Re: [GNC] credit account negative balance increases with payment

2023-03-06 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
ith the old pen-and-ink bookkeeping, which GC generally emulates, prior entries couldn't be changed. If these books are just for your own use, tracking is less of an issue because I daresay after all this kerfuffle you'll remember what you did. But a real accountant would most likl

Re: [GNC] Schedule transaction for 2 Wednesday?

2023-03-09 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
cy: Monthly and Every _1_ months. Then click the drop-down arrow for "On the" and scroll, scroll down till you get the options for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4thg of the month for each of the seven days of the week. I have GC 2.6.19, but I doubt this has changed too much in later versions. Stan

Re: [GNC] Schedule transaction for 2 Wednesday?

2023-03-09 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
croll, scroll down till you get the options for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th occurrence in each month of your chosen day of the week. It's a very long list, so you have to scroll pretty far. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnuc

Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-16 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
/ Like so many online lists, it seems to suffer from not being kept up to date. It includes the Vanguard group, but the URL given just gets an error message. As I recall, someone here posted a couple of weeks ago that Vanguard no longer supports OFX. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, US

Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
ps://> <> <> Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnucash.

[GNC] Two versions, same computer

2023-03-20 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
nstall at <> but I remember some discussion in this list about some reasons not to use that. Can I install 4.13 on my current machine without it and 2.6.19 interfering with each other, provide that they don't run simultaneously or use th

Re: [GNC] Two versions, same computer

2023-03-20 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
e word/icon buttons for Save-Close-Duplicate-Delete and so on completely gone from 4.13? Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-03-20 17:33, David Carlson wrote: > As an experienced user of VirtualBox, I would say that your use case is > exactly what VirtualBox is best f

Re: [GNC] Two versions, same computer

2023-03-20 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
On 2023-03-20 18:55, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19) wrote: > One question: am I missing something, or are the word/icon buttons for > Save-Close-Duplicate-Delete and so on completely gone from 4.13? Silly me! Those buttons are context dependent, so it was normal that I not see them till I ge

Re: [GNC] New GnuCash file and importing Chart of Accounts

2023-04-11 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
old file, referring to the report you saved in step 1. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Locking the side bar items

2023-04-12 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
remove the Close button from the top of the client portion of the GC window. ("Client portion", in Windows anyway, is the part inside the frame and the minimize/maximize/quit buttons.) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___

[GNC] Finding older GC versions (was Re: Turn of drop list ...)

2023-05-05 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
for multiple operating systems: <> Am I right in assuming that the *setup*exe files are the correct installers for Windows? Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnuc

Re: [GNC] Account Summary Report Question

2023-05-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
is zero for a placeholder. You want to change that to "Subtotal". I'm using an older version, so the exact wording in the option dialog might vary slightly. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing

Re: [GNC] In Praise of Excellent Features

2023-06-05 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
ago as 2.6.19. I have often used codes in data entry, but I never knew we could edit the codes in the Accounts window until I tried it just now, out of curiosity. So even if not all the features the OP listed are actually new, they are certainly new to some users! -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] budget reports 'YTD' vs 'use accumulated amounts'

2023-07-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
Win11 can try installing it to see and report back. (best I have is > access to Win10) I have 2.6.19, and it runs just fine on Windows 10 and 11. I can't imagine 2.6.15 would be any different. (I've been very short of time for months, and haven't had time to follow through on my

[GNC] Installing 3.11 in Windows

2023-08-02 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)> but it didn't help with #2 and #3. And <> doesn't have any documentation for 3.11 or any other 3.x. -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA __

Re: [GNC] Installing 3.11 in Windows

2023-08-02 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
lder, and I don't want to overwrite GC 2.6.19. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-08-02 16:12, David Carlson wrote: > Stan, > > If you have the resources, I think that the safest migration path would > be to install the next level of GnuCash on a completely

Re: [GNC] Installing 3.11 in Windows

2023-08-03 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
pretty standard install option for Windows applications. When I get to 5.x, if that installer has the same lack I'll file an enhancement request. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnucash.or

