Hi, there,
I am running the tksurfer command to view the cortical surface data as tksurfer
bert lh inflated. But I met a problem.
I only can view a sliver part of the brain. This sliver portion can rotate and
do everything that tksurfer is supposed to do,
but I can't view any more of the brai
Pedro Paulo de M. Oliveira Junior
2009/8/5 Guang Zeng
Hi, there,
I am running the tksurfer command to view the cortical surface data as tksurfer
bert lh inflated. But I met a problem.
I only can view a sliver part of the brain. This sliver portion can rota
Maybe you can try to update your graphic card driver
> Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 18:24:44 +0100
> From: jerome.sal...@psy.ox.ac.uk
> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: [Freesurfer] tksurfer display
> Help,
> Sorry to bother you, but I am looking for my
> tksurfer hero! I just installed
Hi, there,
I am new to FreeSurfer, just got a question about the mri_convert command.
I have a 169x256x256 binary volume, the format is .nii.
I called the mri_convert command to convert it to .mgz format.
I open the .mgz volume using tkmedit, and then open the .nii volume using fsl
I got
rm option. I have to have your command line to tell for sure.
> This is why you should ALWAYS include a command line with your post. In
> fact, you should see surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting for
> all the things that will make it easy for us to help you.
> thanks!
Hi, there,
I have a question about the mri_normalize command, I do not want to use
conform, so
my command line is mri_normalize -g 1 -noconform nu.mgz T1.mgz
I got an error message as:
using max gradient = 1.000
performing kinder gentler normalization...
not interpolating and embedding volum
ng to fit the
> bias field with a spline. Not sure if it will work in general though, we
> almost never use it without conforming.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Sat, 8 Aug 2009, Guang Zeng wrote:
> >
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > I have a question
Hi, there,
In the skullstrip step, mri_em_register command is called and a
talairach_with_skull.lta file is produced.
This lta file will be used in the following mri_watershed command.
My questions are:
(1) Once we got the brainmask.auto.mgz, which command we can use to inverse the
Hi, there,
I am still facing the problem of "redraw failed: no gl window open", I got
another linux machine with Nvidia graphic card,
I ran the tksurfer command "tksurfer bert lh inflated", it still gave me the
"redraw failed: no gl window open" error.
surfer: current subjects dir:
Pedro Paulo de M. Oliveira Junior
Diretor de Operações
Netfilter & SpeedComm Telecom
--- Novo Netfilter 3.0 www.Netfilter.com.br
--- New Netfilter Small Business
2009/8/18 Guang Zeng
Hi, there,
I am still facing the problem of "red
> CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 19:27:11 -0400
> Guang,
> which version of freesurfer are you running?
> does glxgears work?
> can you send me your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?
> Nick
> On Tue, 2009-
Option"SecondMonitorHorizSync" "31.0 - 80.0"
Option"SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "56.0 - 76.0"
Option"MetaModes" "1600x1200, 1600x1200; 1280x1024, 1280x1024;
Hi, there,
I have the two scans (001.mgz and 002.mgz) of the same subject, 001.mgz is used
as the input of recon-all -autorecon1,
now I have a brainmask.mgz using 001.mgz, I want to register 002.mgz using
brainmask.mgz as reference volume, which command I can use? tkregister2?
Thanks a l
> CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] tkregsiter2 problem
> Use bbregister, something like:
> bbregister --s subjectname --mov 002.mgz --init-fsl --t1 --reg
> register.dat --o 002.anat.mgz
> Guang Zeng wr
Re: [Freesurfer] tkregsiter2 problem
> Use bbregister, something like:
> bbregister --s subjectname --mov 002.mgz --init-fsl --t1 --reg
> register.dat --o 002.anat.mgz
> Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > I have the two scans (001.mgz and 002
Hi, there,
Sorry, I asked the same question yesterday, but I think I didn't explain it
I have the two scans (001.mgz and 002.mgz) of the same subject, 001.mgz is used
as the input of recon-all -autorecon1, and I only run -autorecon1.
now I have a brainmask.mgz using 001.mgz, I wan
Hi, there,
I got a question about mri_convert.
