On 2022-08-03 5:12 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
While the typesetting probably could use left-facing and
right-facing pages more intentionally, I have never really had any
problems with the existing layout.
Well, it's not about the existing layout – even if we are going to use
double-sided formatting, it wouldn't change much (besides some shifts
in page numbering). The thing is that only in double-sided mode I can
easily arrange the documentation to make the visual index appear on
facing pages.
Theoretically, the documentation could be optimized for page turning,
much like we do for music. In the NR, there are some sections of prose
followed by relevant code snippets and the rendered result that
sometimes awkwardly span across a page break, requiring flipping back
and forth. For single-sided formatting, the only option is to try to
fit things to one page; but with double-sided formatting, you would have
the option to utilize facing pages.
But again, I do not think double-sided formatting is strictly required
for much of the existing content. The new visual index would be one of
the few things that I think benefits reliably laying out side-by-side.
-- Aaron Hill