Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Umm, no. jhalfs parses the xml of the book and creates a Makefile that
>> builds
>> by the LFS book. Actually, it is quite convenient.
> ICA is in fact implemented as an optional feature of jhalfs. Which means
George Boudreau wrote:
> Matthew Burgess wrote:
>> Forwarding to lfs-dev...I'm currently unable to commit to SVN (my own
>> network setup here). I'd guess we either need to revert back to the '-' or
>> change it to '–' (note the additional ';').
>> George, how does 'xmllint' puke? It'd be nic
George Boudreau wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> George Boudreau wrote:
>>> Matthew Burgess wrote:
>>>> Forwarding to lfs-dev...I'm currently unable to commit to SVN (my own
>>>> network setup here). I'd guess we either need to revert back to t
I'm puzzling over two tickets concerning perl: 2071 and 2227
It looks like 2071 says that we need to add -Dvendorprefix=/usr to the
configuration process, but configure.gnu doesn't support it.
Dan mentions that he uses:
sh ./Configure -des \
-Dprefix=/usr \
Right now all the tickets for packages and instructions have been fixed. Any
new packages should be targeted to 7.0 from now on. If there is a strong
security issue, we will address that, but normal updates should not go into 6.4.
There are three open tickets for 6.4. One is a bootscript issu
TheOldFellow wrote:
> Just a note to say that I built and booted it today. No issues. I
> even ran almost all the tests. I added Device-mapper+LVM2 and replaced
> SysVinit with runit as is my wont, so this doesn't test the bootscripts.
Thank you for the feedback Richard. I am planning on cutti
-- Bruce Dubbs
LFS Release Manager
Unsubscribe: See the above information page
Rick Houkes wrote:
> While attempting to build LFS 6.4 rc-1, during to process of getting
> all necessary packages and patches I found out the download link for
> Ncurses 5.6 is broken. Ncurses 5.6 can still be downloaded here:
Fixed. Thanks.
Tobias Gasser wrote:
> the current rc1 and SVN-20081106 both require the following patch
> expect-5.43.0-tcl_8.5.4_fix-1.patch
> both versions use tcl 8.5.5.
> as i did not compile the book but just am downloading the packages i
> can't tell you wether the fix is still required or not.
Gilles Espinasse wrote:
> From: "Tobias Gasser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> i had to add ABI=32 as my system was identified ad 64bit.
>> ./configure ABI=32 --prefix=/usr --enable-cxx --enable-mpbsd
>> i'm using CFLAGS="-O3 -march=i486" as a global setting, overwritten for
>> some special cases m
I don't know of any outstanding issues except the GMP issue with some
combinations of hardware and CFLAGS setting. Although we recommend not using
CFLAGS, that could be addressed with a note.
-- Bruce
FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.
Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> I don't know of any outstanding issues except the GMP issue with some
>> combinations of hardware and CFLAGS setting. Although we recommend not
>> using
>> CFLAGS, that could be addressed with a note.
> I
Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
>> #define RELEASE "stable"
>> -#define VERSION "2.8"
>> +#define VERSION "2.8-20080929-LFS"
>> [snip]
>> Is there any interest in doing something like this ?
> I like it except the -LFS. As we don't modify it one bit, why
> add the LFS? It is a sto
Lefteris Dimitroulakis wrote:
> Is it too late to update to man-pages-3.13?
We probably need to put a note into the book that the man pages are updated
relatively frequently and the latest version can probably be used without
-- Bruce
Thomas Reitelbach wrote:
> Am Sonntag 16 November 2008 09:31:20 schrieb Thomas Reitelbach:
>> Hello list,
>> I'm currently in the process of translating current 6.4 LFS to german.
>> Now I'm wondering about licensing. The book says it's licensed under
>> „Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2
Thomas Reitelbach wrote:
> Hello list,
> can someone please add the following translated l10n block to
> stylesheets/lfs-xsl/lfs-l10n.xml
> (diff also attached as file). This is necessary to provide german
> translations
> for some standard terms. Other languages are already included in
Thomas Reitelbach wrote:
> Am Sonntag 16 November 2008 19:37:43 schrieb Bruce Dubbs:
>> 2.0 was current when I added the license. Perhaps they rolled the number
>> ot make it the same as GPL, but that's just speculation. Since the entire
>> text is in the book and not
LFS-6.4-rc1 has been out two and a half weeks now and there are really no
significant issues that I know about. Of course there are some changes that
could be made, but I don't know of any that really *need* to be made.