I have a brainmask.nii file, (max intensity value is 64, and minimum intensity
is 0), it shows good intensity contrast.
Now I want to use mri_convert to convert it to mgz file, my command line is
mri_convert A.nii --conform A.mgz
Now, I open A.m
Actually, I also noticed that when mri_convert runs, it says something like
"changing data type from 3 to 0 "
The data type of the nii file is float32, while the converted .mgz id uchar, is
it the problem?
From: freesurfer...@hotmail.com
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Date: F
out mri_convert
> why do you want to conform it?
> Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Actually, I also noticed that when mri_convert runs, it says something
> > like "changing data type from 3 to 0 "
> > The data type of the nii file is float32, while the converted .m
> >
> > Also unpack the following to reside in your ${FREESURFER_HOME}/bin
> > directory:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > (Those are GL libraries from a redhat 4 / centos 4 system that seem
> > to work with tksu
Hi, there,
I used FreeSurfer pipeline to study a subject, I convert my .nii file to .mgz
file, and then
send it to FreeSurfer pipeline.Everything works well. Now I want to convert the
wmparc.mgz back to the space that the original volume was.
I tried two command
mri_covert wmparc.mgz -rl orig
Hi, there,
I am wondering how i can do a comparison of two scans of the same object,
calculating the percent volume difference and percent volume overlap of
Somebody can give me a hint?
Thanks a lot!
Guang Zeng
I can not use the data in the aseg.stats
directly, right? Because of the conform.
Thanks a lot!
Guang Zeng
Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.
Hello, there,
Do you know where I can find a description for mris_volmask.
The page on FreeSurferWiki about this is empty.
Thanks a lot!
Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on
Hi, there,
I am going to run the FreeSurfer Longitudinal Stream (FS 4.5) on data from
different timepoints.
Do we need cross-sectionally process all time points with the default workflow,
or just need run the first step
of the default workflow.
Thanks a lot!
Hi, there,
I'd like to extract the left and right hippocampus from aseg.mgz, so basically
what I want is a volume where left hippocampus have value (or label) 17 and
right hippocampus have value (or label) 53, all the other place are zero.
How can I do it? Using mri_threshold or mri_label2vol?
Hi, there,
I ran a subject through FreeSurfer pipeline. I found that the size of left and
right hippocampus in aseg.stats are
larger than that of left and right hippocampus in wmparc.stats after step. 3.
If I want to compare the FreeSurfer segmented hippocampus with a manually
traced hippoc
Hi, there,
I have a case_1.hdr file and case_1.img file, but no the corresponding .mat
file which contains the necessary direction cosine info.
So everytime when I try to register another nifti file case_2.nii to it using
tkregister2 or mri_vol2vol, it always complains that
"INFO: could not f
s outputs case_2.mat)
> cp case_2.mat case_1.mat
> now tkregister2 should work. Keep in mind this is a hack accounting for
> the missing case_1 data. If the data is from different scanners, then
> there is a risk of L-R reversal, because the orientation info may not be
> t
the same
> as case_2, and save the case_1 volume (you can save as 'case_1.nii').
> Then you can use tkregister2.
> Again, without fudicial markers, its difficult to tell left from right,
> so there is no guarantee that your l-r orientation is correct.
> Nick
, Gonzalo Rojas Costa wrote:
> > Dear Douglas:
> >
> > And how can I view (render) in 3D the hippocampus that I got frok aseg.mgz
> > with the mri_binarize command ?...
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> >
> > Gonzalo Rojas Costa
> >
> >
Hi, there,
I have two subjects from two time points, I'd like to compare their overlap
ratio of FreeSurfer segmented hippocampus.
I try to use the command mri_compute_seg_overlap to do it,
My command line is:
mri_compute_seg_overlap -olog text tp1/mri/aseg.mgz tp2/mri/aseg.mgz
Is it correct
s will be low, because its just comparing
> voxel to voxel.