Re: [GNC] Installing 3.11 in Windows

2023-08-03 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
of a clear but simple naming convention to distinguish personal saved reports from the nonprofit's saved reports.) 5. Ditto for 5.x, checking both data files. 5. Finally, on the real machine, uninstall 2.6.19 and install 5.x, copy both data files plus reports

Re: [GNC] Installing 3.11 in Windows

2023-08-03 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19)
Thanks to all the folks who have responded to this thread! I think I now have a usable workaround for the inability to install multiple GC versions in the same Windows computer. On 2023-08-03 7:55 AM, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.19) wrote: > But telling you why I'm reluctant to use Vagrant h

[GNC] Upgrade to 3.11: question

2023-08-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.21)
s-2.0, 0 bytes stylesheets-2.0, 2 KB -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Upgrade to 3.11: question

2023-08-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.21)
TL;DR version: Thanks, Adrien, for your detailed response. With your help all of the problems that I mentioned are now resolved. Of my two data files, one has been through 3.11 Check and Repair and the other is going through it now. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-08

[GNC] Accounting period on a per-file basis?

2023-08-05 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ng about a minute. The Hidden column in the Accounts tab is a nice addition: A few days ago, in 2.6, I was trying to find which accounts were hidden and that meant clicking each account, then the Edit button. That was very tedious, but now I can see the same information at a glance. -- Stan Brown

[GNC] Placement of autosaves and log files (was: Today's search....for .lck)

2023-08-06 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
sier to notice. Why the OP had to "search for" it is a mystery to me. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: http

Re: [GNC] Accounting period on a per-file basis?

2023-08-06 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
On 8/5/23 4:34 PM, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) wrote: > My own accounting period is the calendar year, but a nonprofit I'm > keeping books for uses a fiscal year ending July 31st. Accounting period > seems to be a per-user setting, not a per-book setting. Is there > actually a way

Re: [GNC] Upgrade to 4.14 (was: Upgrade to 3.11: question)

2023-08-06 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
On 2023-08-04 17:05, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.21/3.11/4.14) wrote: > The main point of this is a possible solution to a problem someone else > reported a few days ago. [Namely, upgrading to 4.14 from 3.x, then running > 4.14 and having GC not open the last-used book. I'm in Windows

Re: [GNC] Today's search....for .lck

2023-08-06 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
most six years of using GC. The bad news is, I have no practice in looking at them, so if ever I need to I won't exactly be hitting the ground running. I use GC almost every day. I keep the retention period short, at 3 days. Since I use GC almost every day, I figure any problem would show u

Re: [GNC] Upgrade to 4.14

2023-08-07 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Well, the spirit is willing, but as a practical matter I think it would be better if someone more familiar with the website(s) did it. I've never succeeded in forming a mental map of how the website(s) are structured. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-08-06

Re: [GNC] How to transfer all my accounts etc. to new computer.

2023-08-12 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
clicking it. The full path and file name should appear in the status line or in a popup "tool tip", depending on GnuCash version. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To upd

Re: [GNC] Copying report formats to new PC

2023-08-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
f your accounting data. So your simplest procedure is: 1. Delete the entire %APPDATA%\GnuCash folder (including subfolders) on the new PC. 2. Copy the entire %APPDATA%\GnuCash folder (including subfolders) from your old PC to your new one. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___

[GNC] About auto-completion

2023-08-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
I wonder if it could make sense to have an option for matching account names at the beginning or anywhere, and a similar option the same for matching to descriptions when auto-filling transactions. That would please the maximum number of people, if it's not too difficult to implement. --

Re: [GNC] About auto-completion

2023-08-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ype something unique from the interior when starting at the beginning would come up with the account I didn't want. All my accounts payable begin with "AP ", and all my accounts receivable with "AR ". Maybe I should move those to the end of the account names. I'll think

Re: [GNC] GNU Cash for Android

2023-08-16 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
sk it. In fact, I _didn't_ risk it. I looked at one of them a couple of years ago and decided I didn't want to take the risk of database corruption. If you need to take notes during the day, using your phone, it's easy to just text yourself.

