es, the "moved" footnote is separated from the
footnotes proper to the page it's moved to by whitespace. This
visually resolves any confusion that might occur when, say, the
footnotes contain two entries that are both marked by a star (the
usual "first" footnote ma
ated" strategy is perfect.
Unless or until groff has a "paragraph" algorithm, I believe that
the avoidance of widows/orphans, in quality typesetting, should be
under the manual control of the user.
I'm not sure what the state of the .wdc request is (i.e. if it's
been fully tested and is stable). If anyone has experience with
it, could they let me know?
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
Groff mailing list
d read your old post, and was wondering if it
still applied. Seems it does.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
Groff mailing list
the list.
Which brings me to a question: is anyone on the list interested
in working with me on expanding mom? So far, it's been a
one-man-band project, but I don't have the luxury of developing
that way any more.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press,
olutions and extensions
> in and to mom. I have a long "typographer's wishlist" where I've written
> down things & ideas emanating from the annoyance of working with
> QuarkXPress, InDesign and Framemaker.
Maybe you'd like to contact me offlist
On Sat, Mar 12, 2005, Jon Snader wrote:
> I do have cross reference macros that I use for my books.
> Peter, if you'd like to include them in mom or use them as a
> starting point, you're more than welcome--just let me know.
Please, pass them along.
Peter Schaffter
dd floats
and keeps as well. And I still have to look at implementing
Werner's margin notes macro in a way that's consistent with mom.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
workable approach to a problem exists?
No, it implies you guys watch The Psychic Hotline together. :)
If one fact in the universe is true, it's that in groff, there are
always many workable approaches to a problem.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezV
Encoding: 7bit
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Groff mailing list
the precise nature of the spoofed addresses (just a few groff list
members), the only theory I can come up with is that someone is, or
has, manually scanned the list and chooses victims from it.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
quot; variety).
I think that covers the main places refer would be used in a
document. Can anyone think of a use I've missed?
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
Groff mailing list
On Fri, Apr 01, 2005, Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 11:22:08PM -0500, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > Blow, Joe, and John Doe
> > ^
> >
> > By default, refer produces
> >
> > Blow, Joe and John Doe
> >
> &
I have some quibbles
with it, as I do with other styles, but as a "general" style, it's
by far the one I prefer.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
Groff mailing list
e, I'm
surprised at how flexible it actually is. Not "flexible and fast,"
just flexible. There's a lot of painstaking work involved. Still,
I'm not unhappy with it in this regard. Yet.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
On Sat, Apr 02, 2005, Jorgen Grahn wrote:
> On Fri Apr 1 23:42:51 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On 01-Apr-05 Peter Schaffter wrote:
> ...
> > >
> > > In contemporary North American bibliographies, about five
> > > styles are "stan
dition of a pre-fix string to complement
> the supplied suffix-string associated to list labels. For example, mom
> allows:
> 1)
> 2)
> etc.
> but doesn't allow:
> (1)
> (2)
> etc.
This shouldn't be too difficult t
the variable holding the
> database string (well, what is it's name? :-) )
database a_different_database
instructs refer not to search the default database. If later you
need to have refer include the default database again:
I think that
I hope to make the new release by the end of the week.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
Groff mailing list
use of
footnotes, you might consider creating macros in your text editor
that insert them into the text.
And since I am just now in the midst of revising the documentation
section on footnotes, I will add instructions concerning the
problem. Good timing!
Peter Schaffter
Author of _
gt; used to use it all the time in manual pages for the HP-UX
> Reference manual in 1989-1992 when that was my job at HP.
No, this doesn't work with mom's footnotes routines.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Can
I'll be sending Werner mega patches for a version 1.3 release of
mom before Monday next, which will include this change (duly noted
in the documentation).
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
not being able to set up complete list structures all in one
shot presents the user with a minor (and, one hopes, infrequent)
inconvenience, rather than a major stumbling block, I believe I can
let this one go for now.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press,>
List-Post: <>
List-Help: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Subscribe: <>,
===End spam he
hings like
> $(notdir ...) in there; I assume that's a Gnu make-specific feature.
> BR,
> Jörgen
> PS. I deliberately did not send this to mom's author, since it affects
> groff's install process in general, not mom's features.
Good thing, too, since this i
bit long in the tooth. You might want to consider
updating to a more recent version.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
Groff mailing list
> I am happy to ignore the error, but ideally would like to substitute R
> if CR is not available.
Recent versions of groff include
.if F
which tests for the existence of a font. Is that what you're
looking for?
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann
t; > keep going back to vi, (or (g)vim), for personal choice.
> > >
> >
> > In the end, there can be only one.
> Christophe Lambert or Adrian Paul?