> Nick
> On Wed, 2009-09-23 at 11:30 -0500, Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > I have two subjects from two time points, I'd like to compare their
> > o
our second time point aseg is registered to the first.
> if it is not, the your dices will be low, because its just comparing
> voxel to voxel.
> Nick
> On Wed, 2009-09-23 at 11:30 -0500, Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > I have two subjects
Hi, there,
mri_surf2surf resamples one CorticalSurface onto another.
If I have two subjects from different time points (tp1 and tp2), I'd like to
compare the FreeSurfer analyzed surface data.
For example, could I use mri_surf2surf to resample the white matter surface of
tp1 onto tp2, so I c
Hi, there,
I use the following matlab code to find right and left hippocampus in aseg.mgz
filename = 'case_1/mri/aseg.mgz';
[vol, M, mr_parms, volsz] = load_mgh(filename);
hippo_left = find( (vol > 16.99) & (vol < 17.01) );
hippo_right = find( (vol > 52.99)
Hi, there,
What is the difference between ?h.aparc.a2005s.stats (from ver 4.4) and
?h.aparc.a2009s.stats (from ver 4.5) in the stats folder?
?h.aparc.a2009s.stats is still based on Christophe's atlas, right?
Thanks a lot!
Hi, there,
I am looking at the volume size of front pole .
In lh.aparc.stats, this volume is 590,
while in wmparc.stats (it is called ctx-lh-frontalpole), this value is 610,
which one is accurate?
Thanks a lot!
In FreeSurfer Tutorial : Process Flow
Hi, there,
>From FS Wiki, eTIV - estimated Total Intracranial Volume, aka ICV,
I read
mri_label_volume requires specifying the transform file to use, and the scale
factor: mri_label_volume -eTIV \
$sdir/transforms/talairach.xfm 1948 \
$sdir/aseg.mgz 17 53where $sdir is the path to the sub
Hi, there,
Have those volume of ROIs in aseg.stats been TIV corrected?
Thanks a lot!
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
Freesurfer] TIV corrected
> no.
> douig
> Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > Have those volume of ROIs in aseg.stats been TIV corrected?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> >
> > Guang
> >
> > ---
Hi, there,
I want to know how the FS GCA atlas looks like, is there a way to load the FS
GCA Atlas and view it using tkmedit or matlab?
Is it possible to replace FS Atlas with our own Atlas and use it for analysis?
Thanks a lot!
Hi, there,
I have two questions,
1. I have read "The surface registration and templates" at FreeSurfer WIKI,
and I am going to creat our own registration template. Is there a shell script
somewhere to do this?
2. What are the files in the folder of ../freesurfer/subjects/fsaverag
Hi, there,
I am going to make our own template. Based on the introduction in FreeSurfer
WIKI "The Surface Registration Process; Template", the first step is "Prep".
"The process starts ("Prep") by choosing one reference subject, and
producing a template (Here, mytemp0.tif). No ?h.sphere is req
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, Guang Zeng wrote:
> >
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > I am going to make our own template. Based on the introduction in
> > FreeSurfer WIKI "The Surface Registration Process; Template", the first
> CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mris_make_template question
> no, you shouldn't run 2 and 3. sulc and curv are *not* surface formats,
> so the code dies trying to read them as such
> On Fri, 13 Nov 2009, Guang Zeng
> wrote:
Hi, there,
I am creating our own template now, and stucked at "Round 1" now (based on
FreeSurfer WIKI description
I found a thread posted a year ago and asked the same kind of question,
Hello, there,
I built our own template, and gonna use it to test some subjects.
Currently, I have two questions,
(1) How can I use my template,
In "recon-all.sh", I found that their two places where
?h.average.curvature.filled.buckner40.tif are called,
so I just need to change all the "?h.a
hi, there,
I called FS command make_average_subject to create an average subjects using 10
After the process finished, I found that there are two output template file,
"lh.reg.template.tif" and "rh.reg.template.tif".
