Re: GitLab access

2020-05-28 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-05-27 11:14 pm, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: Am Mittwoch, den 27.05.2020, 16:53 +0200 schrieb Valentin Villenave: On 5/27/20, Aaron Hill wrote: > I probably could have been (or rather should > be) submitting patches for consideration. Hear hear! But as I said, helping out on the li

Re: Accidentals' font

2020-07-08 Thread Aaron Hill
e your thoughts in an actionable and positive manner. -- Aaron Hill

Re: GSoC 2020: Shape-note notehead encoding

2020-07-21 Thread Aaron Hill
nfusing mixture of terminology. :P corpuses (corpori?) Off-topic: "corpora" is the plural in English. Though while "corpuses" is not technically correct, I would have no problem understanding it. -- Aaron Hill

Re: GSoC 2020: Shape-note notehead encoding

2020-07-23 Thread Aaron Hill
Kansas, Misery [sic], and briefly New Jersey. There are few US stereotypes I have not yet had to contend with.) -- Aaron Hill

Re: collision \breathe with accidentals

2020-08-06 Thread Aaron Hill
c2 \breathe | g2 \breathe } -- Aaron Hill

Re: glissando lines and accidentals

2020-08-11 Thread Aaron Hill
efore-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) (let* ((nh (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT)) (acc (ly:grob-object nh 'accidental-grob))) (ly:grob-set-nested-property! grob '(bound-details right end-on-accidental) (ly:grob? acc 2\glissando } -- Aaron Hill

Re: glissando lines and accidentals

2020-08-11 Thread Aaron Hill
ound-info Y) (+ left-y (* (- right-y left-y) (/ (- right-x left-x) (- max-x left-x))) (ly:grob-set-nested-property! grob '(bound-details right end-on-accidental) acc?))) \time 6/2 2\glissando 2\glissando 2\glissando } -- Aaron Hill

Re: glissando lines and accidentals

2020-08-11 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-08-11 5:05 am, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-08-11 3:43 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote: Very nice, thanks! The only thing now is to get the two lines parallel, which looks like a lot of additional work... Oof... I am almost certainly overlooking something easier, but this appears to work

Re: Repeat alternative count

2020-08-29 Thread Aaron Hill
ps: \repeat volta 5 { ... } \alternative 1,3 { ... } \alternative 2,4,5 { ... } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Repeat alternative count

2020-08-29 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-08-29 9:02 am, Dan Eble wrote: On Aug 29, 2020, at 10:06, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi all, On Aug 29, 2020, at 10:00 AM, Aaron Hill wrote: \repeat volta 5 { ... } \alternative 1,3 { ... } \alternative 2,4,5 { ... } That's pretty nice. K. Considering trying n

Re: Git GUIs and interpretation of GNU guidelines

2020-09-19 Thread Aaron Hill
oftware for various platforms." Otherwise, do you have a couple Free Git GUIs to propose for linking? While I make use of Code's git integration for various tasks, mainly I just run git via the terminal. But since Code is not really a dedicated git GUI client, it is probably not worth mentioning. -- Aaron Hill

Re: (scheme-)engraver in 2.20/21

2020-09-24 Thread Aaron Hill
ainst 2.18.2 and 2.19.55 (both via, and 2.20.0 locally show the call to start-translation-timestep after initialize for all three contexts. -- Aaron Hill

Re: (scheme-)engraver in 2.20/21

2020-09-24 Thread Aaron Hill
ically, commit fe9242659305dce587bd1fcdcc7b0ac62df25ad6 Does this not actually increase complexity? An engraver that only needed to handle start-translation-timestep now needs to handle initialize as well or else it misses the opportunity to set up state. -- Aaron Hill

Re: (scheme-)engraver in 2.20/21

2020-09-24 Thread Aaron Hill
nslation-timestep after initialize. The argument for uniform behavior is sound, though one must be careful the behavior to which you are aligning is correct. My vote is that "starts" and "stops" must always be paired. If there were cases where "start" was not occurring, *that* is the faulty behavior to address. -- Aaron Hill

