Hello all    
I have a Dual core Intel Pentium 3.0Gz machine with
2GB RAM and two SATA2 Hard Disks (300 GB and 80GB,
respectively). I have successfully installed Linux
Centos4 X86-64 (on the 80 GB disk) and the
corresponding freesurfer version. I have run several
freesurfer commands successfully (eg. tkmedit bert
orig.mgz). The problem is when I try to run a complete
analysis (recon-all - autorecon-all), the
corresponding terminal gets stop undefinedly when it
has to execute a copy operation (e.g. cp aseg.auto.mgz
aseg.mgz). That is to say the problem get rise when
freesurfer sends a copy order to the operating system.
Manually I carry out the copy command and I don't have
any problems. But when I reactivate freesurfer (eg.
recon-all - autorecon2-cp) the terminal stops again
when it has to carry out a copy operation again.    
I have another Intel Dual Xeon Dual Core 2.8Gz 5GB RAM
machine  with Linux Centos 4 X86-64 and the same
configuration. No problem is there.    
Any tip to overcome this problem is welcome    

Thank you in advance    

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