How are these two templates different from the template I built by
Hi, there,
I have 60 subjects which have been FS analyzed without the flag -qcache.
Now, I wan to do group analysis using QDEC.
I need run recon-all -s subjectid -qcache for each of my subjects.
Just want to know how it will take to finish the recon-all -s subjectid -qcache
command for
one s
Hi, there,
I have made our own template using 20 subjects follwoing the instruction in
FreeSurfer WIKI.
I have a quesition now,
Does the quality of the new template depends on the first subject I picked to
built the tempalte
Hello, there,
We have a manualled labeled atlas, it is saved in a .nii file.
We'd liek to use this atlas instead of FS's default atlas. If there are any
commands or fucntions in FS can help us to do it.
Thanks a lot!
t our own atlas to freesurfer
> what kind of atlas?
> On Wed, 2 Dec 2009, Guang Zeng wrote:
> >
> > Hello, there,
> >
> > We have a manualled labeled atlas, it is saved in a .nii file.
> > We'd liek to use this atlas instead of FS's default a
to convert our own atlas to freesurfer
> oh, then you would just replace the .gca file in mri_em_register,
> mri_ca_register, mri_ca_label and mri_ca_normalize
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 3 Dec 2009, Guang
> Zeng wrote:
> >
> > Hello, Bruce,
Hi, there,
I have question about the mris_volmask ERROR.
I ran multiple subjects on our SUN Grid Engine system. sometimes some subjects
are sent to the same cluster node, and limited memory is assigned to each
Because of this, I often met an ERROR at the mris_volmask --label_left_w
Hi, there,
I submit several subjects to FS piepline using our Sun Grid Engine System, all
of them failed at the same place which is
the mris_volmask step in autorecon3. It gave me an error like:
ERROR: In /usr/pubsw/packages/vtk/5.2.0/src/Common/vtkMultiThreader.cxx, line
Hi, there,
I'd like to load lh.jacobian_white using tkmedit to check how much the white
surface was distorted in order to register to the spherical atlas
my command line is
tkmedit subj_id brainmask.mgz rh.white -aux T1.mgz -aux-surface
lh.jacobian_white -segmentation aseg.mgz $FREESURFER_HO
Hi, there,
We created our own template using 10 subjects, now we'd like to know how good
it is compare to FS's default template.
We do not create our own atlas yet which need manully label all the regions in
the training set.
Is there a way to do this kind of comparison? Is it possible to do
Hi, there,
Does anyone can give me link or paper which explains all the QDEC output file,
such as F.mgh, gamma.mgh, beta.mgh ...
What are they, how are they related?
Thanks a lot!
: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec output
> Try running mri_glmfit with the --help option. QDEC runs mri_glmfit.
> doug
> Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > Does anyone can give me link or paper which explains all
Hi, there,
Recently, I sent sseveral emails to you to ask same kind of question about
building our own template and atlas.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply, they helps me a lot.
Currently, I still have a question about building our own atlas using
mris_ca_train, sorry to bother you again.
> see in tkmedit why the surface does not pass through your label.
> doug
> Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hello, Doug,
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your suggestion, I added --projfrac 0.5 to my
> > vol2surf command,
> > the result looks much better now, but the
Hi, there,
I have created our own template and am creating our own atlas now. I have
annotation files for each subject in my training set, and my mris_ca_train
command line is:
mris_ca_train -n 2 -t /home/freesurfer-install/freesurfer/ATLASColorLUT.txt lh
sphere.reg myatalas.annot cust
Hello, there,
If it possible that I can view or download the manually labeled subjects you
used for building the desikan_killiany gcs file from somewhere in the wiki?
Hi, there,
In rebuild_gca_atlas.csh, I read something like:
# A talairach registration should be generated for this first subject as well,
# in order to align the final atlas to the Talairach space.
Is this talairach registration file the same as the talairach.xfm under each
subject's /mri/tr
Hi, there,
Are there any place in FreeSurfer Wiki or journal paper explain why FreeSurfer
need to atlases; Subcortical and Surface?
