Re: [Freesurfer] lme_mass_RgGrow

2015-01-29 Thread jorge luis
Hi Jordan Regions produced bylme_mass_RgGrow are not directly related to how the mean responsechange over time. The command just attempts to discover regions ofvertices with very similar lme covariance parameter estimates. Thenwe assume the underlying temporal covariance matrix is the samewithi

Re: [Freesurfer] Fw: longitudinal statistics LGI

2015-03-29 Thread jorge luis
list CC: jorge luis Enviado: Jueves 26 de marzo de 2015 10:50 Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Fw: longitudinal statistics LGI Hi Jorge, I have read the previous posts and applied it for my analysis which is longitudinal study go control and patient groups. I have a control group (n=19) with

Re: [Freesurfer] advice/question regarding your LME toolbox for freesurfer

2015-04-20 Thread jorge luis
Hi Sara For those analysis Iwent through the following steps: First considered afull model for both the mean and the covariance and selected the bestmodel for the covariance: 1- Fitted a fullmodel (model1) including intercept, time and time squared as bothfixed effects and random effects.2- Sepa

Re: [Freesurfer] advice/question regarding your LME toolbox for freesurfer

2015-04-27 Thread jorge luis
model for the covariance). Your question is about the generalstatistical hypothesis testing and contrasts matter rather thanLME-specific. Any local statistician should be able to help withthat. Best-Jorge De: Sarah Whittle Para: Freesurfer support list ; jorge luis Enviado: Viernes

Re: [Freesurfer] lme_realizedPower

2015-06-23 Thread jorge luis
Hi Fabio I think (I'mnot a dedicated statistician) you cannotconclude to any extent that the cortical thickness in the two groupsis the same. You can only say that there wasn't enough evidence ofdifferences between the two groups in terms of your measurements. I don't understandwhat you mean wi

Re: [Freesurfer] A mixed effect model approach in within subject dataset

2015-09-10 Thread jorge luis
Hi Pablo I think you can useLME to analyze your data by ordering the rows of your design matrixappropriately. You can consider all subjects belonging to the samefamily as if they were a single subject in a longitudinal analysis.You can put in your design matrix all subjects belonging to family1f

Re: [Freesurfer] FW: problem installing Bernal's Linear Mixed Effects (LME) Models

2015-09-16 Thread jorge luis
Please change the subject of your message to "Problem installing installing Freesurfer on Mac ". -Jorge De: pablo najt Para: "" Enviado: Miércoles 16 de septiembre de 2015 3:32 Asunto: [Freesurfer] FW: problem installing Bernal's Linear Mixed Effects (L

Re: [Freesurfer] LME toolbox for longitudinal FA volume maps ?

2015-09-29 Thread jorge luis
I would say that you can do that only if your data is continous (preferably close to normally distributed). Binary data or any non-continous data requires a different approach (eg. Generalized Estimating Equations). Best-Jorge De: Martin Reuter Para: Freesurfer support list Enviad

Re: [Freesurfer] LME: contrast questions

2016-11-28 Thread jorge luis
Hi Jordi You have implicitlyincluded the reference group in your statistical model by includingan intercept term and a time variable: group0 intercept: ß1group0 time: ß2group1 intercept:ß1+ß3group1 time: ß2+ß4group2 intercept:ß1+ß5group2 time: ß2+ß6 >From here you canquickly see that your prop

Re: [Freesurfer] LME: contrast questions

2016-11-28 Thread jorge luis
time). Time squared, if considered, would be just a fixed effect. Best-Jorge De: Jordi Pegueroles Para: jorge luis CC: Freesurfer Enviado: Lunes 28 de noviembre de 2016 11:34 Asunto: Re: LME: contrast questions Thank you for your quickly answer Jorge. What is the rule for decide

Re: [Freesurfer] LME toolbox for VBM-style data?

2013-09-23 Thread jorge luis
Hi Sean If you can load the 3D VBM data into Matlab as a matrix Y(nm x nv, nm total number of VBM maps and nv total number of voxels) then you can use lme_mass_fit_vw to fit a voxel-wise lme model (the region-wise approach is not yet implemented for euclidean 3D data). You should ask to the li

Re: [Freesurfer] Mixed effects: is data ordering always required?