Re: tie over clef change

2020-09-26 Thread Aaron Hill
could be used to interpolate the Y positions.) Simple horizontal ties that stick to the left note would use #'(-1 . -1), and #'(1 . 1) would hug the right note. #'(-1 . 1) would slope the Tie like a Slur. -- Aaron Hill

Re: cleaning up the binaries in the coming Frescobaldi flatpak package

2020-10-20 Thread Aaron Hill
ectly. Seems like they would be unnecessary as LilyPond only uses the base PS/PDF functionality. -- Aaron Hill

Re: A proposal of organize music paragraph layout by a new DSL

2020-11-16 Thread Aaron Hill
earrange the order of staves, you do not have to rearrange the order within the layout. -- Aaron Hill

Re: convert-ly for note/rest-markup

2021-02-11 Thread Aaron Hill
{ \g<1> }", ...) This matches the `\note #"..."` pattern, converting to `\note { ... }`. -- Aaron Hill

Re: convert-ly for note/rest-markup

2021-02-11 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-02-11 2:54 pm, Michael Käppler wrote: Am 11.02.2021 um 23:39 schrieb Aaron Hill: On 2021-02-11 2:04 pm, David Kastrup wrote: Short of special-patterning the known exceptions...  a bit of a nightmare. Does the pattern matching need to be so particular about context? Consider a

Re: Stacked extensions in harmonics

2021-03-01 Thread Aaron Hill
customized bracketing? I imagine parentheses are the most commonly used, but I could see some folks wanting square brackets or possibly none at all. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Stacked extensions in harmonics

2021-03-01 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-03-01 2:34 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2021-03-01 1:26 pm, Valentin Petzel wrote: Hello, I have modified the Ignatzek-ChordNameFunction to allow for stacked Extensions (as they are usually used in jazz notation). This is done by specifiying a boolean context property

Re: Stacked extensions in harmonics

2021-03-01 Thread Aaron Hill
ould clean up a little bit of the work you've done within the chord names. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Stacked extensions in harmonics

2021-03-01 Thread Aaron Hill
mmand automatically get typographically beautiful parens that smartly scale based on font and content size. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Stacked extensions in harmonics

2021-03-01 Thread Aaron Hill
folks who make the most use of heavily altered chords might expect or need something else. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Stacked extensions in harmonics

2021-03-01 Thread Aaron Hill
s and not manually re-tweak things can just set this boolean and everything works as it did before. Folks working on new documents or updating old ones ignore the boolean and just leverage the new behavior. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Stacked extensions in harmonics

2021-03-01 Thread Aaron Hill
or context. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \fixed and \relative

2021-03-18 Thread Aaron Hill
that root note as well as the default octave. This would be helpful when entering music in scales other than C, as it lets you think about octaves in the relevant key signature. So \fixed a' { a cis e a' } would produce \absolute { a' cis'' e'' a''' }, but currently you would have to use \fixed a' { a cis' e' a'' } since the cut-off for the octave is C. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \fixed and \relative

2021-03-18 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-03-18 1:55 am, Aaron Hill wrote: [...] We start the melody an octave higher than the reference, so it's octave indication is not ideal. *its [...] Otherwise, you'd have to say \fixed { c'' g, e, c } which is worse than just using absolute pitches. That should

Re: \fixed and \relative

2021-03-18 Thread Aaron Hill
t an octave number, then additional data will need to be persisted so the proposed \fixed could work. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Shortcut for \repeat unfold

2021-09-24 Thread Aaron Hill
e letter 'x' instead if one does not mind giving up a single-letter command for the cause. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Shortcut for \repeat unfold

2021-09-25 Thread Aaron Hill
their keyboards what the documentation instructs them to type. I guess my sarcasm indicator got lost in shipment. What one should have taken away from my post was that \x was the viable alternative to \*, not the multiplication sign (which is ASCII, by the by; just not commonly found on keyboard layouts). -- Aaron Hill

Re: Shortcut for \repeat unfold

2021-09-25 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-09-25 5:11 am, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: On 2021-09-25 12:46 am, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: Aaron: If the asterisk feels overloaded, you could use the multiplication sign: \version "2.22.0" × = % U+00D7 I'd advise against introducing non-ASCII

Re: 'mm' scaling value on top-level

2021-09-28 Thread Aaron Hill
list)) (apply orig "custom-inline" rest (set! set-default-paper-size proc)) #(set-default-paper-size '(cons (* 50 mm) (* 100 mm)) 'landscape) { b'4 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme performers/translators

2021-09-29 Thread Aaron Hill
port would entail. -- Aaron Hill

Better method for inputting alists?