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s
Hi, there,
I installed FreeSurfer under my local directory few months ago.
Last week, I copied all the FreeSurfer folder under my local directory (include
.license file) to the /home directory of our group, so
everyone can use it. However, it turns out that they can not use it even they
can s
Hello, Nick,
I read your answer to this thread posted few months ago.
Currently, I met the same kind of problem, and I used the method you
recommended below, it works pretty well on my cases.
My question is:
The results of my data have been improved in FS cross-sectional stream, if I
want to
Hi, there,
I have some scans which have poor white matter and gray matter contrast, and
the results of the intensity normalization step are pretty bad.
So I add some controls, the results looks much better now.
But I met a question now, I sent these results-improved subjects to FS
add those yourself to the
> longitudinal stream.
> On Sat, 2010-01-23 at 22:02 -0600, Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hello, Nick,
> >
> > I read your answer to this thread posted few months ago.
> > Currently, I met the same kind of problem, and I used the method
n, 25 Jan 2010 12:34:47 -0500
> CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] images with poor resolution
> also the base step
> On Mon, 2010-01-25 at 10:41 -0600, Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hello, Nick,
> >
> > I am using the latest 4.5.0.
:47 -0500
> CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] images with poor resolution
> also the base step
> On Mon, 2010-01-25 at 10:41 -0600, Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hello, Nick,
> >
> > I am using the latest 4.5.0.
> > So I only
> -base triggers creation of the base subject, and requires the usual
> additional flags to run the entire stream. -all is the what is
> recommended here:
> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/LongitudinalProcessing
> but you could also run the stages separately.
Hi, there,
I have a question about FS longitudinal stream,
Suppose I have two volumes A and B, B is the copy of A, but has been scaled
(say, 1%) at each direction.
Both of them have been cross-sectionally processed. If we send them to the FS
longitudinal stream, what will happen?
For example,
ri_convert atlas.gca#1 priors.mgz labels.mgz
> to look at the most likely label and it's mean
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Thu, 29 Oct 2009, Guang Zeng
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > I want to know how the FS GCA atlas looks like,
> mri_convert atlas.gca#2 priors.mgz
> cheers,
> Bruce
> p.s. sorry, I don't think the gca format is documented anywhere, but you
> are welcome to the code if you want
> On Thu, 28 Jan 2010, Guang Zeng wrote:
> >
> > Hello, Bruc
Hello, there,
Is there a bash version of rebuild_gca_atlas.csh?
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
Hi, there,
I am running rebuild_gca_atlas.csh now, and met a problem at the first
mri_ca_normalize step, my rebuild_gca_atlas.log file looks like below,
mri_ca_normalize -mask
Hi, there,
Kind of wondering, why FreeSurfer Surface Atlas does not contain subcortical
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
Hi, there,
I have question about FreeSurferColorLUT label Unkown in annotation file.
In FreeSurferColorLUT, I read that
#No. Label Name:R G B A
0 Unknown 0 00 0
I load the inflated surface of a subject, import
Hello, there,
Where can I download write_annotation.m, I can not find it in my /matlab folder.
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
egmentation directly to an annotation, then use
> mri_annotation2label to convert the annotation into a set of labels.
> Nothing here guarantees that labels will be connected or contiguous nor
> is it sure that all vertices on the surface will be labeled.
> doug
> Guang
Hi, there,
I have used FreeSurfer to measure the hippocampal size of 200 ADNI subjects,
and now I'd like to QC the hippocampal measurement.
Anyone can give me some suggestion to do this, instead of loading they
one-by-one ?
Hi, there,
Both mris_ca_label and mris_ca_train have a -v option which is called:
diagnostic level.
What is the meaning of this diagnostic level?
Hotmail: Trusted email wit
Hi, there,
Is there are a command-line version of that 'Fill holes", "Dilate" and "Erode"
options in tksurfer.