2013-09-26 Thread jorge luis
Hi Ricardo Both family data and longitudinal data are special cases of clustered data. In longitudinal studies the clusters are composed of the repeated measurements obtained from a single individual at different occasions. Longitudinal data have the special characteristic that they also have a

[Freesurfer] Rv: Fwd: Re: LME Guide + Developer Build

2013-09-29 Thread jorge luis
Hi Vivian The error you are getting means that the number of elements of your contrast vector is not the same as the number of columns of your design matrix. I think you're trying to apply the contrast matrix shown in the wiki page example to the sample dataset that we distribute with lme. Tha

Re: [Freesurfer] Problems with LME-Setup

2013-09-29 Thread jorge luis
I think it is CM.C = [0 1 0 0]  if you want to test if the slope is significantly different from 0. I also would say that for a dataset with only two time points the results of lme will not probably be very different from what you already got from mri_glmfit. lme is designed for more complex un

Re: [Freesurfer] To believe non-convergence?

2013-12-04 Thread jorge luis
Hi Sean I'm not sure what is going on. Can you please run the simpler univariate analysis at some random locations? Eg. At location 1000 of your mask (assuming you have to random effects for intercept and time): [stats, st]= lme_fit_FS(X, [1 2], Y(:, mask(1000)), ni); If your mask is empty

Re: [Freesurfer] To believe non-convergence?

2013-12-04 Thread jorge luis
non-zero >elements in the mask. This is the amount of points that  lme_mass_fit_vw ran >for. > >Many thanks, > >Seán > > > > >On 4 December 2013 18:22, jorge luis wrote: > >Hi Sean >> >> >>I'm not sure what is going on. Can you please run the

Re: [Freesurfer] To believe non-convergence?

2013-12-04 Thread jorge luis
You are correct. Buena suerte! :-) -Jorge Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ___ Freesurfer mailing list The information in this e-mail is intended only for th

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: Problems with longitudinal analysis

2013-12-05 Thread jorge luis
Hi Knut There are a few confusing things in your question post. First, it seems that your attached images are depicting p-values. We usually use -log10(pvalue) format for visualization in tksurfer. The sig.mgh file saved by lme should be in that format. However we didn't use tksurfer to build

Re: [Freesurfer] LME model

2013-12-12 Thread jorge luis
Hi Sean An important issue in the LME model concerns the centering of the times of measurement. It changes the interpretation of both the mean response and the variance of the random effects. If tij represents time since baseline then the subject-specific intercept coefficient ß1+b1i  represen

Re: [Freesurfer] Linear Mixed Effects Models

2014-02-05 Thread jorge luis
Hi Eric The meaning of the variable ni is explained in the header of each script that have it either as an input or output. But you can also download the sample data from the wiki page (  where you will find instances

Re: [Freesurfer] comparing models

2014-03-04 Thread jorge luis
Hi Eric The longitudinal lme model is no different from cross-sectional models when it comes to testing the significance of a covariate. You just simply use an F-test with the contrast [0 0 0 0 0 1] to test the last covariate in the first model. You can then drop the last covariate if the test is

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_preproc, mri_surf2surf and lme_mass_vw

2014-03-17 Thread jorge luis
Hi Eric One way to check your design matrix and data for posible errors is by performing a simple univariate analysis using data from a single vertex, eg. at vertex 1000: lhstats = lme_fit_FS(X,Zcols,Y(:,lhcortex(1000)),ni); and check the behavior of the optimization procedure. Make sure that

Re: [Freesurfer] LME advice

2014-03-20 Thread jorge luis
Hi Eric   I don’t see any fundamental problem with this analysis. It looks like a regular lme computation. The p-value is essentially zero (to the extent of numeric precision). Even under the null hypothesis p-values distribute uniform(0,1). When signal is present in the data the distribution of

Re: [Freesurfer] Monte Carlo simulation - Longitudinal Pipeline

2014-03-27 Thread jorge luis
Hi Pedro Sorry, right now the only multiple comparisons corrections implemented in lme are the original Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) FDR procedure (lme_mass_FDR) and a more recent and powerful two-stage FDR procedure (lme_mass_FDR2): Benjamini, Y., Krieger, A.M., Yekutieli, D. (2006). Adaptive

Re: [Freesurfer] per voxel regressor in LME toolbox?

2014-05-01 Thread jorge luis
The lme toolbox allows you to have different regression models across locations. If there is a missed data value at some location (vertex/voxel) for a given time-point for a given subject then you can exclude the corresponding row of the full design matrix at that location using the parameter Xr

Re: [Freesurfer] per voxel regressor in LME toolbox?