A problem with delaying is that newer packages continue to be available, so
-- Bruce Dubbs
LFS Release Manager
Unsubscribe: See the above information page
Thomas Reitelbach wrote:
> The german translation is already available at my site.
Thanks Thomas. I updated the website to add a link to 6.4 German version.
-- Bruce
FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscr
/S/SBUThomas Reitelbach wrote:
> Hello list,
> the german translation for LFS 6.4 is already finished. But I got a problem
> with the PDF output and I'm pretty sure that you can help me :)
> Attached you'll find a little screenshot which shows, how the translated PDF
> looks like. You'll no
Benjamin John wrote:
> Hello, it would be nice if someone could create a tag for 6.4 in the svn
> repository. All older versions are tagged and jhalfs serches in the tags for
> the sources of the book.
OK, done. Thanks for the reminder.
-- Bruce
Thomas Reitelbach wrote:
> But it would have been wise to fix this before the release. I'm of course not
> one of those people to decide such things. But for the last releases i
> believe that someone (who?) resolved rendering issues like this with the
> book.
I've made that last couple of re
DJ Lucas wrote:
> Forgive the obvious, but I'm thinking a smaller font for these parts. I
> don't see any problem with having smaller text in these sections of the
> book as they are tables and appendixes, not necessarily required
> reading. I don't have any clue how to go about doing this, b
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Jeremy Huntwork
I'm responding to the initial post, but I've read several responses
and implicitly am responding to those too.
> About a month or so ago I'd said I'd start looking into writing a
> section for LFS that deals with pros/con
Original Message
Subject: LFS 6.4: Helped me with with "/tools/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_eh "
Chapter 5.7 Patch for glibc --
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 20:43:45 +0100
From: Druckerfehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hey there,
i wan't to submit the patch
Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
>> Anything else?
> Ticket 2033 -- initramfs. This way people with crappy software "RAID1
> cards" (e.g. Promise, Highpoint, etc.) that require drivers in Windows,
> can still boot from those cards. Also, support for MD RAID (*real*
> software RAID
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Ok, so we have a fair amount of items we'd like to push into 7.0, some
> of which, work has already begun.
> As far as step-by-step plan of attack goes, how does this sound?
> 1. Move to DIY's new build method in trunk. If we ignore multilib and
> any extra arch sup
DJ Lucas wrote:
> Guys and gals,
> Is there any real desire to support the optional installation prefixes
> of X, QT, Gnome, and KDE in the book after package management enters?
> Maybe I'm just being lazy, but at this point, I kinda view it as an
> unnecessary maintenance burden. Not to me
Gordon Schumacher wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
>>>> Ticket 2033 -- initramfs. This way people with crappy software "RAID1
>>>> cards" (e.g. Promise, Highpoint, etc.) that require drivers in Windows,
Marc Ferland wrote:
> I hope this is the right mailing list for reporting spelling errors.
Yes, exactly the right place.
> I'm currently following LFS v6.4. in chap. 5.21
> The paragraph: "This parameter bypasses the search for mktime in configure
> and
> uses the version in glibc. The is ne
Rob Thornton wrote:
> Quote: "There's an internal issue with Coreutils which makes some of the
> programs behave abnormally if you build using an older kernel."
> It doesn't state what is considered "old." 2.2? 2.4? 2.6.xx.x?
Hard to say. Take a look at the patch.
"We provide a fallback for
Marc Ferland wrote:
> Hi,
> I've discovered another very small error in the kernel installation doc
> (chapter 8.3, in LFS 6.4).
> The line:
> "If the kernel source tree is going to be retained, run chown -R 0:0 on the
> linux- directory to ensure all files are owned by user root.