2021-09-30 Thread Aaron Hill
2" nested = :{ red = 3,4 blue = ##t } } Functions could take advantage of such abbreviated syntax to support named arguments without having to resort to the same \with hack. The \override markup command in particular would become nicer-looking: \markup \override :{ offset = 15 thickness = 3 } \undertie "lorem ipsum" -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lilypond is now on Homebrew for macOS Mojave or higher (Intel or M1)

2021-10-05 Thread Aaron Hill
being used for any dependency, including GhostScript and Cairo. Such a solution would then be part of the core distribution. -- Aaron Hill

Re: cross-staff, broken Glissando

2021-11-07 Thread Aaron Hill
ng to assist you both in breaking down C++ code into Scheme and providing some educational guidance to get you fishing on your own. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-08 Thread Aaron Hill
But it would seem better to let the parser do the work by having the function accept a ly:duration? directly. Certainly, it would be easier to use: \timeII 3 4. % logically \time 9/8 -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-12 Thread Aaron Hill
dotted list" that does not. '(a . b); => (cons 'a 'b) '(a b) ; => (cons 'a (cons 'b '())) '(a b . c) ; => (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c)) The main takeaway here is that cons-ing an atom and a list with the intent to create a pair will also result in creating a new list. Scheme does not make any distinction. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-12 Thread Aaron Hill
a4 g2 a4 } ...but this conversion is inherently lossy. The stencil procedure would have no idea what the original rhythmic denominator was. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-12 Thread Aaron Hill
to be able to support both standard fraction (4/4) as well as the number-duration (3 2.)? P.S. I have to head off to a rehearsal now, so I'll look at this when I get back. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-12 Thread Aaron Hill
is lost. \note-denom cannot magically recover the original intention to be able to render the signature as the user wanted. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
l rhythmic denominator for the stencil procedure to do useful work. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-11-13 7:09 am, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: {   \time 4/4   c'1   \time \kieren 5 { 8~8.} c'4 } Oh, and here I was thinking the denominator was only ever a simple duration. It makes perfect sense that it could be generalized to accept any music. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
forgot that in C++ that becomes listen_time_signature. And my fast review of was overly focused on process_music. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-11-13 7:15 am, Aaron Hill wrote: It makes perfect sense that it could be generalized to accept any music. Continuing my trend for hastily written/researched code, consider the attached. There is almost certainly an easier way of doing things, and who knows what I have broken in the

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
ch as number/duration, but I am unsure the cost. David, do you know any reasons why FRACTION is a token and not a parser rule? -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-11-13 1:22 pm, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: David, do you know any reasons why FRACTION is a token and not a parser rule? Wagonloads of lookahead? I think the only practical action is for me to play around with the lexer and parser myself. Is it strictly necessary to

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-11-13 3:34 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2021-11-13 1:22 pm, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: David, do you know any reasons why FRACTION is a token and not a parser rule? Wagonloads of lookahead? I think the only practical action is for me to play around with the lexer and

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-11-13 3:42 pm, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: On 2021-11-13 1:22 pm, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: David, do you know any reasons why FRACTION is a token and not a parser rule? Wagonloads of lookahead? I think the only practical action is for me to play around

make all fails (help2man cannot find info for lilypond because lilypond cannot find

2021-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
he library path information is lost. -- Aaron Hill

Re: make all fails (help2man cannot find info for lilypond because lilypond cannot find

2021-11-14 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-11-14 2:04 am, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: On Sun, Nov 14, 2021 at 7:03 AM Aaron Hill wrote: NOTE: Manually specifying the library path... /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \ --library-path /opt/guile-1.8/lib/ \ out/bin/lilypond --version and reports "GNU Lil