Re: [GNC] Reply convention

2023-08-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
smitted. Images as non-embedded attachments are transmitted. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] CSV Import

2023-08-24 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
port _one_ transaction, and provide that information? Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Fwd: Gnucash

2023-08-25 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
sed to 254 (or maybe 199) about 20 years ago, with the release of Windows XP. No blame to you for not knowing, if you don't use Windows. <> Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://

Re: [GNC] Profit and loss report

2023-08-25 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
month", you can select those relative dates on that options screen. Having done that, you might then want to select Save Report Configuration As, and then ion future months you can use can select that report from the saved configurations with no need to reset the dates. Stan Brown Tehach

Re: [GNC] Issues with gnucash files

2023-08-28 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
worse. Those of us with nothing to contribute (unless we want to duplicate what others have said, which would be unhelpful) can't even filter out this mess. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user

Re: [GNC] Some questions about the Account Summary Report

2023-08-31 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
need to select that account on the Accounts tab of Report Options. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://list

Re: [GNC] Issues with gnucash files

2023-08-31 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
rs, possibly followed by _a_dot_ and 1-3 characters. There's no dot in "Administrato", and it's longer than 8 characters. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list T

Re: [GNC] Transaction inconsistency when deleting account

2023-09-03 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
e hidden. Please, let's use standard GnuCash terminology, especially in conversation with newer users. They have enough to learn without being confused by inconsistent terminology. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user

Re: [GNC] Transaction inconsistency when deleting account

2023-09-05 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
If you really want to delete those transactions (though I don't understand why), you should be able to do it, one by one, in the Imbalance account register. (As far as I know, there's no way to mass delete transactions.) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] cannot open data file

2023-09-05 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
you've been backing up your system. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] gnucash_user: rounding errors and significant digits

2023-09-09 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
h you that share price is the right one for that role. Number of shares and total amount must be exact to the generally accepted numbers of decimal places, or people's books won't balance. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gn

Re: [GNC] Using GnuCash as an Accounting Tutor

2023-09-10 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ng for 5.4's release), but II wouldn't think it likely that General Journal filtering was re-broken in 5.x. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your s

Re: [GNC] Automatic population of posting values based on description ACROSS accounts

2023-09-12 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
t possible to turn the automatic population of posting values based on > description ACROSS accounts on? Sure -- do data entry in the General Journal rather than in a particular account register. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___

Re: [GNC] keyboard shortcut - how to implement for open/close splits?

2023-09-12 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Open, and when I try Ctrl+o the File Open dialog does indeed pop up. But Ctrl+0, Ctrl+1, and Ctrl+2 don't seem to do anything. Even worse, when GC closes it rewrites the accelerator-map file _without_ those four lines I added. Do user-configured accelerator keys just not work in Windows, or am I doi

Re: [GNC] keyboard shortcut - how to implement for open/close splits?

2023-09-12 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
added to accelerator-map are simply discarded. I have Windows 10 and GC 4.14. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] keyboard shortcut - how to implement for open/close splits?

2023-09-13 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
older -- unless I'm severely misinformed, GC doesn't create it. Certainly I don't have such a folder on my Windows 10 system, and there's no mention of it at the URL I gave above. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___

Re: [GNC] keyboard shortcut - how to implement for open/close splits?

2023-09-13 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
e > file accelerator-map in GNC_CONFIG_HOME > <> > and if it's not found will copy in the default one. Where did that text come from, please? Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA _

Re: [GNC] keyboard shortcut - how to implement for open/close splits?

2023-09-13 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
n't there? I'm reluctant to upgrade to 5.3 because of the auto-completion issues with transactions, which I understand will be fixed in 5.4. If it really means no customizable accelerator keys in 4.14, I'll live with that. But I'd at least like to be sure that's what it mea

Re: [GNC] keyboard shortcut - how to implement for open/close splits?

