On 2021-11-16 12:54 pm, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
I cannot reproduce (I tried both normal builds and
with ./autogen.sh --enable-cairo-backend).
In case it matters, the only flag I used with configure was
- What do you get when running the grepping shell
commands advised at the top of the make test output?
$ grep -L systems.texi out/lybook-testdb/*/*log | sed s/log/ly/g | xargs
grep -H sourcefilename
(Returned nothing?!)
$ find out/lybook-testdb -name "*.log" | xargs grep -H
out/lybook-testdb/01/lily-f9b407bf.log:Renaming input to:
programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress
encountered for #'stencil (NoteHead)
programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress
encountered for #'stencil (NoteHead)
programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress
encountered for #'stencil (NoteHead)
programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress
encountered for #'layer (NoteHead)
programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress
encountered for #'stencil (NoteHead)
out/lybook-testdb/0f/lily-4d1603a7.log:Renaming input to:
warning: no viable initial configuration found: may not find good beam
out/lybook-testdb/13/lily-63a0b7df.log:programming error: bounds of this
piece aren't breakable.
out/lybook-testdb/15/lily-7dccbf09.log:warning: too few pages: 1 (should
have at least 2)
out/lybook-testdb/15/lily-7dccbf09.log:warning: tried to space systems
on a bad number of pages
out/lybook-testdb/15/lily-7dccbf09.log:warning: too few pages: 1 (should
have at least 2)
out/lybook-testdb/15/lily-7dccbf09.log:warning: tried to space systems
on a bad number of pages
out/lybook-testdb/15/lily-7dccbf09.log:warning: compressing over-full
page by 6.0 staff-spaces
out/lybook-testdb/15/lily-7dccbf09.log:warning: page 1 has been
out/lybook-testdb/24/lily-5f7c1c7e.log:Writing graph to `standard
out/lybook-testdb/27/lily-35d8ab5a.log:Renaming input to:
out/lybook-testdb/27/lily-35d8ab5a.log:warning: 3 expected warning(s)
not encountered:
out/lybook-testdb/27/lily-f3957c5e.log:programming error: Grob `Rest'
has no interface for property `text'
out/lybook-testdb/27/lily-f3957c5e.log:programming error: Grob `Rest'
has no interface for property `text'
out/lybook-testdb/29/lily-3fef10a7.log:programming error: bounds of this
piece aren't breakable.
out/lybook-testdb/35/lily-d98cee0c.log:Renaming input to:
out/lybook-testdb/40/lily-dcc1b1f6.log:programming error: Grob
`Fingering' has no interface for property `positioning-done'
out/lybook-testdb/40/lily-dcc1b1f6.log:programming error: Grob
`Fingering' has no interface for property `positioning-done'
out/lybook-testdb/40/lily-dcc1b1f6.log:programming error: Grob
`Fingering' has no interface for property `positioning-done'
out/lybook-testdb/40/lily-dcc1b1f6.log:programming error: Grob
`Fingering' has no interface for property `positioning-done'
out/lybook-testdb/40/lily-dee14dc0.log:warning: margins do not fit with
line-width, setting default values
out/lybook-testdb/41/lily-4de36210.log:Renaming input to:
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/42/lily-4e9acf09.log:programming error: Grob
`StemTremolo' has no interface for property `style'
out/lybook-testdb/47/lily-09998074.log:error-found :
out/lybook-testdb/4f/lily-845ecea7.log:warning: too many pages: 2
(should have at most 1)
out/lybook-testdb/4f/lily-845ecea7.log:warning: tried to space systems
on a bad number of pages
warning: direction of grob Stem must be UP or DOWN; using UP
out/lybook-testdb/54/lily-89ea17a6.log:programming error: Loose column
does not have right side to attach to.
out/lybook-testdb/60/lily-755c22b4.log:warning: Error in beam quanting.
Expected (2.19,2.19) found (2.81 . 2.81).
out/lybook-testdb/60/lily-755c22b4.log:warning: Error in beam quanting.