Gordon Schumacher wrote:
> But what is the further intent here
The intent is for the subject line to reflect the general content of the reply.
-- Bruce
Unsubscribe: See the above information pa
Jim Gifford wrote:
> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
>> Greg Schafer wrote:
>>> the Acknowledgments page will suffice. "... Technical Writer and Architect
>>> of the Next Generation 64-bit-enabling Build Method" or similar.
>> I'll give you a day or so to decide on the exact wording you prefe
William Harrington wrote:
> It's a community endeavor and each project with it's own goal. Each project
> may borrow from another, and each project needs to give credit to the source.
> If any part of the source is used credit needs to be given. It's a black and
> white line.
While I
Jim Gifford wrote:
> Enough on that subject,
OK. Time to move on.
> As far as LFS Dev privs, thanx but no thanx. You can delete them, not to
> mention, someone changed by password on me a while back, because they
> were afraid when CLFS moved away to it's own servers. I have no interest
> i
Jim Gifford wrote:
> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
>> Jim, you have not yet said how you would like CLFS to be credited.
> The license specifies the terms.
I took a look at the page and am having a bit of difficulty in determining how
Olaf wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> In academia, the accepted method of using other authors' ideas is to just
>> create
>> a bibliographic entry. In BLFS, the first section of the Introduction is
>> Acknowledgments, but there is no similar section in LFS. Perh
William Harrington wrote:
> Prepare Zlib for compilation:
> Prepare GMP for compilation:
Fixed. Thanks.
-- Bruce
Unsubscribe: See the above information page
DJ Lucas wrote:
> DJ Lucas wrote:
>> a technical reason not to create the entire 'base' while in chapter 4?
> Oops, that should have been 'chapter 5'.
Can you explain what you mean by "create the entire 'base'".
-- Bruce
FAQ: htt
DJ Lucas wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Can you explain what you mean by "create the entire 'base'".
> Again, looking at this from a packaging point of view, IMO, all files
> and directories that are created manually should be together on on
DJ Lucas wrote:
> Woah..reading a bit too much into it. As David correctly pointed out,
> I'm only suggesting that creating the basic filesystem (sections
> 6.2-6.6) be reordered, or rather reworked.
> Creating packages at build time is the goal, however, the packages would
> be installed i
I have just gone through a lot of messages being held on both the -dev and
-support lists. I rejected most of the messages because they had html embedded
in them.
Do *not* post in HTML. Further posts may either be rejected or just discarded
depending on how patient I feel.
See: http://www.l
jp wrote:
> hi, all
> I rendered the xml of the development book. Surprisingly, the md5sum of
> lfs-bootscripts differs from what is on the website.
> Can someone explain what is happening ?
You don't say what version you are rendering.
In any case, there are a couple of scripts, make-aux-
Jim Gifford wrote:
> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
>> I assume an initramfs is possible via some kind of "initrd" type line?
>> I'll have to look.
>> (I give a udev by-id symlink for root=, which is resolved by initramfs.)
> APPEND initrd=initrd.img
> That will take care of that
>>> extlinux
I've been getting a warning when building the kernel (
WARNING: vmlinux.o( Section mismatch in reference
from the variable initial_code to the function
The variable __cpuinitdata initial_code references
a function __init i386_start_kernel
Greg Schafer wrote:
> Ryan Oliver wrote:
>> # Sysroot based SANE multilib cross-compiler build for LFS style builds
> Heh, this is hilarious. A new and improved build method goes into LFS and
> CLFS folks awake from the dead :-) Feeling some pressure guys? :-)
> Sorry mate, but this whole
Chris Staub wrote:
> LFS builders in IRC are reporting on a daily basis that they cannot
> download the Glibc version listed in the book since that snapshot is no
> longer available at the redhat ftp site. The link in the book should
> point to the LFS ftp download site,
> ftp://ftp.lfs-matrix.
Tushar Teredesai wrote:
> I still don't get it. Does the current LFS leadership get to decide
> what every project that ever "forked" from LFS can and cannot do?
