On 2020-08-29 9:02 am, Dan Eble wrote:
On Aug 29, 2020, at 10:06, Kieren MacMillan
<kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

Hi all,

On Aug 29, 2020, at 10:00 AM, Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:

\repeat volta 5 {
\alternative 1,3 {
\alternative 2,4,5 {

That's pretty nice.


Considering trying not to stray too far from the current syntax,
what's your opinion of this?

    \repeat volta 5 {
    } \alternative {
      \volta 1,3 { … }
      \volta 2,4,5 { … }

Ah, of course. I forget that \alternative only occurs once and has nested music inside it. If it were called \alternatives (plural), I'd probably get it right for once.

Would you mind being limited to all-or-none use of \volta within a
given \alternative{}?

If the number list for the \volta command were optional, then perhaps {...} could be treated as \volta {...}. In that way, existing usage maps to the new syntax without needing any conversion/translation.

Defining the semantics of an empty number list could be tricky, but the goal is to mimic existing behavior for compatibility.

Even with \volta on all elements, would you want to be able to leave
some volta numbers implied, or would you prefer to have LilyPond draw
your attention to the omission?  Example:

    \repeat volta 10 {
    } \alternative {
      \volta 1,3,9 { … } % 1, 3-4, 9-10
      \volta 2,5 { … }   % 2, 5-8

That usage makes sense to me. And I think implied occurrences would be desirable since a number list does not make it easy to specify ranges.

-- Aaron Hill

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