement it - possibly a \endrepeat statement.

Btw, if anyone thinks you never need to nest \repeat volta blocks, check out the vocal score for Ariel Ramirez, Misa Criola, Gloria (there's always a cheap-skate publisher somewhere trying to save paper al all costs).

We may need this stuff anyway if we use \dalsegno \dacapo - hence why I think this is a GLISS-type discussion.

Thanks, guys for all the feedback so far,



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