2014-05-02 Thread jorge luis
Yes you can do something like this: XM = [X, pvr(:,i)]; Best -Jorge El Jueves 1 de Mayo de 2014 23:39, Marnie Shaw escribió: Hi Jorge, >  >Thanks for your reply. Actually I don’t want to have different numbers of >columns in the design matrix for different vertices. Instead I want to add

Re: [Freesurfer] LME toolbox for longitudinal FA volume maps ?

2015-10-12 Thread jorge luis
Hi Matthieu The easiest for you is to follow these steps: 1-Read your label eg.: lhcortex = fs_read_label('freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label');  2-Read the data file eg.: [lhY, lhmri] = fs_read_Y('lh.thickness.mgh'); 3-Fit a vertex-wise lme model with random effects for the i

Re: [Freesurfer] A mixed effect model approach in within subject dataset {Disarmed}

2015-10-15 Thread jorge luis
Hi Pablo The error you are getting is because in your Matlab setup you can only request a maximum of 4 matlab parallel workers and by default lme requests 8. So you just need to modify your command like this: lhstats = lme_mass_fit_vw(X, [1 2], lhY, ni, lhcortex, [], 4); Please make sure that su

Re: [Freesurfer] A mixed effect model approach in within subject dataset {Disarmed}

2015-10-16 Thread jorge luis
Hi Pablo Yes, too many locations at which the estimation algorithm didn't converge is problematic. That might mean that having two random effects is not appropriate for your data. You should try to run the command with just a single random effect for the intercept term: lhstats = lme_mass_fit_vw

Re: [Freesurfer] LME for functional data, 3 factors

2016-04-11 Thread jorge luis
Hi Laura In the wiki recommended to order the columns of the design matrix in thefollowing way: Column 1: theintercept term (which is a column of ones) Colum 2: the timecovariate if it varies across subjects (eg. time from base

Re: [Freesurfer] Extract random effects (LME) for correlation

2016-04-15 Thread jorge luis
Hi Joseph Not sure what youare trying to accomplish but if the beta coefficient for the timevariable is significant then that means that the slope of change overtime is significantly different from zero. Anyway, I think you canestimate subject-specific slopes using lme_mass_rfx which has as inp

Re: [Freesurfer] LME for functional data, 3 factors

2016-04-15 Thread jorge luis
interests. Best-Jorge De: Laura Rueda Delgado Para: jorge luis ; Freesurfer support list Enviado: Jueves 14 de abril de 2016 11:23 Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] LME for functional data, 3 factors #yiv6954010121 #yiv6954010121 -- _filtered #yiv6954010121 {font-family:Helvetica;pan

Re: [Freesurfer] specifying random effects in LME (Linear Mixed Effects models)

2013-03-27 Thread jorge luis
Hi Francois If you want to test the model with three random effects including intercept, time, and time*time as the random effects then you should use [1 2 3] (these are the columns corresponding to those covariates in X). Actually, for the example in the wiki page we first tested [1 2 3] but the

Re: [Freesurfer] specifying random effects in LME (Linear Mixed Effects models)

2013-03-28 Thread jorge luis
le measure (I think a new feature in >your longitudinal analysis).  I guess they would contribute to specifying >group differences at the level of the intercept? > >--Francois > >From: jorge luis>> >Reply-To: jorge luis mailto:jberna

Re: [Freesurfer] specifying random effects in LME (Linear Mixed Effects models)

2013-03-29 Thread jorge luis
s selection is different? > >Thanks for your help and patience. > >--Francois > >From: jorge luis>> >Reply-To: jorge luis>> >Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:36 PM >To: Francois Lalonde mailto:flalo...@mail.nih

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: Sample size estimation from LME models

2013-04-11 Thread jorge luis
Hi Nicolas The "common random effects design matrix" expression  means that all subjects in your prospective study are expected in advance to have the same random effects design matrix (Zi). If you assume a linear trajectory over time and a two-year study with repeated measurements every six

Re: [Freesurfer] Centos vs. Ubuntu

2013-05-10 Thread jorge luis
For a workstation machine I prefer Ubuntu rather than Centos. There are available drivers for graphic cards in Ubuntu that make the experience with graphic tools (eg. tksurfer) much better than it is with Centos. In addition, by default  every developer tool (eg. the GNU compilers, debugger and

