IMHO for average Harbour users more official releases would be important.
For sure most users here build Harbour from SVN but the majority
non-hardcore users wait to official releases. In defense of these users I
would suggest release an official package at least two times by year to
Most important thing is the title. Have fun! :-)
[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> 2. go past into the virtual space, I mean end of line, which again
> is a question in the dark as I did not find any Qt/QScintilla based
> editor
> having this capability. In Windows it is easy, even I can simulate it.
I am not sure if virtual space is a goo thing. Maybe. I think it's
> Anyhow, I am dropping the idea to base anything on QScintilla.
> I will try to add features with my existing thought of
> development.
> Viktor is just caring about Harbour project, it is his job and I totally
agree with him about this issue.
You are the master of HbIDE, you need to care a
> Then it is a serious bug in hbIDE.
> How do you activate hbIDE ?
> Check if you can find "Projects Functions List" populated
> at startup after ( once ) tagging few projects ?
> Show us hbIDE.ini responsible to load projects.
> I will try but for now I can't run HbIDE. Do you have
> It persists.
Not for me.
> You need to re-tag only when you add a new project or
> there are heavy changes in your code. Recommened course is
> to re-tag every week to be on the safer side.
> Anyway, I admit that it needs a reworked approach.
i just read these pag
> >> Can you explain what constitute it to be unstable?
> >>
> > HbIDE crashs.
> >
> I do not experience it now, anybody else ? And can you describe
> circumstances, when ?
> Like some situations I already posted before and you put in your todo list.
I have a crash trying close a split e
Reading the QScintilla code and the Notepad++ code, I had some ideas.
In future if HbIDE fails to fit my needs and I still wants more than
Notepad++ or another general code editor, I could write a full featured code
editor specific to Harbour programmers (based on Scintilla/NP++ or from
scratch us
> > Tab order on project properties is skipping some input boxes.
> >
> I could not follow it. What you mean "skipping" ?
> Tab order is out of order.
> Can you explain what constitute it to be unstable?
HbIDE crashs.
> > Goto Function on context menu doesn't jump to functio
> IMO it's time to start building a "world" around Harbour outside our
> physical repository. We're already getting size problems. Actually
> this world around Harbor exists since a long time with quite some
> well known and widely used components, so there is nothing more to
> do than extendin
> QScintilla is a class just like QTextEdit or QPlainTextEdit with many more
> methods to manage text files supporting multiple lexers. Basically it
> replaces
> underlying document handlling and editing widgets of Qt. Nothing more...
> Exactly, lexer, document handling and editing widgets, all
> Few months back I had played with this code and found
> that it can be useful. But due to its heavyness and a lot
> of interdependancy, I stayed with hbqt_qplaintextedit.cpp.
> I hate heavy-weighted software then I gone to read QScintilla. Like the
original Scintilla, seems to be a good p
2010/5/16 Massimo Belgrano
> and now you can use qscintilla to pritpal's wrapper
> I think it is not needed, but could be useful if present on HbIDE. Looking
at surface I like the idea of using QScintilla, but it is not my call.
Certainly using QScintilla it would things behave more standard by
> There is QScintilla though, which could be interesting:
Very interesting. I knew just the original Scintilla.
[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> >> - The menu hbide is very similar to Visual studio the look and feel no
> > The major problem is not look & feel, is too.
> Wich are your pratical suggestion for hbide?
> wich Philosophics like Consistency about menus, context menus, toolbar
> and keyboard mapping ?
> what hbide need to b
>> could be better to allow to launch an external editor form hbIde? Just a
> provocation, as Harbour programmer's could obtain same productivity without
> to spend learning time.
> I think that the choice of emulating xMate was a very useful path to
> obtain a quick and effective skeleton and
2010/5/16 Massimo Belgrano
> I apreciate xmate because i have used and found high consistence
> But can suggest Pritpal Use a model different from xmate because
> xmate is a project born in 2003 as possible read in Pritpal's page at
> IMO can be
> To me the most alien is that users are forced to
> use toolbars for various everyday tasks, and toolbar
> is their only option (*). Plus many times I hear that as
> a final argument:
> "it's done that way in xMate so it will be like that in HBIDE"
> For a non-xMate user like me, this conveys
> - A look and feel based on icon on tool bar (that will be easy
> trasformed if Pritbal give us
>add/remove tolbar or better Customize toolbar icon
> - The menu hbide is very similar to Visual studio the look and feel no
The major problem is not look & feel, is too.