2023-09-13 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
t I knew such a thing existed. My Description lines mostly look like thing: vendor and then most of my Memo items are empty. I think I'll wait for 5.4. I haven't checked the chronology, but it can't be too far away now. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] keyboard shortcut - how to implement for open/close splits?

2023-09-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
lest to me, but of course it's a very individual taste. We are fortunate that there are usually multiple ways in GC to accomplish a given thing. Thanks for the release schedule. I knew John would post a note after release, and was planning to download and install then. Stan Brown Tehachapi

Re: [GNC] Automatic population of posting values based on description ACROSS accounts

2023-09-16 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
l transaction as outlined above. (Some people will edit a recent transaction but not a transaction that was entered months ago. That's my own approach.) For people's personal finances, it's a matter of taste which approach to use. I just mentioned editing an old transaction as another pos

Re: [GNC] Finding my Company data

2023-09-18 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
saves backup files. They are unfortunately named with your main data file name, followed by .gnucash. and a timestamp and .gnucash again. Any files that contain .gnucash twice, or that end in .log, are not your data file and you generally should not open them in GnuCash. Stan Brown Tehachapi,

[GNC] Finding my company data

2023-09-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Forwarding to the list. Please, always send replies directly to the list, so that all can benefit or contribute. Forwarded Message Subject: Gnu Cash: Finding my company data Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 09:45:48 -0700 From: Dick Courter Thanks Stan Was not sure how to answer using

Re: [GNC] Automatic population of posting values based on description ACROSS accounts

2023-09-23 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
e transaction to Account A. If only one split in a particular transaction references Account A -- the usual case -- and you change Account A in that split to reference some other account, the transaction will disappear from Account A's register and appear in the other account's register. Sta

Re: [GNC] gnucash tab shortcut remap

2023-09-24 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
There was some recent discussion on the list about accelerator keys. Users can't change them in 4.14, but they can in 5.x. 5.4 is due out later today, so upgrading is the solution. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-09-22 11:01, User Foss wrote: > New user

Re: [GNC] Using GC for Property Management

2023-09-25 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
perty is a major cause of the Hollywood writers strike, and a lawsuit by several well-known literary authors. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferenc

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 5.4 Repackaged

2023-09-29 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
> Regards, > John Ralls Do I interpret the text of the bug report correctly, that this occurs in version 5.4.1 but not 5.4? (I'm a little confused because the headers say "Version: 5.4".) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA _

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 5.4 Repackaged

2023-09-29 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Relating to this bug: On 2023-09-29 14:13, David H wrote: > No Stan, seems to happen in both 5.4 and 5.4.1 for me anyway :-) > > Cheers David H. Bummer! But thanks for letting me know. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://Brow

Re: [GNC] Custom Multicolumn Report - Win 10

2023-10-06 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
changes are present. This seems to imply it is program > rather than machine related. Always press Ctrl+R after changing report options or changing the underlying data. Sometimes it's not necessary, but it never hurts. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA h

Re: [GNC] GnuCash_user: rounding errors and significant digits

2023-10-07 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
must you bring up the same non-point? Many people have explained how arithmetic works, and John Ralls has explained how GnuCash works. Do you really think you're going to get a different answer the N+1st time you post? Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, US

Re: [GNC] Can't download GNU

2023-10-17 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
, please tell us which browser and which operating system you are using. If I guessed right, then you might want to change your browser's Downloads settings to have it ask you where to place each download in future.. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] Attaching receipts to expenses voucher

2023-10-21 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Right-click on a Description or Memo block and select "Manage Document Link...". That is how it works in 4.14; I don't imagine it's much different in 5.4. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-10-21 04:30, Chris Jewell wrote: > Hi All, > > Gr

Re: [GNC] I need basic help

2023-10-21 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
can be adapted to that use. Very well stated! I agree wholeheartedly. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.g

Re: [GNC] I need basic help

2023-10-21 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
the suggestion, but maybe you missed their messages. I know there's a lot of documentation. But start with section "I. The Basic Knowledge" in the Tutorial and Concepts Guide at <> The answer to your question is