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-15 Thread Aaron Hill
er be explicit about the intention. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-15 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-11-15 9:20 am, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote: When you are shown to be incorrect about something, you seem incapable of either admitting that you were either wrong, or were unclear about what it was you were saying in the first place. Hey now... That's my schtick. ;-) --

Process clarification regarding branches, merge requests

2021-11-15 Thread Aaron Hill
differently than GitHub? -- Aaron Hill

Re: TimeSignature with note in denominator

2021-11-15 Thread Aaron Hill
music fraction--I would see more practical value in something custom like how \compoundMeter works rather than trying to make \time support fancier syntax. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Process clarification regarding branches, merge requests

2021-11-15 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-11-15 10:44 am, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 15/11/2021 à 19:00, Aaron Hill a écrit : I should state that I only have experience with GitHub, so I might mix up terminology when trying to map things to GitLab. Is

Race condition with 'make test'?

2021-11-16 Thread Aaron Hill
previous run left off, though it would be nice to have it complete in a single invocation. This is not a blocking issue, and I will experiment with fewer jobs/lower CPU count to see if I can find a balance between execution time and reliability. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Race condition with 'make test'?

2021-11-16 Thread Aaron Hill
og:warning: tried to space systems on a bad number of pages out/lybook-testdb/f7/lily-b9567f71.log:warning: compressing over-full page by 6.2 staff-spaces out/lybook-testdb/f7/lily-b9567f71.log:warning: page 2 has been compressed out/lybook-testdb/f9/lily-356505a0.log:programming error: Grob `FingerGlideSpanner' has no interface for property `font' - Does it reproduce on a slightly older version, say,   release/2.23.4-1? If so, it might be related to   Han-Wen's recent lilypond-book infrastructure changes. Yes, I get the same errors against release/2.23.4-1 (9e187fb3). I will try earlier tags and then see about bisecting. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Race condition with 'make test'?

2021-11-16 Thread Aaron Hill
error but at a different point in the tests. The related log also mentions a fatal error about not being able to rename something. This behavior seems to go back to release/2.23.0-1. Builds and tests are taking long enough (and I've got other work to do), so I'll have to look at this

Re: Race condition with 'make test'?

2021-11-17 Thread Aaron Hill
logies for surfacing this noise to the development team. -- Aaron Hill

Re: MIDI title?

2021-11-19 Thread Aaron Hill
ial-cased to result in no emitted title, which works around the compatibility issue you described. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Binaries of LilyPond 2.23.5 with Guile 2.2

2021-12-08 Thread Aaron Hill
10 Version 20H2, OS Build 19042.1348) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Fwd: Binaries of LilyPond 2.23.5 with Guile 2.2

2021-12-08 Thread Aaron Hill
ck to using ccache and commenting out the two setlocale calls I mentioned before allows the program to run normally in most cases. There is a rare access violation. I managed to catch it under windbg, however I do not have debug symbols for the executable. I attached the !analyze -v output

Re: Fwd: Binaries of LilyPond 2.23.5 with Guile 2.2

2021-12-08 Thread Aaron Hill
k whether offset is also 0036e97e. If these match, you and I are encountering the same access violation. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Binaries of LilyPond 2.23.5 with Guile 2.2

2021-12-08 Thread Aaron Hill
intermittent with no obvious trigger. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Fwd: Binaries of LilyPond 2.23.5 with Guile 2.2

2021-12-09 Thread Aaron Hill
mpiled files for the most critical .scm files. That seems a little silly. Even in the .NET/IL world, ngen is entirely optional. By the by, is the intention going forward that LilyPond will ship its own .scm files byte-compiled? -- Aaron Hill

Re: Fwd: Binaries of LilyPond 2.23.5 with Guile 2.2

2021-12-15 Thread Aaron Hill
, including properly showing translated messages. Did the link expire already? Seems others got to the files but I am getting a landing page about upgrading Nextcloud services. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Fwd: Binaries of LilyPond 2.23.5 with Guile 2.2

2021-12-15 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-12-15 10:53 pm, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: Am Mittwoch, dem 15.12.2021 um 13:55 -0800 schrieb Aaron Hill: On 2021-12-15 5:25 am, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote: > I think I got it, can you give the newly built binaries in > a try? This uses &