> -
> I am really sorry
> to hear about so ridiculous comments about xMate. I would suggest you
> just to give it a try before repeatedly shouting against it.
xMate was my first try when I come back to xBase programming. I will never
use it or nothing with same behavior.
Maybe my comments are ridi
> Great, but I would like to have a possibility to implement MultiEdit way
> using key binding macro. I guess hbide should be flexible enough to do this.
> Exactly.
xMate is a sub and non standard IDE. IMO it's ok and I can understand the
reason to reproduce his behavior, but if HbIDE wishes
Don't offend me in any way. I totally understand you. Again maybe my poor
English sent wrong impression.
As I said *personally IF I am last Harbour user* I would drop a lot of
legacy, but I never would that thinking about the whole community.
[]'s Maniero
2010/5/14 Viktor Szakáts
> > It was
It wasn't my intention make you reply that, I just do a statement trying to
wide the view about the problem. As I wrote I completely agree about the
whole decision and specially your last paragraphs as below. Maybe my poor
English have been confusing about my message.
Please don't waste time on th
Hi Viktor
First of all, I support your decision, don't get me wrong. Maybe this
statement be unnecessary.
I can (guessing) understand what Massimo said. Some modern
languages/development platforms allow this construction in a portable way
(Java, CLR, Python, Ruby, even Delphi could), some better
I am curious about this need. Can you provide some useful example?
[]'s Maniero
2010/5/11 CarozoDeQuilmes
> Hi, when I put the following #translate in my program always convert the
> parameter myparm to literal "myparm". It is good for me.
> Sample:
> #translate MYEXAMPLE ;
Hi Pritpal
Please, make this a option. I unknown another code editor which highlighting
only one brace and I ever used coding with pair highlighting. For me,
highlight one brace is confusing, or highlight none or both braces.
xMate is a bad example of code editor implementation. It has too many n
There is a problem on the iPad side :-) At least seems it when I read tech
news about iPad.
[]'s Maniero
2010/5/7 Viktor Szakáts
> > Are there any license problem to run Harbour on iPad?
> From the Harbour side there isn't.
> Viktor
> ___
> Ha
Are there any license problem to run Harbour on iPad?
[]'s Maniero
2010/5/7 Viktor Szakáts
> Hi Antonio,
> > I have managed to build Harbour for the iPad:
> >
> >
> Great!
> > You need to jailbreak in order to use it. Next I will po
I post them as soon as I can see them again.
[]'s Maniero
2010/5/4 Pritpal Bedi
> Antonio Maniero wrote:
> >
> >> I got same error on right-click while I trying to use HbIDE, but I don't
> > remember where. There are 2 or 3 places outside tabs.
> * contrib/hbxbp/xbptabpage.prg
>! Fixed to not generate error on right-click on a tab.
> I got same error on right-click while I trying to use HbIDE, but I don't
remember where. There are 2 or 3 places outside tabs.
[]'s Maniero
> I think MultiEdit has free 30-days evaluation. I really like functionality
> of this editor. Default functional keys mappings can seem unusual, but later
> you find it comfortable.
> Pritpal, I think you need download and install some editors and IDEs to
> have ideas and to learn how some
> I am following xMate and it has nothing like this. I think it should not be
> difficult once I know exact implementation details.
> Please, try to do a better product than xMate. Don't stay limited to xMate
> > 2) I'm trying to use Setup->Keyboard mappings, but unable to
> > +1: There is still a lot of functionality which are
> > only available on the toolbar, but not from the menu.
> >
> And keyboard too.
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Short answer is no.
.Net platform is binary incompatible with native applications like Harbour
runs. Of course is possible to create a wrapper to communicate to
ADO.NETbut is a crazy thing to do. There is no advantages to do that.
[]'s Maniero
2010/5/3 Adolfo Lagos Jimenez
> Hi everyone
Hi Pritpal
More suggestions:
When creating a new project, ask to create a folder instead to show error
when a folder doesn't exist.
Create a option to enable a "x button" on tabs to close it or a unique "x
button" which will be close the current tab or keep without "x button".
Need context menu
> No, since begining. Selecet some text, click on left-side toolbar icon
> "ToUpper".