Re: [Freesurfer] error in lme_mass_fit using matlab tools

2013-06-19 Thread jorge luis
% Output % fstats.F: F-Statistic. % fstats.pval: P-value of the F-Statistic. % fstats.sgn: Sign of the contrast. % fstats.df: Degrees of freedom of the F-Statistic. % % $Revision: $ $Date: 2012/02/02 11:25:52 $ % Original Author: Jorge Luis Bernal Rusiel % CVS Revision Info: %$Autho

Re: [Freesurfer] lme issues + failure to converge

2013-06-24 Thread jorge luis
Hi Cathy If you only have three groups in your data (Control subjects, High risk patients, Ill patients) then you should drop the “Controls versus all others and controls*time interaction” terms from your design matrix. Otherwise it is ill-conditioned. One way to check your design matrix is b

Re: [Freesurfer] Paired t-test with independent samples

2012-07-24 Thread jorge luis
A paired t-test is a special case of a repeated measures ANOVA with a single within-subject factor and two levels. You should use it when the measurements in one group are correlated with the measurements in the other group and there is a within-subject effect that persists across paired measure

[Freesurfer] Mixed-effects models for longitudinal data analysis in Freesurfer

2012-10-15 Thread jorge luis
Hi Harry As Martin said, longitudinal linear mixed-effects models (lme) are the recommended tool for analyzing longitudinal data obtained from the Freesurfer longitudinal image processing pipeline. The increase in power can be dramatic. Coming up there is a paper about this subject. We are work

Re: [Freesurfer] Repeated measures ANOVA fsgd file

2012-10-17 Thread jorge luis
Hi  Caroline If your longitudinal study is unbalanced over time (ie. the timing of the serial measurements is different across subjects) and with such a relatively high amount of repeated measures (6) it is very likely that you will need a longitudinal linear mixed effects (lme) model  to prop

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast

2012-12-04 Thread jorge luis
Hi Alex   I think that your design is very simple and so will be to use our lme tools. There is an example of a mass-univariate analysis on the wiki at However, the analysis there is much more complex (because of the more complex dat

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast

2012-12-05 Thread jorge luis
k it out. Best -Jorge > > De: Alex Hanganu >Para: jorge luis >CC: FS Mailing List >Enviado: Miércoles 5 de diciembre de 2012 13:50 >Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast > > >Hi Jorge, > >thanks for such a det

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast

2012-12-05 Thread jorge luis
n matrix X. It requires some study-specific Matlab code. Sorry, but this is what he have at this point. Best -Jorge >____ > De: Alex Hanganu >Para: FS Mailing List ; Jorge Luis >Bernal-Russiel >Enviado: Miércoles 5 de diciembre de 2012 18:20 >Asu

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast

2012-12-06 Thread jorge luis
x Hanganu >Para: Martin Reuter >CC: FS Mailing List ; Jorge Luis Bernal-Rusiel > >Enviado: Jueves 6 de diciembre de 2012 16:45 >Asunto: Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast > > >Hello Martin, > >Thanks for your confirmation. I downloaded the last

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast

2012-12-07 Thread jorge luis
simple numerotation of subjects, like: 01 02 03 04 ... ? Yes, it is. Best -Jorge > > De: Alex Hanganu >Para: Jorge Luis Bernal-Rusiel >CC: FS Mailing List >Enviado: Viernes 7 de diciembre de 2012 12:52 >Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Lon

Re: [Freesurfer] issue about LME Matlab tools

2012-12-12 Thread jorge luis
Hi Ting Just use the default procedure. We limited the number of iterations for the estimation procedure to 20 for the mass-univariate analysis. If the model for the covariance is correct, that is to say, you have correctly specified the set of random effects that is supported by your data then t

Re: [Freesurfer] LME matlab toolbox - smooth error

2013-02-11 Thread jorge luis
Hi Yolanda This is one of a few scripts in LME that requires an extra Matlab toolbox (maybe the only, besides the statistic toolbox). As it is documented in its header you are require to have the curve fitting toolbox installed to run it successfully. Best -Jorge >_

Re: [Freesurfer] LME - contrast

2013-02-12 Thread jorge luis
Hi Alex Certainly, for such a simple design matrix, only two repeated measures per subject with a small inter-subject variability in between-scan time interval and a very small number of subjects with a single time point the results from both procedures should not be very different. Furthermore

