Marc Ferland wrote:
> I hope this is the right mailing list for reporting spelling errors.

Yes, exactly the right place.

> I'm currently following LFS v6.4. in chap. 5.21
> The paragraph: "This parameter bypasses the search for mktime in configure 
> and 
> uses the version in glibc. The is necessary due to a change in gcc that has 
> not been incorporated into this package yet. "
> Should be:"This parameter bypasses the search for mktime in configure and 
> uses 
> the version in glibc. _This_ is necessary due to a change in gcc that has not 
> been incorporated into this package yet. "
> Also, in the same chapter (5.21) the paragraph saying "Compilation is now 
> complete. As discussed earlier..." should be after the "make" command, not 
> before.

Since 6.4 is in the stable book, we can't change that, but I put this in the 
errata on the web site.  I will fix it in the -dev version of the book.


   -- Bruce
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