> My Fault, I just look on main menu edit. (inconsistency here)
> We are primarily focussed on Xbase dialect compilers only.
> It is not our goal to make hbIDE universal as yet. So I will look
> forward
Hi Viktor
> IMO HBIDE should offer Harbour standards as default
> and let user override it.
I totally agree.
> Besides duplicating efforts and losing focus, it also
> make HBIDE heavier and heavier, and I'm not sure it's
> good idea to pull in large amount of unnecessary
> code into memory
Please, post line 19 from your Main.
[]'s Maniero
2010/4/28 ivan re
> $ hbmk2 xml1.prg -lxhb -L/usr/local/lib/harbour
> hbmk2: Processing configuration: /usr/bin/hbmk.cfg
> Harbour 2.1.0beta1 (Rev. 14394)
> Copyright (c) 1999-2010,
> Compiling 'xml1.prg'..
> I entrust you can do this very well. Just maintain a list what is missing
> and required,
> and chances are I will implement them as soon as possible.
> The only problem I can't schedule to you.
> > Include line numbers configuration in theme manager.
> >
> Is already there.
> Just
Hi Pritpal
I reply your message tomorrow. Before I go to bed I suggest you read this
page about importance of UI:
Do you know Joel? All programmers should know him. I agree and disagree with
him on individual topics but he becomes a referenc
I think you need to keep an informal roadmap with features which not be
implemented very soon. You implement many features in hours or days, but
some of them need too much time and an informal roadmap would be useful. But
this is your call only, I just gave a idea.
Some random ideas not organized
> BTW what part of the artical is relevant to what follows ?
> Is it ti guide me, what objects are, and, how to program them
> or how should these behave ?
> It's describe a pattern (not necessarily related to OOP) which IMO help you
organize the code to avoid inconsistencies. The command pat
ade floatable.
>+ Added: Manubar->Setup->Tools & Utilities.
>! Refined: Manubar->Setup->Encoding - submenus prompts.
>! Resized: Keyboard Mappings dialog buttons.
>! Refined: Projects Properties Dialog - General tab.
> These tweaks were p
Hi Pritpal
I will write my first review about HbIDE. It's not a complete review and I
just want contribute to improve this potential useful tool. It's not my
intention to criticize your work, just to show my view about an IDE. Sorry
by my English and sorry if I lost or misunderstand something.
For me the intent is follow Francesco's original thoughts and create
my application based on Qt style and dropping any old style. However typical
xBase programmer would have a lot difficulties to learn and use this
new approach so a compatibility layer is necessary. IMHO this is all or
Do you downloaded Harbour from SVN? For now 2.1.0.beta1 is available only
from SVN. You need download and build it. If you can't download and build
from SVN I think you should wait official 2.1.0 come, I am pretty right
someone will build and publish it on Sourceforge.
[]'s Maniero
2010/4/24 Sin
I don't use it yet but I will use soon on a large ERP with
a sophisticated interface building way. I hope I can share ss later this
[]'s Maniero
2010/4/21 francesco perillo
> Now that hbqt seems more stable than before, I'd like to know if
> someone is using hbqt for business-type applic
> It is there.
> Just click on "Float" button on any of the docking widgets ( right-side )
> only.
> The window becomes independent and you can place them anywhere you want.
> Also next run will remember previous positions and will open there when
> invoked.
I wrote ALL components. Later this
I think all IDE components need to free to be put in any place, specially
with 2 monitors. Now I work with 2x 1280x1024 but I am buying 2 new monitors
to work on portrait position (2x 1200x1920).
Keyboard mapping for all components and many others things need to be
configurable too. For me, ID
Please don't take seriously this checklist, just prize how about Harbour
fill that subjective criteria.
*For me* Harbour is very well, getting points mostly on building/bundling. I
think I should congratulate all that have contributing to little FAIL in
> If I understand correctly (correct me if not):
> - You intend to create separate hbqt_gcpointer*() calls for
> each object type.
> - To add NULL checking to these functions.
> I agree with both. HBQT code should definitely throw RTE when
> NULL is detected, instead of letting it GPF.
Hi Viktor
Are you talking about Harbour GC or ref count in general? Ref count is
enough for this task? Is not possible have circular references?
Can you talk about Harbour GC? I want know about Harbour internals.