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis of one timepoint

2013-03-06 Thread jorge luis
Hi Sarah   The linear mixed effects (LME) estimation procedure deals with missing data and variable timing across subjects by specifying the time interval since baseline for each scan. You will have a different number of rows for each subject in your design matrix depending on how many time poin

Re: [Freesurfer] LME - lme_mass_FDR2 correction doesn't work

2013-03-11 Thread jorge luis
Hi Alex The cmd  [detvtx,sided_pval,pth] = lme_mass_FDR2(fstats.pval,fstats.sgn,lhcortex,0.05,0); only takes a few seconds to finish. Please check if  Y, Beta2, fstats.pval,fstats.sgn, sided_pval all have the same number of columns. Best -Jorge > > De: Al

Re: [Freesurfer] lme_mass_RgGrow problem

2017-05-04 Thread jorge luis
The spatiotemporal lme model is more advanced than the traditional vertex-wise lme but it's also more difficult to setup with the current scripts. So I'd suggest you simply use the easier traditional vertex-wise lme:1-Read your label eg.: lhcortex = fs_read_label('freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage

Re: [Freesurfer] Question about LME modle

2017-12-21 Thread jorge luis
Hi Lanbo lme_lowessPlot shows a time plot of the lowess regression curve for each group in your study (two groups in this case). The curve for each group is a smooth estimate of the trend in the mean response over time for that group. This is only used for visualization purposes and can help in

Re: [Freesurfer] LME Matlab toolbox

2014-05-13 Thread jorge luis
Hi Victor As explained in the wikifs_read_surf.m andfs_read_Y.m depend on Freesurfer's scripts so you need to have installed Freesurfer software package and included the Freesurfer's matlab subdirectory in your Matlab's search path. Best -Jorge El Martes 13 de Mayo de 2014 4:40, Victor

[Freesurfer] lme and survival (time-to-event) analysis tools on github

2014-05-13 Thread jorge luis
Hi everyone Just wanted to point out that all the technology required to implement the statistical methods used in our last paper: "Event time analysis of longitudinal neuroimage data. Neuroimage. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.04.015". is available on github: I

Re: [Freesurfer] Linear Mixed Models in FS‏

2014-06-16 Thread jorge luis
___ > De: Lars M. Rimol >Para: jorge luis >CC: Ørjan Bergmann >Enviado: Lunes 16 de junio de 2014 8:25 >Asunto: RE: Linear Mixed Models in FS‏ > > > > >Hi Jorge, > >I have a couple of questions which I hope you can assist us with. We have run >some anal

Re: [Freesurfer] Linear Mixed Models in FS?

2014-06-18 Thread jorge luis
Hi LMR If the interaction term is not statistically significant then there is no evidence of the existence of two different groups in your sample (as far as the longitudinal trajectory is concerned they are all controls, the groups might be different at baseline though). This is why main effect

Re: [Freesurfer] Linear Mixed Models in FS?

2014-06-19 Thread jorge luis
tion. I'll fix this issue on github: this weekend. Best -Jorge > > De: Lars M. Rimol >Para: jorge luis >CC: Freesurfer support list >Enviado: Jueves 19 de junio de 2014 5:01 >Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Line

Re: [Freesurfer] freesurfer lme matlab tools

2014-06-27 Thread jorge luis
Hi  Melinda The eleventh column age should be age-at-baseline so it's a time-independent covariate. If you have only two time-points then you should use the vertex-wise lme model with a single random effect for the intercept term: 1-Read your label eg.: lhcortex = fs_read_label('freesurfer/

Re: [Freesurfer] LME Longitudinal QDEC Table

2014-07-14 Thread jorge luis
Hi Elijah This is  happening because the columns of your Qdec table file are separated by tabs or something else. You need to use simple spaces instead or properly modify fReadQdec to support tabs. This is something I need to fix on github: Best -Jorge >

Re: [Freesurfer] Patch that adds parapool support to lme_mass_F, lme_mass_fit_EMinit, lme_mass_fit, lme_mass_fit_init. lme_mass_fit_Rgw

2014-07-14 Thread jorge luis
Hi Knut Thank you very much for your contribution. I'll take a look at it and apply the patches as soon as I have  time (probably next weekend) on github: Best -Jorge > > De: Knut J Bjuland >Para: jorge luis &g