No, and I don't think it's even being tried. There are some expressions of
regret that there are personality conflicts and a wish by
We have a problem with libusb and usbutils.
libusb has released 1.0.0 on 2008-12-13.
usbutils is at version 0.73 released on 2007-10-24.
usbutils configure wants a function, usb_get_string_simple(), that is not in
libusb-1.0.0. There are functions libusb_get_string_descriptor() and
Thomas Reitelbach wrote:
> Lookling at the books licence general I would say, you can publish your
> translated book in any form if you like.
Um, no. The license is NonCommercial.
"You may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 3 above in
manner that is primarily intend
Martin Miehe wrote:
> In the indices of current stable book (and in 6.3 as well) are several
> page numbers printed twice after one entry. E.g. at
> Programs -> acinstall
> Programs -> aclocal
> Programs -> addpart
> Programs -> autoconf
> and so on.
> Has this been done purposely or is it
Jim Gifford wrote:
> I can't take one individuals word on things, because frankly I don't
> trust some I can't validate myself.
Trust has very little to do with it, but I agree. Any scientific investigation
has to provide enough details to be able to duplicate the results. To do this,
we hav
Chris Staub wrote:
> I would have created a Trac ticket, but Trac appears to be broken at the
> moment. I keep seeing stuff like "Warning:
> " on the top of
> every page, and cannot create or edit tickets.
Chris, I took a look at the tickets and I don't see any problem with viewing
Chris Staub wrote:
> Nope, still can't create or edit tickets. Also, "Moody" in IRC has
> reported the same problem (actually, he mentioned it first, which is
> what caused me to look at Trac in the first place). Plus, I get exactly
> the same result in both Firefox and Links.
> Now that I l
Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Feb 2009 11:19:18 +0100, Thomas Trepl
> wrote:
> Just to let you know that I also had this same issue immediately after Jeremy
> upgraded
> one of the Trac plugins a couple of weeks ago. I carried on browsing Trac
> until, at
> some point it prompted me to c
Matthew Burgess wrote:
> Just thought I'd drop a note on the pending package updates I've assigned to
> myself. I have patches to the book for all of these now.
> However, as expected by looking at ticket #2322, there's slight issues with
> Groff-1.20.1 and its interaction with Man-DB-2.5.3.
Randy McMurchy wrote:
> William Immendorf wrote these words on 02/11/09 16:04 CST:
> Why must you feel you have to shout in ALL CAPS? You'd be so much
> more accepted if you just followed the decorum we've established over
> the ye
I accidentally hosed the lfs password file. Registration doesn't seem to
work either. I'm working on it.
-- Bruce
Unsubscribe: See the above information page
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Guys,
>I accidentally hosed the lfs password file. Registration doesn't seem to
> work either. I'm working on it.
The registration problem I had was an issue with my browser. Registration
works. We don't have a backup of the password file,
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Guys,
>>I accidentally hosed the lfs password file. Registration doesn't seem to
>> work either. I'm working on it.
> The registration problem I had was an issue with my browser. Registration
> works.
Matthew Burgess wrote:
> PS: Nice to see you back on the lists, Archaic.
I agree. Archaic, don't be a stranger.
-- Bruce
Unsubscribe: See the above information page
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> A while back I sanitized the bootscripts for POSIX sh compatibility,
> and I think DJ has been maintaining that goal. I think it's a nice
> (and obtainable) goal to target since having sh != bash can save on
> bloat.
Save on bloat? For what? My copy of bash is 500K. dash
Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 10:58:45 -0700, Dan Nicholson wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Matthew Burgess
>> wrote:
>>> Given that LFS only installs bash, does any of this matter? :)
>> A while back I sanitized the bootscripts for POSIX sh compatibility,
>> and I think
Archaic wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 01:41:53PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> I would really go the other way and make all the scripts start with
>> #!/bin/bash
>> and use the features of bash. When we use the lowest common denominator, we
>> prevent progress. I
Archaic wrote:
> To use -Dusethreads or not, that is the question. :)
> Without, I get 2 files that are linked to pthread:
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i686-linux/auto/DB_File/
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i686-linux/auto/Time/HiRes/
> With, I get:
> /usr/bin/perl5.10.0
> /usr/b
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Dan Nicholson wrote:
>>> A while back I sanitized the bootscripts for POSIX sh compatibility, and
>>> I think DJ has been maintaining that goal. I think it's a nice (and
Agathoklis D. Hatzimanikas wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, at 07:12 Dan Nicholson wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> If you were looking at a system (not just a computer system) and you
>> found that one part took twice the resources and twic
Archaic wrote:
> The vimrc that LFS creates is very spartan. There is a default
> configuration that isn't bad plus it gives new users a quick idea of how
> powerful the rc can be.