[]'s Maniero
2010/4/12 Viktor Szakáts
> That's why reference counting was inven
Hi Francesco, Viktor, Pritpal, Prezmek and all guys working on HBQt
It's very good to see all that progress about HBQt. I think the HBQt is
going to right way. I hope can help in a near future.
[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limi
; we search same intrested user
> 2010/4/10 Antonio Maniero :
> > I had written, many years ago, a few rules for PP translate some FoxPro
> > commands to Clipper compatible code. Anyone here with FoxPro experience
> to
> > test this?
> > I could contribute these r
> For me WP should be only a place where to say that Harbour exist and
what it is while the "details and comparisons" should be elsewhere.
I disagree although the article need be cleaned up. I bring a lot things
from Clipper and xHarbour article to be polished. It's a matter of balance
> We should try. We have nothing to hide and we're
> not lying, so I believe all we need to do is put
> convincing sources behind our statements.
I totally agree.
> F.e. the
> guy deleted the word "fast". Now, we have lots and
> lots of speed comparisons with Clipper, Xbase++ and
> xhb, so
Some rules I've learned:
Mailing list can't be used as reliable source :-(
Non-english sources too
WP has so many rules, some of them are ambiguous and contradictory. It's
party to an "wikipedia's attorney" shows and make trouble where everything
walks ok.
You missed my discussion about newsgroup
Fisrt, ^C Francesco words and ^V as my words :-)
I really hope HBQt comes to be the most important non-core Harbour
component. My decision about return to xBase programming was helped by HBQt
introducing, but today I couldn't put HBQt in my production code. IMHO HBQt
needed an overhauling to reach
I will try improve documentation too, but I can just do well in Portuguese.
I will be the boring guy to touch key of documentation.
Typical xbase programmers (not most of this list) have problems when they
documentation, imagine when he can't found documentation. I am not a very
expert on programm
It's a shame but this edit will be deleted soon by Yworo wikipedia's user.
he is a experient user and know all wp "laws".
I was finding for mailing list statistics ;-) Thanks
[]'s Maniero
2010/4/9 Viktor Szakáts
> > i propose add c:\harbour\doc\xhp-dif.txt to wikipedia page
> I've added it
Thanks. I will try Linux soon. This weekend I will try build Harbour64 on my
Windows and I will try Qt as static. I think all my big problems will be
build Harbour with external dependencies. Really external, not the
dependencies on /external folder in SVN, these are ok. And thanks to Viktor
to upd
I am waiting my wikipedian stalker give up to continue my edits :-) But,
yes, your blog will be my target :-) Today I will edit pt version with
console/GUI drivers. I will use your blog as reference.
Today I asked Vailtom to allow me edit in some way he
thinks ok.
I can hel
Well, I don't say "professional, but it is better now. I am improving now
I am having problems with a Wikipedian Prick on english version. He stating
about deleting Harbour article. When the article was weak, ugly and
incomplete, nobody shows to critici
I had written, many years ago, a few rules for PP translate some FoxPro
commands to Clipper compatible code. Anyone here with FoxPro experience to
test this?
I could contribute these rules (and some code, I really can't remember how I
did) to FoxPro compatibility layer.
[]'s Maniero
Is it ok just agree on the list with intent to influence the decision?
I agree with Francesco and Viktor. I hope I will use HBQt a lot.
[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Why "clicked()" is not a codeblock?
[]'s Maniero
2010/4/8 Pritpal Bedi
> francesco perillo wrote:
> >
> > So I started to ask myself the necessity to have s_slots and s_events
> > (whatever you call them) defined and handled by the programmer.
> > And (I understand that QT_SLOTS_CONNEC
Hi Marco
At the momento I will just play with Harbour on Linux. Probably I will try
on CentOS. When I have a problem, I post here. For now I need solve some
problems on Windows yet. I have difficulties with dependencies. I need learn
about hbp, hbc and hbm formats. It's just my opinion, but seems
ve work
> by Pritpal Bedi. I am creating a small program (CUI mode) using GTWVT and
> when I finish it I will try to port it to *nix.
> PC is Przemyslaw Czerpak but I think you can just say Przemek since he
> signs down his name this way and seems to be much easier for non Slavi
O most xBase programmer is individualist too
much, including. I hope change this.
Feel free to write me in private when the list is not adequate place.
Antonio Maniero
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