Re: [Freesurfer] LME Longitudinal QDEC Table

2014-07-14 Thread jorge luis
0.mgh'); Best -Jorge > > De: Elijah Mak >Para: jorge luis >CC: Freesurfer support list >Enviado: Lunes 14 de julio de 2014 9:35 >Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] LME Longitudinal QDEC Table > > > >Hi Jorge, > > >Many thanks for

Re: [Freesurfer] LME Longitudinal QDEC Table

2014-07-14 Thread jorge luis
Sorry, you need to do: M = Qdec(2:end,:); Best -Jorge > > De: jorge luis >Para: Freesurfer support list >Enviado: Lunes 14 de julio de 2014 10:06 >Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] LME Longitudinal QDEC Table > > > > > >Hi Elijah

Re: [Freesurfer] how to choose the best random effect in LME models

2014-09-16 Thread jorge luis
Hi Fabio If you want to compare a lme model including only a single random effect for the intercept term against the same model but including only a single random effect for the slope term all you need to do is to choose the one with higher maximum likelihood after model fitting. However if y

Re: [Freesurfer] longitudinal analysis and linear mixed effects models

2014-09-24 Thread jorge luis
Hi Emma As Martin said not having a control group (or placebo group in which subjects don't receive any treatment) is not a good study design. In your case you will need to use LME because it looks like you are expecting some sort of non-linear change for the mean response over time (pre-trea

Re: [Freesurfer] LME Models

2014-09-30 Thread jorge luis
Hi Karishma The Matlab LME toolbox is only intended for univariate and mass-univariate analyses and not for multivariate analysis. However the recently developed spatiotemporal model can be modified to work with multivariate data (instead of regions of voxels there will be multiple variables a

Re: [Freesurfer] longitudinal statistics LGI

2014-12-02 Thread jorge luis
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }Hi Jon I guess that whenyou say “we have continuous data as to the amount of drug usage”you actually mean that the amount-of-drug-usage is a continuousvariable that changes over time for each subject. So yes you can keepthis variable as a continuous

Re: [Freesurfer] longitudinal statistics LGI

2014-12-17 Thread jorge luis
x];F_lhstats = lme_mass_F(lhstats_winner, CM); 5-Saveresults eg.: fs_write_fstats(F_lhstats, lhmri,' sig.mgh', 'sig'); -Jorge De: Jon Alan Wieser Para: jorge luis ; Freesurfer support list CC: Krista Lisdahl Medina ; "" En

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: comparing lme models

2014-12-17 Thread jorge luis
andom effects then you can perform statistical inferences (F-test)to determine whether your age^2 term is significant. If notsignificant you can drop it from the model. -Jorge De: Lars M. Rimol Para: FS maling list ; Jorge Luis Bernal Rusiel Enviado: Miércoles 17 de diciembre de 2014

Re: [Freesurfer] longitudinal statistics LGI

2015-01-03 Thread jorge luis
pulation parameters) in your model. Best-Jorge De: Jon Alan Wieser Para: jorge luis CC: "freesurfer (" Enviado: Domingo 28 de diciembre de 2014 10:23 Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] longitudinal statistics LGI #yiv9096281212 #yiv9096281212 --

Re: [Freesurfer] question about Cluster-wise Correction for Multiple Comparisions

2012-03-20 Thread jorge luis
Those vertices with p-value lower than 0.0001 are used to form the clusters for the cluster-wise correction. If  the signal in your SPM is weak but extended you should use a permissive cluster-forming p-value (eg 0.01). On the other hand, if your signal is strong and very localized you should us

Re: [Freesurfer] Cortical Normalization Questions

2012-03-26 Thread jorge luis
I think we must be careful about including noisy large scale measurements as global nuisance covariates in the General Linear Model (GLM). The GLM assumes that the independent variables are measured almost without error (eg. see  For ins

[Freesurfer] A doubt with the group analysis of longitudinal data

2012-05-14 Thread jorge luis
Hi all I have some longitudinal data ready for the group analysis but I have a doubt: Can I simply use the following command to resample all left hemisphere thickness maps onto the fsaverage surface (as in traditional cross-sectional analyses)? mris_preproc --fsgd fsgd.txt --target fsaverage