Adrian Paul. At least he can act.
And for me, (el)vi(s) is still the King.
Peter Schaffter
". Conversely, I've
noticed that it's people in their forties and fifties, accustomed to
word processing, who think the whole text processing philosophy and
implementation isn't sufficiently cool for their tastes.
As I said, just my two-cents worth.
Peter Schaffter
. FOOTER_RIGHT "Footer Right
.\"***Add any footer style changes above this comment line.***
---End recipe for getting both headers and footers---
I'm interested to know how you intend to use the combo of headers
and footers. If your situation is a common one, I may macro-
evision 1.43
retrieving revision 1.44
diff -c -u -r1.43 -r1.44
--- BUGS15 Mar 2006 23:32:06 - 1.43
+++ BUGS27 Mar 2006 23:22:11 - 1.44
@@ -18,6 +18,15 @@
--Peter Schaffter
+Version 1.3-e
and I'd like to be able to attribute it properly.
Peter Schaffter
Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)
Groff mailing list
ff *ever* incorporate shrinkable vertical, and, much more
important, horizontal space? All other concerns aside, the only
quibble I've ever had with groff as a typesetting engine is that,
as Werner reminds us, groff's paragraph formatting algorithm isn'
Peter Schaffter
Groff mailing list
e decades ago.
> .lhang/.rhang
> Hanging characters at the left and right margin, respectively.
This would be wonderful.
Peter Schaffter
Groff mailing list
lines, how much kerning to apply, etc. during the first run.
I'm wondering if this is the kind of "pre-output access" you're
envisaging. Hard to imagine how groff could implement it in
user-space, nice though it would be. Seems to me it would require a
specialized fron
at the end of every line rather than having to be set. If such a
"trap" existed, macro writers could attack the problem of letter-and
word-spacing themselves. This has many advantages over trying to
implement code in groff to do the same thing, methinks.
Wonder if it's doable?
Peter Schaffter
Groff mailing list
Hi, all.
My DDNS provider crapped out, with the result that the mom macros
homepage vanished from the Web late last week. I've signed up with
another provider (dynds), so the mom homepage can now be found at
Peter Scha
tional behind groff's drawing rounded caps on
rules, and rounded corners on unfilled polygons?
2. Can this behaviour be changed in user space?
3. Could this behaviour be changed in the applicable groff binaries
Peter Schaffter
On Mon, Jul 10, 2006, Ted Harding wrote:
> On 09-Jul-06 Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > 1. What is the rational behind groff's drawing rounded caps on
> > rules, and rounded corners on unfilled polygons?
> I don't know but I set out some considerations below.
re coming to groff for the first time via the mom
macros is: "I didn't know groff could typeset. I thought it was
just for manpages."
Peter Schaffter
Groff mailing list
nsure that each new page doesn't
require setting them again. (I'm a bit surprised that the prologue
file sets linecap and friends in BP. To my way of thinking, these
decisions, once made, are likely to be expected to carry throughout
a document.)
Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Jul 16, 2006, jon arbuckle wrote:
> On 9th July 2006, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> >I've been contemplating adding some macros to the mom set to
> >ease the creation of simple graphical objects: rules, boxes and
> >elipses/circles ("ease" meaning
t that pressing a concern.
Debian's overall policy of caution strikes me as a good one.
Peter Schaffter
Groff mailing list
the use of .MCO and .MCX (which mean the same thing as CG's
and ).
> I wanted to know if I can use MOM along with CSS. I
> need to use CSS but it now good enough for complex
> work.
Please explain what you mean by using mom along with CSS.
Peter Schaffter
Groff mailing list
uld have an ally ... !
And quite possibly another. :) Although, ironically, I have to say
I use groff's TeXinfo docs far more than its manpages. I believe
that's a tribute to Werner and how he's set them up more, though,
rather than an endorsement of TeXinfo itself.
Peter Schaffter
Groff mailing list
l times, so maybe
someone with an eagle eye can have a look at that macro in
particular. The definition starts at line 3055 of the most recent
version of mom in the repository.)
Peter Schaffter
Groff mailing list
#x27;s *really* stuck, or isn't confident enough to replace his groff with a
> compiled version, I think I have a 1.19.1 .pkg that I built laying around
> somewhere.
Cool. Thanks for the info. I'll communicate with the user and see
how comfortable he is with bu
ler. I use it frequently.
Peter Schaffter
s the problem
with the initial mangled glyph. Try adding
or similar to the end of chats_1 and processing it to see what I mean.
I'm not sure if this is new behaviour because I can't
recall ever creating a document with only one accented glyph.
Ideas, anyone?
Peter Schaff
dd to be discovering this for the first time after
decades of preparing documents. Live and learn.