Re: RFC: Adding syntax highlighting to the official documentation

2021-12-18 Thread Aaron Hill
I'm sure there are lessons learned back then that could help today. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Fwd: Binaries of LilyPond 2.23.5 with Guile 2.2

2021-12-21 Thread Aaron Hill
2) Processing `' Parsing... -- Aaron Hill

Re: No makefile found

2021-12-28 Thread Aaron Hill
(8c9d4da0) and was able to build just fine. Of note, I have a GNUmakefile in addition to those files above. Any errors or warnings during configure? Perhaps there was a subtle change in your environment. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Release schedule for 2.20

2018-05-09 Thread Aaron Hill
e to run from master or some other staging branch. I have no qualms of running "bleeding-edge" bits. That said, it is always more convenient to be able to work from pre-built binaries, although those understandably take time to create and publish. So, I apologize if I have ruffle

Re: Clarifying Windows support

2022-02-14 Thread Aaron Hill
erhaps there is little harm in the implication. But I think the focus on CPU architecture rather than Windows version is more important to stress. For all we know, LilyPond might run on XP64. -- Aaron Hill

Re: strange results for LedgerLineSpanner and \balloonText

2022-03-01 Thread Aaron Hill
to attach a balloon to. Just the other day, I wanted to have ledger lines be printed in color to match the note head color. What I had to do was move the engraver from staff to voice so each voice could have its own ledger lines colored as I needed. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Should \partial accept music instead of duration?

2022-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-03-19 5:46 pm, Thomas Morley wrote: Am So., 20. März 2022 um 00:02 Uhr schrieb Aaron Hill : Here would be a possible refactoring: \version "2.22.0" partial = #(define-music-function (mus) (ly:music?) (_i "Make a partial measure.") (let* ((mom

Re: Should \partial accept music instead of duration?

2022-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-03-19 7:53 pm, Dan Eble wrote: On Mar 19, 2022, at 20:53, Aaron Hill wrote: ... A convert-ly rule would probably not be possible given the limited power of regular expressions. As such, \partial might need to support both duration and music arguments. Initially I thought this might

Re: Should \partial accept music instead of duration?

2022-03-20 Thread Aaron Hill
on, so the change to \partial usage ultimately looks like this: \partial 4 s4 => \partial s4 This removes the otherwise redundant specification of the duration. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Should \partial accept music instead of duration?

2022-03-20 Thread Aaron Hill
upbeat (opposite the term downbeat) describes articulation/emphasis more than it does timing. \anacrusis or \pickup are better options though still too strongly linked to the beginning of a piece. I think the existing \partial is the right word for the job. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Should \partial accept music instead of duration?

2022-03-20 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-03-20 3:17 am, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: Fair point, though the intention here would be that backwards compatibility would only need to exist for a time. I strongly disagree since \partial with a duration is the natural and proper expression when writing a separate

Re: RFC on MR 1368

2022-05-25 Thread Aaron Hill
lypond/lilypond/-/merge_requests/1368#note_959007386 -- Aaron Hill

Re: Should we be touching goops?

2022-06-03 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-06-03 8:48 am, David Kastrup wrote: Frankly, that's academic. It reminds me of the excessive amount of energy placed into keeping the mathematics(!) of location vectors and difference vectors separate. Homogenous coordinates: "When in doubt, define a new dimension."

Re: Should we be touching goops?

2022-06-06 Thread Aaron Hill
cified? Or is there supposed to be a type-specific overload of 1+? I am worried something might not have gotten committed. [1]: --

Re: Should we be touching goops?

2022-06-06 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-06-06 6:19 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: That said, I did find one surprise looking at [1]. I would not have expected 1+ (increment) to work without some way of Scheme knowing how to construct unity for a given type. Am I just overlooking where such a is being specified? Or is there supposed

Re: Should we be touching goops?

