On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Simon Britnell wrote:
> > and it's fine if they want that, but i feel like too often
> > white-picket-fence is the normative ideal, and anyone who doesn't want
> it
> > (particularly females) takes a lot of shit.
> imho, the person who gives you the most sh*t is yourself.
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 14:48:41 -0700 (PDT), Deirdre Saoirse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>But for a while I really did understand. I took anti-depressants,
>which helped enormously. It was like a cloud lifted.
For me, it's more like it keeps the storms away. Still lots of
clouds, but they're not nea
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Simon Britnell wrote:
> My comments labelled RANT had far too much emotion in them and for that
> I apologise.
Why? :) It's OK, I don't think you were out of line.
> > ... Roblimo's artical ... 'bad' reasoning
> I don't think Robs article is bad reasoning per'se. I thin
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Simon Britnell wrote:
> > 2) Talk to ambulance people about failed suicides. The percentage of
> > suicide attempts that make a mistake and end up maiming themselves
> > instead is suprising. I don't fear death. Disability is another
> > matter.
Simon Britnell wrote:
> As for the rest of your comments, you made my day. Good to meet another
> survivor. Here are a couple of things that helped me:
> 2) Talk to ambulance people about failed suicides. The percentage of
> suicide attempts that make a mistake and end up maiming themselves
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Simon Britnell wrote:
> be there, but couldn't see a way to cut the emotion, so I just labelled
> it "hazardous content" and left it.
For what it's worth, I thought it was a fair way of handling the
situation. My definition of flaming includes the attack being redirected
Well, not so much a flame war as a brief exchange of fire :)
My comments labelled RANT had far too much emotion in them and for that
I apologise. I started trying to explain my position and ended up
angry. After writing it I still felt the information content needed to
be there, but couldn't se