[Freesurfer] About the morphing parameters

2008-09-29 Thread jorge luis
spherical morphing between the creation of the average subject and the alignment of the individual subjects to that average? In advance thank you Jorge Luis Bernal Rusiel Phd Student Laboratory of Functional Neuroscience University of Pablo de Olavide Seville.Spain

Re: [Freesurfer] RE: fdr thresholds in tksurfer compared to Nichol's function

2009-06-25 Thread jorge luis
Use the fast_fdrthresh matlab function provided in the fsfast/toolbox directory in freesurfer. It gives the same results as tksurfer. Cheers Jorge Luis Bernal Rusiel Phd Student Laboratory of Functional Neuroscience. University of Pablo de Olavide. Seville. Spain --- El jue, 25/6/09, Lars

Re: [Freesurfer] Gaussian random field correction

2009-07-06 Thread jorge luis
of simulations) with those from freesurfer permutation testing and I think it is a very good alternative. Cheers Jorge Luis Bernal Rusiel Phd Student. Laboratory of functional Neuroscience. University of Pablo de Olavide. Seville. Spain --- El lun, 6/7/09, Jürgen Hänggi escribió: >

[Freesurfer] About corrected t-statistics and p-values

2009-10-21 Thread jorge luis
Hello freesurfer experts I would like to know how to get in freesurfer corrected p-values and t-statistics for the FDR analysis and corrected t-statistics for the clusters in the cluster size inference by permutation testing. In advance thank you very much Jorge Luis

Re: [Freesurfer] Bonferroni multiple comparison correction

2009-11-21 Thread jorge luis
. Cheers Jorge Luis --- El vie, 20/11/09, Jonathan DuBois escribió: > De: Jonathan DuBois > Asunto: [Freesurfer] Bonferroni multiple comparison correction > Para: > Fecha: viernes, 20 de noviembre, 2009 18:37 > When > correcting for multiple compariso

[Freesurfer] Gnome terminal do not support OpenGL GLX extensions with freesurfer

2006-04-12 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I am just starting to use freesurfer in our new laboratory of functional neuroscience. I have a Dell machine with 64 bits Intel Dual Xeon processors. I have installed the 64 bits Linux Centos 4 Operating System. Also the machine has an nVidia Quadro FX 4500 graphic card. I have install

[Freesurfer] Why I would need Boundary Shift Integral or IPCA for computing whole-brain atrophy rates?

2006-05-04 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have seen in the articles: -Freeborough, P.A., Fox, N.C., 1997. The boundary shift integral: an accurate and robust measure of cerebral volume changes from registered repeat MRI. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 16, 623- 629. - Kewei Chen et. all. An automated alg

[Freesurfer] Problems runing a complete freesurfer analysis under Centos4 X86-64

2006-06-05 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have a Dual core Intel Pentium 3.0Gz machine with 2GB RAM and two SATA2 Hard Disks (300 GB and 80GB, respectively). I have successfully installed Linux Centos4 X86-64 (on the 80 GB disk) and the corresponding freesurfer version. I have run several freesurfer commands successful

[Freesurfer] Can I use MRI corregistered PET functional data instead of fmri?

2006-08-29 Thread jorge luis
Hello all How can I use corregistered PET functional data instead of fmri to overlay freesurfer's anatomical volumes and surfaces? Some tips are welcome Thank you in advance Jorge __ LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del

[Freesurfer] Getting PET statistics using the subcortical segmentation

2006-09-25 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have PET images corregistered in spm with their corresponding MRI images obtained by converting brain.mgz to analyze. I have created in freesurfer the file register.dat for each one of them, so i can use tksurfer and tkmedit. Now I would like to compute for each PET image t

[Freesurfer] How to get subcortical segmentation for the "average" subject

2006-10-02 Thread jorge luis
Hello all. How can I get a subcortical segmentation for the average subject (the result of make_average_subject)? There is no aseg.mgz file on the corresponding directory I hope it can be used for VOI analysis of functional data. Any help is welcome. In advance Thank you

[Freesurfer] Doubt on spherical coordinates

2006-11-02 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I would like to know what kind of coordinates (RAS, Talairach, Spherical) are saved in the AsCII file resulting from: mris_convert lh.sphere.reg lh.sphere.reg.asc I could not find correspondence among the resulting coordinates and those that are shown in Tksurfer. If