2022-06-06 Thread Aaron Hill
infers) that iota uses + behind the scenes, this should probably not be *too* surprising. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Distribution delays on mailing lists for GNU LilyPond

2022-06-17 Thread Aaron Hill
hands off to, when gets the email a second(?) time from "localhost" ( almost ten hours later. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Distribution delays on mailing lists for GNU LilyPond

2022-06-17 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-06-17 9:07 am, Ian Kelling wrote: Aaron Hill writes: In case it helps, your very message to the list was delayed significantly. I presume I hadn't posted to lilypond-devel before, so it was held for moderation and the listhelpers were asleep, they approved it after they woke u

Re: Distribution delays on mailing lists for GNU LilyPond

2022-06-17 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-06-17 9:36 am, Ian Kelling wrote: Aaron Hill writes: On 2022-06-17 9:07 am, Ian Kelling wrote: Can confirm: no appreciable delay. Moderation could make sense here, although it would not explain why regular users of the lists experience this delay intermittently. Is there some

Re: Writing multiple-voiced music in chords -- adjusting the syntax or finding a magic trick?

2022-06-28 Thread Aaron Hill
mately, this is probably only a viable input method for simple music. As things get even slightly more complex, writing parts in the more traditional manner likely wins out for readability and maintainability. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Writing multiple-voiced music in chords -- adjusting the syntax or finding a magic trick?

2022-06-28 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-06-28 7:10 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: Implementing \seriesMusic amounts to [...] Proof of concept below, but note that this code lacks any safety/sanity checks. \version "2.22.0" %% BEGIN FUNCTION DEFINITION #(define (sequential-music? arg) (and (ly:music? arg)

Re: integrating Joram's 'visualindex'

2022-08-03 Thread Aaron Hill
l the manuals. While the typesetting probably could use left-facing and right-facing pages more intentionally, I have never really had any problems with the existing layout. -- Aaron Hill

Re: integrating Joram's 'visualindex'

2022-08-03 Thread Aaron Hill
ith double-sided formatting, you would have the option to utilize facing pages. But again, I do not think double-sided formatting is strictly required for much of the existing content. The new visual index would be one of the few things that I think benefits reliably laying out side-by-side.

Re: Can't have rehearsal mark and segno mark at same moment

2022-08-10 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-08-09 8:01 pm, Dan Eble wrote: The marks that \repeat segno creates are intended to identify points of repetition and departure for performance. Having one of those, I do not understand why one would want to identify the same point with a second mark for rehearsal. Surely this is about

Re: Can't have rehearsal mark and segno mark at same moment

2022-08-14 Thread Aaron Hill
name for a value to be used "never more than once". Outside of that, it is slang in some dialects and could be seen as offensive due to negative connotations. Probably best to be avoided. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Mixed chord/note mode

2022-08-22 Thread Aaron Hill
; in order to successfully type "d2:m7". If we borrowed the chord syntax from note-mode, it would mean when typing "2" I could think "D minor seventh, for a half note" which feels much more natural. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lilypond build dependency tlasm

2022-09-07 Thread Aaron Hill
re outputs: ERROR: Please install required programs:  t1asm That's a numeral one, not a lowercase ell. t1asm [1] is for Type 1 fonts. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: weird error engraving two files with 2.23.14

2022-10-17 Thread Aaron Hill
r the line break issue, you need to join the F and # together, otherwise each markup expression is treated as its own line within \column. So, something like " \concat { F \number ♯ } ". -- Aaron Hill

Re: auto beam issue

2022-11-02 Thread Aaron Hill
f8 c c } \new Staff { \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'() f8 f c } >> r4 | } } Note that if you allow both staves to include the rest explicitly, the beam appears: \new Staff { \relative { r4 g'8 g c4 c8 d | e4 r8 << { f8 c c r4 } \new Staff { f8 f c r4 } >> } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: LilyPond 2.23.81

2022-11-13 Thread Aaron Hill
oft allows developers to submit files for review [1] ahead of time, so they can be classified correctly. However, it might not be worth following this process for unstable or pre-release builds. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: PATCHES - Countdown to November 23

2022-11-21 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2022-11-21 4:46 pm, Colin Campbell wrote: !1734 Resurrect banana commas - Werner Lemberg Heh, "banana". But seriously, many thanks for the quick fix, Werner! -- Aaron Hill

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