Re: [GNC] When closing books, equity statement report is incorrect

2023-10-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
of the row of column headings, and select the columns you want to see. You probably want to keep the "Total" column as well, to show current balances for Assets, Liabilities, and Equity. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gn

Re: [GNC] I need basic help

2023-10-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
On 2023-10-22 10:42, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > I am also of the opinion that hiding or obfuscating terms and concepts > is not the solution. +1 It usually makes things harder not easier, as this very thread has illustrated at great length. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://BrownMa

Re: [GNC] scheduled transactions: simple or compound interest calculations in

2023-10-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
e credit an account or credit to an account. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] When closing books, equity statement report is incorrect

2023-10-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
to me to call that "discretionary spending money", _especially_ the unrealized gains. While the _name_ Retained Earnings may not be appropriate for every entity, the _thing_ is, as far as I can see. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] How to display account total with subaccounts in a report

2023-10-26 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
be options that you haven't thought about but, once you see them, you will decide to change them from the defaults, like the one that Murgan mentioned in response to your earlier message. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ g

Re: [GNC] Struggling with column width

2023-10-30 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
7;t need to "mess with the code" just to set column widths. You may want to bookmark the FAQ list: <> The specific FAQ about column widths is <

[GNC] Scheduled Transactions: Monday before the 4th Wednesday

2023-10-31 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
minor one. Just in case I've missed something, is there any way to have the transaction appear on the right day (two days before the fourth Wednesday) and with that Monday date, not the Wednesday date? -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https:

Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transactions: Monday before the 4th Wednesday

2023-11-01 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
east I can trust GC to get the dates right. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-11-01 04:11, Kevin Buckley via gnucash-user wrote: > On Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 at 03:32, Stan Brown > wrote: >> Every month, I get a direct deposit two days before the four

Re: [GNC] Dealing with escrow account

2023-11-02 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
due. BTW, GnuCash's loan wizard matched my amortization table perfectly. If there were really so many amortization methods out there, that would have been quite a remarkable coincidence. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash

Re: [GNC] Additional 'Accounts' columns not being saved on closing program

2023-11-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
_DATA_HOME/GnuCash/books, and according to <> USER_DATA_HOME is /Users//Library/Application Support. (On OS X 10.6 and older, replace Application Support with Applications Defaults. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___

Re: [GNC] Additional 'Accounts' columns not being saved on closing program

2023-11-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
close > GnuCash, meaning I have to re-select them for each session. > > Whilst this is not the end of the world - obviously, it is > annoying and any help in solving it would be appreciated. > On Sat, 4 Nov 2023 at 11:36, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) > wrote: >Check permissi

Re: [GNC] Change the default "Find" from "Description" to "Value"?

2023-11-15 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ve wondered about this too, with one change of detail: I'd like to change the default for Find to "Description, Notes, or Memo". Is there any way, or is one under development? If not, I think I know how to enter a feature request. Stan

Re: [GNC] linking pre-existing assets with liabilities

2023-11-16 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Thanks very much for posting your solution. That will be helpful for future people who have a similar question. And even for folks like me who may not need it right now, still it's interesting! Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-11-16 16:39, AP wrote: > On Fri

Re: [GNC] noobie question about split transactions

2023-11-18 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
If for some reason your transaction isn't in Imbalance, I'm confident that you can find it by the Ctrl+F procedure. After you've found your transaction, edit the Imbalance line to the desired account and amount of your next split. (You can't delete the Imbalance split while you

Re: [GNC] noobie question about split transactions

2023-11-18 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
n. * All of my credit cards give me cash back on purchases. (Since the bonus categories on two of my cards change periodically, I do have to keep track of which card I should use on a given transaction, which can be a nuisance.) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA __

Re: [GNC] noobie question about split transactions

2023-11-18 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ercial software for individuals operates on the cash basis. Even the IRS will let you use either basis, though I don't know anyone who uses the accrual basis for _individual_ income taxes. Apart from some very small businesses, almost every business uses the accrual b

Re: [GNC] Can I find transactions into an account that has only one split?