Peter Schaffter
es in mom. For very long titles
there's TITLE_SHORT, but nothing equivalent for headings.
I'm working on a solution.
Peter Schaffter
and some leader.
Question 3:
Why do the leaders not respect .ta \n[.l]u?
Peter Schaffter
quot; is
justification for adopting an "it doesn't matter" attitude, at least
not in this case.
Peter Schaffter
Branden --
On Sat, Sep 02, 2023, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> > Question 1:
> > Is \a only interpreted in copy mode as this would suggest?
> Yes. This has been documented for a long time, but I don't think very
> clearly.
Precisely why I asked. :)
> Until (he boasted) groff 1.23.0.
> ...
it now.
Peter Schaffter
> possibly required additional space. See the attached example.
The example was enormously helpful. There's light at the end of my
TOC multi-line entry tunnel.
Peter Schaffter
Heinz-Jürgen --
On Tue, Aug 29, 2023, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2023, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
> > I'm translating from English to German so I have to overtake more
> > ore less the long heading lines from a book. Using mom i can
> > split the tex
arball of the fixed version (2.6_a) from the mom website:
Peter Schaffter
w to update, that's all.
> 2. In groff_mom there's a link to the local html manual (/usr/share/doc/
> groff-1.23.0/html/mom/toc.html), but most recent version of Groff on Arch
> Linux
> doesn't include the html pages, at least not where the points to.
Branden? Anyone?
Peter Schaffter
to say. If you are using 2.6 or 2.6_a and the problem
persists, please send me a file exhibiting the error. Occasionally,
when testing mom, I inadvertently set up conditions that give
perfect results but which overlook some real world scenarios.
Peter Schaffter
On Fri, Dec 08, 2023, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> I propose that GNU troff stop behaving like AT&T troff in one aspect of
> end-of-input macro processing, documented in our Texinfo manual.
I'm all for it, for all the reasons given.
Peter Schaffter
columns with cutouts for
images. However, floating justified text around an image is a whole
'nother ball of wax.
Peter Schaffter
or if it's a gropdf bug.
Peter Schaffter
.TITLE "PDF outline test
.AUTHOR "Peter Schaffter
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at
ante. Mauris eleifend, q
]<=\n[loop] \{\
. TN \" Call remaining tabs with "tab next" to keep on same baseline
. nop \*[glyph]
.\" Left
.while (\n[.t]-\n[.v])>\n[.v] \{\
. nop \*[glyph]
.\" Right
.while (\n[.t]-\n[.v])>\n[.v] \{\
. nop \*[glyph]
.\" B
on the list.
Peter Schaffter
next,a future} push?
Let me take care of it. I'm planning to push a couple of changes in
the next few days. I'll include it then.
Peter Schaffter
f8 *and* I
recently encountered a file with a single accented character where
passing -Kutf8 had no effect (I had to introduce the character
"silently" in an unused diversion to fix the problem).
Peter Schaffter
d for giving the paper size at the command line, and no
need to convert .ps to .pdf.
Peter Schaffter
.PDF_IMAGE myimage.pdf 5c 5c \
LABEL "Label that looks like a caption."
The output will have the LABEL text underneath the image, as
expected (even though here it serves as a caption) and the image
will appear in the List of Figures as "Label that looks like a
Peter Schaffter
Hi, Branden.
On Mon, Feb 19, 2024, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2024-02-19T12:39:53-0500, Peter Schaffter wrote:
> > Your minimal file renders fine on my system without -Kutf8 *and* I
> > recently encountered a file with a single accented character where
> > passing -Kutf8
atively, I suppose the documentation for -K could simply be
amended to read "don't use -k with -K" (though more elegantly
worded) instead of "implies -k".
Peter Schaffter
> It looks idiomatic enough to me. You can expect this change in my next
> push. Thanks!
Deri sent me a patch this morning. I've applied and tested it.
Fixes the issue. If you want, I can push the change.
Peter Schaffter
ith Palatino (URW-Palladio) in roman, italic,
bold, and bold-italic. Nothing special is required to access the
fonts. The single-letter identifier is P, thus
.ft PR = Palatino roman
.ft PI = Palatino italic
Peter Schaffter
patch and send it to me.
> If that is done (regardless of who does it), I can also chop out the `ie
> d PRINTSTYLE` branches from pdf.tmac shown below.
Which would address Doug's concern about PRINTSTYLE (mom specific
macro) appearing in pdf.tmac, which should be macroset agnostic.
ing to ps2ps imposes no penalty on the mom documentation,
which explicitly instructs users to acquire and install the psutils
package if it is not already on their system.