Could I select the size of the kernel for dilation and erosion?
Hi, there,
I am using the rebuild_gca_atlas.csh to build our own subcortical atals now,
and met a problem at the second step which is
# Train using ONE_SUBJECT, the command line is:
mri_ca_train -prior_spacing 2 -node_spacing 8 -mask brain.mgz -parc_dir
seg_edited.mgz -xform talairach_man.xf
Hi, there,
I am testing two subjects using cross-sectional FS. Both of they have being
processed for almost four days.
Both of them are stuck at the mris_fix_topology step, but there is no error
message pops up.
INFO: ass
Hello, there,
I load lh.inflated of a subject using tksurfer,
click a point (or vetex), then Click "Save Point")
Meanwhile, I load the same subject in tkmedit,
select "goto save point", I can see the saved point.
If I try to convert multiple points (or vertices) from tksurfer to tkmedit, is
Hi, there,
I need add some control points to the longitudinal results.
After adding control points, I need rerun it. which command should I use?
recon-all -s subj.long.baseid
recon-all -long subj baseid
Hi, there,
I have scans from two time points, and they have been cross-sectionally
But both of they missed some white matter in some slices, so I manually add
control points
to them, and re-run it. Both of them look fine now.
Then, I send them to longitudinal stream. After the -ba
Hi, there,
I have a question about FS longitudinal stream,
I have data from two time points which have been processed by FreeSurfer
cross-sectional stream.
I also built the base template using recon-all -base command, everything looks
When I ran the longitudinal stream, one of them stop
Hello, there,
I have two questions about FreeSurfer default atlas and template,
Will Freesurfer team build an atlas or template using 3T scans in future?
Will Freesurfer team build an atlas or template using patients with disease in
h). If there is demand, I will put
> priority on this and make it available.
> Best, Martin
> On Thu, 2010-02-25 at 09:16 -0600, Guang Zeng wrote:
> > Hi, there,
> >
> > I need add some control points to the longitudinal results.
> > After adding control
Hi, there,
recon-all fails because of mri_label error , I copied the last few lines of
Any suggestions?
gca peak Unknown = 0.94427 ( 0)
gca peak Left_Inf_Lat_Vent = 0.26806 (38)
gca peak CSF = 0.21047 (24)
gca peak Left_Accumbens_area = 0.37761 (71)
gca peak Left_VentralDC = 0.1
What version are you running?
On Mar 13, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Guang Zeng wrote:
Hi, there,
recon-all fails because of mri_label error , I copied the last few lines of
Any suggestions?
gca peak Unknown = 0.94427 ( 0)
gca peak Left_Inf_Lat_Vent = 0.26806 (38)
gca peak CSF = 0
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 17:03:05 -0500
CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all fails because of mri_label error
What version are you running?
On Mar 13, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Guang Zeng wrote:
Hi, there,
recon-all fails because of mri_label error , I copied the
Hi, there,
I have a question about wmparc.stats and aseg.stats,
In aseg.stats, I read,
# Measure BrainSegNotVent, BrainSegVolNotVent, Brain Segmentation Volume
Without Ventricles, 1132816.00, mm^3
# Measure BrainSeg, BrainSegNVox, Number of Brain Segmentation Voxels, 1156812,
# M
Hi, there,
I have two questions about the ?h.thickness file.
If I load a subject's surface ?h.inflated using tksurfer, then I load its
thickness file ?h.thickness,
By clicking mouse on the surface, I can read the corresponding curvature value
of a specific vertex.
Q1, Here, the value next to
gt; Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] the thickness of manually selected vertex
> Q1: yes.
> Q2: do you want each of them individually or the average? You can save a
> label file of the 4 vertices and use mris_anatomical_stats to get the
> average
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Wed,
ess of manually selected vertex
> Q1: yes.
> Q2: do you want each of them individually or the average? You can save a
> label file of the 4 vertices and use mris_anatomical_stats to get the
> average
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Wed, 24 Mar 2010, Guang Zeng wr
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