[Freesurfer] Spherical coordinates

2006-11-03 Thread jorge luis
of the vertices (it > should be the same for > all vertices). > > jorge luis wrote: > > >Hello all > > > >I would like to know what kind of coordinates (RAS, > >Talairach, Spherical) are saved in the AsCII file > >resulting from: > >

[Freesurfer] About the FDR button

2007-01-31 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I am using the genome interface to XWindows in Linux Centos 4 X86-64. I have a problem with the freesurfer interface for FDR correction in tksurfer. The "Configure Overlay Display" window is to large for the screen and the FDR button is hide down. I have proved to change the display re

[Freesurfer] Doubts with region areas on the fsaverage sphere

2007-02-05 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have made deep changes in 9 regions of a left hemisfere of a subject surface after maped it onto the fsaverage subject sphere. The changes were made to have areas close to 15 mm^2. I computed the areas by add the areas of the faces inside the regions (computed using the vertexes sphe

Re: [Freesurfer] Doubts with region areas on the fsaverage sphere

2007-02-05 Thread jorge luis
using the > raw vertex areas on > fsaverage. The total surface area of the average > will be wrong > (inevitable with the way that fsaverage is > computed). However, there is > a correction, and our tools take this into account. > > doug > > jorge luis wrote: > &

[Freesurfer] Cortical ROIs analysis

2007-06-06 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have a question: How to threshold a thickness statistical parametric map by using FDR just in one specific label of the fsaverage cortical surface parcelation? In advance thank you a lot Jorge __ LLama Gratis a cualquie

[Freesurfer] Problems with surface topologies

2007-06-28 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have the freesurfer automatic hippocampus segmentation for some subjects. It seems that the segmentation is not bad. I have produced the binary masks (after labels generation in tksurfer)with the following command: mri_label2vol --label label/lefthipoca.label --temp mri/orig.mgz

[Freesurfer] Conversion to Minc Line OBJ

2007-07-13 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I would like to convert a freesurfer triangular surface (ASCII or binary) to Minc Line OBJ file format. I know how to convert to Minc Polygons OBJ file format, but it is not useful for my application. I need a conversion to the Lines OBJ format. Any help is welcome In advance thank you

[Freesurfer] Question about aseg.mgz

2007-08-08 Thread jorge luis
Hello all Are the norm.mgz and aseg.mgz volumes already aligned to talairach standard space ? I have read on the freesurfer tutorial that the transformation is computed and stored in transforms/talairach.ita but it is no applied to the initial volume. I would like to get the segmentation result

[Freesurfer] Doubt in thickness computation

2007-09-07 Thread jorge luis
Hello all In Neuroimage Han. et all ( 2006) it is said about Freesurfer automatic thickness computation : For each point on the gray/white surface, the shortest distance to the pial surface is first computed. Next, for each point on the pial surface, the shortest distance to the gray/white surf

[Freesurfer] Freesurfer and Gaussian Random field theory

2007-09-10 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have computed and smoothed some thickness maps using Freesurfer. Next I would like to make inference using Gaussian Random Field theory (GRFT). How can I do it in Freesurfer? If it is not implemented in freesurfer , is there any thing that I have to take into account when applying an

[Freesurfer] Spherical ROIs areas in the fsaverage

2007-09-12 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have made changes in the thickness values in some regions of a left hemisfere of a subject surface after mapped it onto the fsaverage sphere. The changes were made to have areas close to these in the left colum of the following table: My area Freesurfer number of vertices

RV: Re: [Freesurfer] Spherical ROIs areas in the fsaverage

2007-09-13 Thread jorge luis
necessary to align folds cheers, Bruce On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, jorge luis wrote: Hello all I have made changes in the thickness values in some regions of a left hemisfere of a subject surface after mapped it onto the fsaverage sphere. The changes were made to have areas close to these in the left

[Freesurfer] Problems with make_average_subject

2007-10-15 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I am trying to build an average subject under FS X86-64 v4.0.1 and I get the follow: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ make_average_subject --subjects subj1 subj10 subj11 --out subjavr limit: descriptors: No se puede %s: %s: No se puede %s el límite %s el límite [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ The words

RE: [Freesurfer] Problems with make_average_subject

2007-10-16 Thread jorge luis
I have solved the problem by comments in the make_average_subject, make_average_volume and make_average_surface scripts the line: limit descriptors unlimited This line of code was not present in the FS v.3.0.5 --- jorge luis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > Hello all > >

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