Peter Schaffter
files with a mapped key in vim(1). The key
invokes a script that throws -Kutf8 -e -t -p -R -s -G at groff
regardless of which preprocessors are needed, if any. I've never
noticed a performance penalty. The -A option might be a good idea.
Peter Schaffter
computers. I wouldn't call those Macs cheap or hobby-level, not by
a long shot. :)
Peter Schaffter
On Sun, Mar 24, 2024, Steve Izma wrote:
> Do you remember what the costs of the Linotronic machines would
> have been?
IIRC, the 202 cost between $40,000 and $60,00 at the end of the
eighties. The 300 series ran about $60,000.
Peter Schaffter
of advice: As a general rule, it is preferable to insert
blank lines (visual spacers) into mom text files by putting a period
(dot) at the start of the line, like so
.TITLE "Some Title"
Peter Schaffter
Description: Adobe PDF document
or decreasing the size of the bullets, or, in your case, increasing
the gutter between the bullet and the text.
Peter Schaffter
m release. For now,
1. Open the file om.tmac.
2. Look for .MAC ITEM END
3. Add this line immediately underneath
.if \\n[#START]+\\n[@TOP]>0 .RESTORE_SPACE
Peter Schaffter
the scaling unit and closing
delimiter of the \s inline being interpreted as literal text when
the text of a heading with \*[COND] is passed to pdfbookmark.
Peter Schaffter
'll do another bisect to see where the 'u]' started creeping in, but it
> looks to me like there's more than one problem to solve.
I rather suspected it might be the tip of an iceberg.
Peter Schaffter
Branden --
Deri sent me privately an amended gropdf that fixes the issue. I
missed a couple of commit messages this morning but I believe he has
pushed the changes to the repo.
Peter Schaffter
t; Does this mean the problem doesn't happen for the ps device? Or
> have you not tried that?
Tested. The problem affects -Tps as well. The best solution is to
use the urw fonts, which render fine. Should a ticket be opened
on savannah for the built-in fonts?
Peter Schaffter
switching between typewritten and typeset copy of the same
document (with the PRINTSTYLE directive), a functionality I find
indispensable for generating hard copies of drafts for blue
My way of saying, "Don't be afraid of the t-word." Neatly
I haven't seen these messages for a while, so I was a bit surprised.
Peter Schaffter
Branden --
On Wed, Aug 21, 2024, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> So please await a full answer, but in the meantime, the warnings
> are restored so that it's easier for me to tell when I've fixed
> what causes them.
Peter Schaffter
which would solve
> the problem of some versions of identify returning incorrect data.
Makes sense for now.
> You say that jpg and jp2 are "almost" correct. What is the issue?
The "almost" refers only to the wrong size pdf output. jpg and jp2
are fine.
Peter Schaffter
I can shoehorn Debian's 'experimental'
imagemagick/perlmagick into my Ubuntu 22.04 and test.
Peter Schaffter
pace, q.v.
Given the clarity and former prevalence of these conventions,
I can't see any reason why documents intended for the terminal
shouldn't observe them.
Peter Schaffter
scaling, so the only change needed in mom is to the
documentation, instructing users to call on pdfinfo(1) for pdf image
dimensions and identify(1) for everything else.
Peter Schaffter
On Wed, Aug 28, 2024, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> I suspect conventions might be strongly regionally
> dependent.
Indeed. My bias is entirely North American.
Peter Schaffter
om has macros to
facilitate both (plus letter-pair kerning). Not sure about the
other macro packages.
That said, no matter how you tighten or loosen a line, it must not
be noticeable.
Peter Schaffter
RSCORE uses \D'l ...',
which does not span lines, a limitation mitigated by there being no
restriction on the chosen output device.
Peter Schaffter
Deri --
On Thu, Sep 05, 2024, Deri wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> There is a way for -Tpdf, I just have not written it yet! When I do, you get
> text hi-light, score through, and squiggly line as a bonus, they are all
> related.
Gropdf to the rescue.
Peter Schaffter
for it.
Peter Schaffter
ac-u in order to
apply patches for special, site-specific features I send them. The
alternative--me adding the features to an unstripped om.tmac, then
stripping it before preparing the patch--is also a PITA.
Plus, there's a reason for the comments and indenting. It's called
My two cents worth.
Peter Schaffter
of work required to implement -Thtml integration would be huge.
I confess I'm puzzled by the specific error reported, though. -mom
uses this style to define macros
.MAC macroname END
rather than the conventional
.de macroname
Seems odd that -Th
or 992,235
the size of all the labels remains at -4, and the chart changes
radically: The Sun's circulation changes from 42.5% to a whopping
88.1%. Not sure what that's all about, but it certainly isn't what
I expected (though no doubt Mr. Murdoch would be pleased).
Peter Schaffter
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