> cp runtime/vimrc_example.vim /etc/vimrc
> The if statement for bg=dark is not included, but could be appended
Greg Schafer wrote:
> Hi,
> Just stumbled across this. You will likely want to fix it:
Thanks Greg. I've removed it from -dev and added an errata item to the website
for the stable book.
-- Bruce
Ken Moffat wrote:
> When building an old version, don't forget to use the instructions
> that applied when you built it originally! You do keep either the
> version of the book that you used, or buildscripts, right ? The
> released version of the books are mostly at
> http://archive.linuxfromsc
I am proposing that we release LFS 6.5 in the next week or so. We really
haven't made a lot of progress on the main issues of the targeted 7.0 release,
but there has been good incremental progress on the routine updates of package
versions in the book. LFS-6.4 was released last November.
DJ Lucas wrote:
> OK...The what happens for BLFS? I'm guessing BLFS-6.4 will be a no go,
> and BLFS should be targeting current SVN?
I would think that is reasonable.
-- Bruce
Unsubscribe: See
I'm trying to address ticket #2315 that says zdiff doesn't work. I confirmed
this by creating two files with a one line difference and compressing them:
gzip file1
gzip file2
But 'zdiff file1.gz file2.gz' gives no output. Older versions of the script
work properly.
The code in the script is
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> I'm trying to address ticket #2315 that says zdiff doesn't work. I confirmed
>> this by creating two files with a one line difference and compressing them:
>> gzip file1
Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> The problem code looks like:
>> gzip_status=$(
>>exec 4>&1
>>(gzip -cdfq -- "$1" 4>&-; echo $? >&4) 3>&- |
>> ( (gzip -cdfq -- "$2" 4>&
As discussed at, we've run
an issue with util-linux-ng. The best solution appears to hold off LFS-6.5
until util-linux-ng-2.16 is released in 2 to 3 weeks. This change will also
affect e2fsprogs as libuuid is being transitioned from e2fspr
I've been going through the -dev book manually and have run into a problem at
the start of Chapter 6.
The build of glibc-2.10.1 goes without a problem, but make check fails even
the -k parameter:
/usr/bin/perl scripts/ argp/argp.h ...
> /sources/glibc-build/begin-end-
Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> The build of glibc-2.10.1 goes without a problem, but make check fails even
>> with
>> the -k parameter:
>> /usr/bin/perl scripts/ argp/argp.h ...
>>> /sources/glibc-build/begin-en
OK, I ran the instructions to build glibc-2.10.1 on a LFS-6.4 system and ithe
checks completed normally. There was one error identified:
make[2]: [/mnt/lfs/sources/glibc-build/posix/annexc.out] Error 1 (ignored)
but this is already identified in the book. I think we may have some problems
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> OK, I ran the instructions to build glibc-2.10.1 on a LFS-6.4 system and ithe
> checks completed normally. There was one error identified:
> make[2]: [/mnt/lfs/sources/glibc-build/posix/annexc.out] Error 1 (ignored)
> but this is already identifi
Another glibc issue:
We use:
../glibc-2.10.1/configure --prefix=/usr \
--disable-profile --enable-add-ons \
--enable-kernel=2.6.0 --libexecdir=/usr/lib/glibc
--enable-kernel=VERSION compile for compatibility with kernel not older than
but I found
Trent Shea wrote:
> On Sunday 24 May 2009 16:31:12 Trent Shea wrote:
>> I'll see if I can hack jhalfs to keep my build directories and provide up
>> to date information this week.