2023-11-24 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ng-to-one-person-instead-of-the-list problem, would cause some other problem. I can't remember what that problem was, but as far as I can recall everyone accepted that it would be worse than people having to learn to remember to send replies to the list. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] closing accounts

2023-11-28 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-11-28 13:51, Elmar wrote: > How do you actually CLOSE but not delete an account, so that no new > transactions can ever be posted to it, i.e. mark it as read only? Yes, that's right. The GnuCash word for a read-only a

Re: [GNC] Navigation through chart of accounts: shortcuts or bookmarks?

2023-12-01 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
as I understand it the account name matching is recalculated from the beginning each time you type another character. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription pr

Re: [GNC] Advise me please: go up to 5.4.2 or stay at 4.13?

2023-12-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
point, I've found that entering transactions the same day works well for me. That way things are fresh in my mind and I'm less likely to forget to enter cash purchases. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mai

Re: [GNC] Why or why not to do year-end closing journal entries? (Close Books?)

2023-12-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
p the Total column, though, because for Asset and Liability and Net Worth you never close the books anyway: the relevant total is always the total of transactions since Day Zero. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailin

Re: [GNC] Why or why not to do year-end closing journal entries? (Close Books?)

2023-12-05 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
eader line anyway. I don't have Liz's contact info, but sent John a request. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2023-12-04 17:48, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) wrote: > > > Stan Brown > Tehachapi, CA, USA > > > On 2023-12-0

Re: [GNC] UI Problem with 4.14

2023-12-07 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
figuration files are here: <> and there's also a Linux-specific diagram here: <> Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnuc

Re: [GNC] Search not working

2023-12-08 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
any other register, GC will search only within that register. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Business Income Statement: manipulating Cost of Goods sold (Eric Chapman)

2023-12-09 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
in the Accounts panel, then double-clicking in that column for the first account, entering the code, and repeating for each account in turn. That also makes it easier, by keeping the context on screen at all times during the numbering process. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___

Re: [GNC] Easier way to jump to specific tab/register in main window

2023-12-12 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
st; I've just tried it. > See also the /GnuCash Guide/, section 2.3.5 Tab Bar > <>. > This mentions the menu (a "list of tabs"). Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA

Re: [GNC] Easier way to jump to specific tab/register in main window

2023-12-12 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
On 2023-12-12 17:19, Glenn Fowler wrote: > Another keyboard shortcut you may find useful is CTRL + ALT + PAGE UP/DOWN > will cycle through your tabs. Indeed yes! Thanks, Glenn! (I'm terrible with a mouse, so I try to do absolutely as much as possible with the keyboard.) Stan Brow

Re: [GNC] Easier way to jump to specific tab/register in main window

2023-12-13 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
panel doesn't "capture" Ctrl+Alt+PgUp. When I press that combination, it takes me to the next register tab. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscriptio

Re: [GNC] Nice to Have?

2023-12-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
uot; and "Remind ___ days in advance" are both unchecked (unticked), so that the transaction is not created before its assigned date, and there's no advance reminder. I suppose it's possible to tick either or both boxes and leave the number of days at zero, the default, but since t

Re: [GNC] Nice to Have?

2023-12-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
scheduled transaction that is scheduled to fire in the future. Upon opening GC, if Grace is actually getting transactions popping up that are not supposed to fire today, I wonder if perhaps she has set them to repeat every day. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA,

Re: [GNC] Balance column Lost

2023-12-17 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
27;t happen when the sum of the other column widths exceeds the window's width.) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Gnucash 5.5 Windows - included Net Worth Linechart report now crashes the UI

2023-12-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
with no need to wait for a custom reply. <> Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: h

Re: [GNC] Balance column Lost

2023-12-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
t because sometimes we _want_ to make a column disappear. Adrien's suggestion appeals to me: add a menu item to restore default widths of all columns. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list

Re: [GNC] Accounting Period Change issue

2023-12-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
period is a setting, not data. Changing the accounting period changes the rules for processing the data, but the underlying data (your transactions) are unchanged. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-

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