
I think all IDE components need to free to be put in any place, specially
with 2 monitors. Now I work with 2x 1280x1024 but I am buying 2 new monitors
to work on portrait position (2x 1200x1920).

Keyboard mapping for all components and many others things need to be
configurable too. For me, IDE was born to be flexible.

Column mode is absolutely necessary.

I will try do real use with HBIDE this week to review it.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/20 Massimo Belgrano <mbelgr...@deltain.it>

> I made a suggestion regarding hbide
> Finish/Explain xharbour/clipper support
> Finish wizard for create new project
> Remove welcome screen in particular when load from command line hbide
> mytest.hbp
> Automatic tag in Function lookup
> Possible a theme with color like Visual studio 2010 and  keyboard mapping
> in editor function:
> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/da5kh0wa(v=VS.100).aspx#editors
> 3 toolbar are a lot, possible remove one?
> very good use of tab in right& Left screen when you open Multiple function
> like Documentation,function list ,Project Properties..
> Now toolbar will be included inside right & left screen (last row)
> Better having toolbar as first,last row
> <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/da5kh0wa(v=VS.100).aspx#editors>In
> keboard mapping i not able execute at f12  exectool("calc.exe")
> 2010/4/19 Pritpal Bedi <bediprit...@hotmail.com>
>> Hello Everybody
>> Can you review and suggest something is if
>> going the right direction ?
>> --
> Massimo Belgrano
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