Thank you very much,
How can I export a conjunction maps from surf to volume?
I need to make it to perform the DCM analysis by SPM.
>Messaggio originale
>Data: 27-ott-2015 13.21
>A: , "Freesurfer support list"
>Ogg: Re: [Freesurfer] R: Re: R: imp
Hi list,
I'm using FS-FAST. For a subject I have the error reported below after
fcseed-sess -s subj -cfg vcsf.config.The segmentation of the structural image
is fine.
$Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2012/11/01 18:51:41 greve Exp $
cwd /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/fMRI
cmdline mri_glmfit --y
Hi Freesurfer experts,
I ran recon-all for our subjects and there is a problem with the wrong
segmentation between the white/gray matter. this error appears in couples
continued slices. Picture are attached.
Do you have any suggestion to fix this error.
Thank you,
HI list,
how can I extract the z-value from a cluster ?I'm referring to subject-level
analysis and to resting-state fMRi data analyzed by using FS-FAST.
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Octavian
you can read the surface into matlab with read_surf.m, but I think you
will need to transform the x,y,z coords of every vertex
On Wed, 28 Oct 2015,
Octavian Lie wrote:
Dear All,
I ran recon-all and generated a brain.mgz and say, lh.pial.
I converted brain.mgz to b
you can use mri_surf2vol
On Thu, 29 Oct 2015, wrote:
> Thank you very much,
> How can I export a conjunction maps from surf to volume?
> I need to make it to perform the DCM analysis by SPM.
> Stefano
>> Messaggio originale
>> Da: fis...@nmr.mgh.har
I'm trying to extract the contrast values from ces.nii.gz after first-level
analysis. My goal is to average the contrast values for each voxel across
subjects for a given condition and see where an individual from a separate
population falls within the distribution of contrast values.
If QDEC gives you that contrast, then it is the same. QDEC is a bit
clunky when it comes to correctly for multiple comparisons, but it
should give the same answer as mri_glmfit
On 10/28/2015 04:23 AM, Sandy Schramm wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> thanks for reply.
> But isn't it statistically the sam
I am one of the sysadmins of a University HPC cluster. We've had a request
to install Free Surfer and I note the need for a license.
If I request one of these licenses, will we be permitted to install it such
that all users of the cluster can access it or does each individual user
need their ow
everyone can use it
On 10/29/2015 12:30 PM, Mike Croucher wrote:
> Hi
> I am one of the sysadmins of a University HPC cluster. We've had a
> request to install Free Surfer and I note the need for a license.
> If I request one of these licenses, will we be permitted to install it
> such that al
that said, we would appreciate users requesting their own licenses. This is
not required, but they can get the license then discard it to help us track
how many users we have (which is critical for our ability to obtain NIH
On Thu,
29 Oct 2015, Douglas N Greve wrote:
When running the Clusterwise Correction for Multiple Comparisons, I used a
label as a mask to restrict search area. I want to find out the size of that
label, so I guess I can pull that information out from the "mri_glmfit.log",
specifically under 'searchspace'? Also I only see a numeric
Hey all,
I used mri_aparc2aseg to map the cortical labels from the laus250 parcellation.
Now I need to create a new lookup table, mainly for displaying the labels'
names in freeview.
How can I know what id each label gets in my new laus+aseg.mgz file?
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