On Fri, Mar 18, 2005, Wartan Hachaturow wrote:
> Is there any way to make mom macro process refer output?
> I've copied ms refer processing to mom, modfied it to do .FOOTNOTE for
> each citation (instead of .FS/.FE), but that's where my groff
> programming skills stop -- I couldn't, for example, made it to produce
> correct footnote markers.
> Are there any ready solutions for the problem? I really *love* mom,
> and I would hate not to use it only because of refer :(

No ready solutions that I know of.  I don't use refer myself, so
haven't had an opportunity, yet, to explore its possible
compatibility with mom.  Perhaps someone else on the list can
assist?  I'll be at least looking at it sometime next week, but
can't make any promises for the immediate future.

BTW -- I'm putting cross-referencing in mom on hold for the time
being, while I ponder what Keith Marshall and Robert Goulding wrote
on the subject.

Also for the time being, I'm leaving the DROPCAP macro in mom as is.
My feeling is that it provides sufficient flexibility and control
(family, font, color, number of lines, space between dropcap and
text, pseudo-condensing, pseudo-extending), plus its routine for
generating a cap of the right height does a bang-on job.  What it
doesn't provide is automatically slanted left-margins for A, V, W,
etc caps, but for me, that's something best done by eyeballing.

I hope to make a new release of the package within the next
couple of weeks, time allowing.  It will add mom-native line
numbering capabilities, plus a more flexible handling of leading and
equalized spacing around verbatim quotes (poetry, code snippets) and

If not in this release then in the next one, I hope to add floats
and keeps as well.  And I still have to look at implementing
Werner's margin notes macro in a way that's consistent with mom.

Peter Schaffter
  Author of _The Schumann Proof_ (RendezVous Press, Canada)

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