Thanks, Trent.
> I'm just running a jhalfs build right now. A bunch of errors:
What version of the book did you use?
Trent Shea wrote:
> On Sunday 24 May 2009 16:31:12 Trent Shea wrote:
>> I'll see if I can hack jhalfs to keep my build directories and provide up
>> to date information this week.
> I'm just running a jhalfs build right now. A bunch of errors:
> grep Error 068-glibc
> make[3]: *** [/sources/g
Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On Mon, 25 May 2009 01:53:33 -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> OK, I've got the problem solved. My errors are similar to the above, but
>> the only errors I'm getting are tst-fgetwc.out and annexc.out.
> Firstly, apologies for
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Bryan Kadzban
> wrote:
>> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>>> --enable-kernel=VERSION compile for compatibility with kernel not older than
>> Yes: abort any program at startup if the current kernel
Gilles Espinasse wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bruce Dubbs" To:
>> Using 2.6.18 appears to potentially affect binaries built against kernels
>> older than that and run on a LFS-6.5 or later system. I don't see where
>> that would be an
This is a progress report on what remains for LFS-6.5:
#1929Use 'make install', when it can work, instead of 'cp', when installing
single files.bdubbs
I haven't heard any feedb
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Dan Nicholson wrote:
>> The reason I saw was so code didn't have to check for certain features at run
>> time. The would be to make things easier for the programmers. 2.6.18
Emmanuel Trillaud wrote:
> I am currently translating some hints in french, including the
> optimization one. I was planning to proposed a patch soon to update the
> hint and I saw your status report on LFS 6.5.
>> #2414 Evaluate Optimization hint unassigned
> here is some things that
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed the missing pieces on the server to allow PDF
> generation again (JDK, FOP and FAI).
> First attempt to render the PDF seems to have successful minus a few
> warnings regarding missing fonts and an overflow problem in a paragraph.
> Generat
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> #2326Modifications to Preface gerard
>> Some changes have been made. Waiting for final review to close.
>> #2092 Switch all text back from third person to second person pronouns
>> gerard
>> Some fixes have been made. We can probably promote thi
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> I looked for the overflow, but couldn't find it. I would have thought it
>> might
>> have been one of the boot or udev scripts, but I didn't spot the problem.
>> You
>> might look at the and see if you can get to block 1824. I think
>> that
>> 1pt == 10
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> #2326Modifications to Preface gerard
>> Some changes have been made. Waiting for final review to close.
>> #2092 Switch all text back from third person to second person pronouns
>> gerard
>> Some fixes have been made. We can probably promote thi
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> I looked for the overflow, but couldn't find it. I would have thought it
>> might
>> have been one of the boot or udev scripts, but I didn't spot the problem.
>> You
>> might look at the and see if you can get to block 1824. I think
>> that
>> 1pt == 10
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> I tried running make pdf on quantum, but got:
>> /bin/sh: fop: command not found
> I didn't add the JDK and FOP directories to the global $PATH yet.
> Add the appropriate lines to your .bash_profile or .bashrc:
> PATH=$PATH:/usr/fop
> export JAVA_HOME=/op
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> I think I found it. In the very last page of the index:
>> # /usr/include/{asm{,-generic},drm,linux,mtd, rdma,sound,video}/*.h:
>> Linux- API Headers
> While I appreciate the way that's written, it's hardly readable and it
> does take a few careful loo
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> May 26, 2009 8:03:58 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo notifyFontReplacement
> WARNING: Font 'Symbol,normal,700' not found. Substituting with
> 'Symbol,normal,400'.
> May 26, 2009 8:03:58 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo notifyFontReplacement
> WARNING: Font 'ZapfDingba
Trent Shea wrote:
> On Sunday 24 May 2009 21:09:35 Trent Shea wrote:
>> make[3]: *** [/sources/glibc-build/nptl/tst-mutex5.out] Error 1
>> make[3]: *** [/sources/glibc-build/nptl/tst-mutex9.out] Error 1
>> make[3]: *** [/sources/glibc-build/nptl/tst-mutex5a.out] Error 1
> Alright, I believe that
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