Expected (-0.19,-0.19) found (0.0 . 0.0).
out/lybook-testdb/60/lily-755c22b4.log:warning: Error in beam quanting.
Expected (-0.19,-0.19) found (0.0 . 0.0).
out/lybook-testdb/60/lily-755c22b4.log:warning: Error in beam quanting.
Expected (-0.19,-0.19) found (0.0 . 0.0).
out/lybook-testdb/60/lily-755c22b4.log:warning: Error in beam quanting.
Expected (3,3) found (3.5 . 3.5).
out/lybook-testdb/66/lily-7aee9785.log:Renaming input to:
out/lybook-testdb/6a/lily-65093469.log:warning: margins do not fit with
line-width, setting default values
warning: conflict with event: `absolute-dynamic-event'
warning: discarding event: `absolute-dynamic-event'
out/lybook-testdb/6f/lily-d93851b3.log:programming error: Parsed object
should be dead #<Prob: Music C++: Music((void . #t))((name . Music)
(types)) >
out/lybook-testdb/6f/lily-d93851b3.log:programming error: Parsed object
should be dead #<Prob: Music C++: Music((void . #t))((name . Music)
(types)) >
out/lybook-testdb/6f/lily-d93851b3.log:programming error: Parsed object
should be dead #<Prob: Music C++: Music((void . #t))((name . Music)
(types)) >
out/lybook-testdb/6f/lily-d93851b3.log:programming error: Parsed object
should be dead #<Prob: Music C++: Music((void . #t))((name . Music)
(types)) >
out/lybook-testdb/6f/lily-d93851b3.log:programming error: Parsed object
should be dead #<Prob: Music C++: Music((void . #t))((name . Music)
(types)) >
out/lybook-testdb/77/lily-17a134c1.log:Renaming input to:
out/lybook-testdb/77/lily-17a134c1.log:warning: 1 expected warning(s)
not encountered:
out/lybook-testdb/77/lily-17a134c1.log: this is a warning that
won't be triggered
error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
error: include files are not allowed in safe mode
out/lybook-testdb/85/lily-cfb6453a.log:warning: cannot find: `#f'
out/lybook-testdb/85/lily-cfb6453a.log:warning: 1 expected warning(s)
not encountered:
out/lybook-testdb/8a/lily-a0df2266.log:programming error: vertical
alignment called before line breaking
out/lybook-testdb/90/lily-d38e89ff.log:programming error: Grob
`Glissando' has no interface for property `font'
out/lybook-testdb/90/lily-d38e89ff.log:programming error: Grob
`Glissando' has no interface for property `font'
out/lybook-testdb/90/lily-d38e89ff.log:programming error: Grob
`Glissando' has no interface for property `font'
out/lybook-testdb/94/lily-32d78681.log:warning: compressing over-full
page by 89.3 staff-spaces
out/lybook-testdb/94/lily-32d78681.log:warning: page 1 has been
out/lybook-testdb/9b/lily-ceb8ce1d.log:programming error: Grob
`Glissando' has no interface for property `font'
out/lybook-testdb/9f/lily-8bee1bfa.log:warning: compressing over-full
page by 6.3 staff-spaces
out/lybook-testdb/9f/lily-8bee1bfa.log:warning: ragged-bottom was
specified, but page must be compressed
out/lybook-testdb/a1/lily-58f1e540.log:warning: compressing over-full
page by 57.8 staff-spaces
out/lybook-testdb/b9/lily-d1dffc73.log:programming error: Grob
`FingerGlideSpanner' has no interface for property `font'
out/lybook-testdb/b9/lily-d1dffc73.log:programming error: Grob
`FingerGlideSpanner' has no interface for property `font'
out/lybook-testdb/b9/lily-d1dffc73.log:programming error: Grob
`FingerGlideSpanner' has no interface for property `font'
out/lybook-testdb/ba/lily-e08dbb3a.log:Renaming input to:
out/lybook-testdb/c6/lily-73a13001.log:warning: compressing over-full
page by 3.1 staff-spaces
out/lybook-testdb/c6/lily-73a13001.log:warning: page 1 has been
out/lybook-testdb/cc/lily-713af29c.log:programming error: Parsed object
should be dead #<Prob: () C++: Prob()() >
out/lybook-testdb/d4/lily-d3a42aca.log:programming error: Grob
`TupletNumber' has no interface for property `shorten-pair'
out/lybook-testdb/d4/lily-d3a42aca.log:programming error: Grob
`TupletNumber' has no interface for property `shorten-pair'
out/lybook-testdb/d4/lily-d3a42aca.log:programming error: Grob
`TupletNumber' has no interface for property `shorten-pair'
out/lybook-testdb/d4/lily-d3a42aca.log:programming error: Grob
`TupletBracket' has no interface for property `dash-definition'
out/lybook-testdb/d4/lily-d3a42aca.log:programming error: Grob
`TupletBracket' has no interface for property `dash-definition'
out/lybook-testdb/d4/lily-d3a42aca.log:programming error: Grob
`TupletBracket' has no interface for property `dash-definition'
out/lybook-testdb/d4/lily-d3a42aca.log:programming error: Grob
`TupletBracket' has no interface for property `dash-definition'
warning: stem does not fit in beam
warning: beam was started here
out/lybook-testdb/d7/lily-15bb08b3.log:programming error: bounds of this
piece aren't breakable.
out/lybook-testdb/dc/lily-8ddd9590.log:warning: systems run off the page
due to improper paper settings, setting default values
out/lybook-testdb/e1/lily-0581dc11.log:warning: compressing over-full
page by 32.3 staff-spaces
out/lybook-testdb/e8/lily-cb67c238.log:warning: compressing over-full
page by 33.8 staff-spaces
out/lybook-testdb/ea/lily-9bacd6b1.log:warning: Found infinity or nan in
output. Substituting 0.0
out/lybook-testdb/ea/lily-9bacd6b1.log:warning: Found infinity or nan in
output. Substituting 0.0
out/lybook-testdb/ea/lily-9bacd6b1.log:warning: Found infinity or nan in
output. Substituting 0.0
out/lybook-testdb/ea/lily-9bacd6b1.log:warning: Found infinity or nan in
output. Substituting 0.0
out/lybook-testdb/ea/lily-9bacd6b1.log:warning: Found infinity or nan in
output. Substituting 0.0
out/lybook-testdb/ea/lily-9bacd6b1.log:warning: Found infinity or nan in
output. Substituting 0.0
out/lybook-testdb/ea/lily-9bacd6b1.log:warning: Found infinity or nan in
output. Substituting 0.0
out/lybook-testdb/ea/lily-9bacd6b1.log:warning: Found infinity or nan in
output. Substituting 0.0
out/lybook-testdb/f4/lily-03c6e9c8.log:warning: too many pages: 3
(should have at most 1)
out/lybook-testdb/f4/lily-03c6e9c8.log:warning: tried to space systems
on a bad number of pages
out/lybook-testdb/f4/lily-03c6e9c8.log:warning: too many pages: 3
(should have at most 2)
out/lybook-testdb/f4/lily-03c6e9c8.log:warning: tried to space systems
on a bad number of pages
out/lybook-testdb/f7/lily-b9567f71.log:warning: compressing over-full
page by 6.2 staff-spaces
out/lybook-testdb/f7/lily-b9567f71.log:warning: page 2 has been
out/lybook-testdb/f9/lily-356505a0.log:programming error: Grob
`FingerGlideSpanner' has no interface for property `font'
- Does it reproduce on a slightly older version, say,
release/2.23.4-1? If so, it might be related to
Han-Wen's recent lilypond-book infrastructure changes.
Yes, I get the same errors against release/2.23.4-1 (9e187fb3). I will
try earlier tags and then see about bisecting.
-- Aaron Hill