On Jul 13, David O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What? You don't like TCL? Well then, be finished with your effort
> before the libh guys do.
Good call. ;-)
To me, the language choice is immaterial on the face of it. The value of the
conversation was based upon some of the feature set
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 06:06:07PM +0100, Paul Robinson wrote:
> On Jul 12, "Karsten W. Rohrbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > perl might be superior in features at first glance but it has
> > serious deficiencies in the resulting code style, due to it's nature it
> > not simply enables program
"Karsten W. Rohrbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Giorgos Keramidas([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.07.10 05:13:44 +:
> > Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > The base system is not registered into the packages
> > > system, because of sysinstall.
> >
> > It's not installed from /usr
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 09:56:58AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Consider binary upgrades for things like security
> alerts, which could happen automatically, based on
> whatever criteria you specify (including "root exploit"
> or "Never Do Anything Without My Permission").
In case you'd missed
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 03:31:59AM -0400, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
> Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, I'd sorta like to *see* them before writing the coding
> > equivalent of a blank check, but given reasonably functional
> > implementations, sure, I'd be happy to commit your "sy
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 09:29:27AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > > The base system is not registered into the packages
> > > system, because of sysinstall.
> >
> > It's not installed from /usr/ports but from /usr/src.
> > I don't know if it's a good idea to have a hug
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 12:19:24PM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> David O'Brien wrote:
> > > 1)Soft Updates enabled on a root partition.
> > >
> > > This comes back to the old "you can't turn SU
> > > on or off, except via tunefs". So even if you
> > > boot via CDROM, it's to
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 05:13:44AM +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The base system is not registered into the packages
> > system, because of sysinstall.
> It's not installed from /usr/ports but from /usr/src.
> I don't know if it's a good idea
David O'Brien wrote:
> > 1)Soft Updates enabled on a root partition.
> >
> > This comes back to the old "you can't turn SU
> > on or off, except via tunefs". So even if you
> > boot via CDROM, it's too late, if the CDROM
> > kernel supports SU, since it's already on, a
Bill Moran wrote:
> > > Are you saying you use DHCP for servers? If so, maybe
> > > I should shut up and listen for a while because
> > > apparently there's something here I can learn.
DNSUPDAT: You DHCP server fixes up your DNS, so that
your "FILESERVER1" is always "FILESERVER1", regardless
of i
On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 01:14:51AM +0700, Max Khon wrote:
> hi, there!
> On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, David O'Brien wrote:
> > > 3)The default in 4.3-RELEASE is to have the IDE
> > > write caching off.
> >
> > If you submit a patch to add the proper entries to /boot/loader.conf in
> > the
Paul Robinson wrote:
> > I guess you're wrong; it is actually easier to tell
> > customers to use /stand/sysinstall for package management
> > and configuration of /etc/rc.conf than having them attack
> > delicate parts of the system with clumsy fingers.
> Never mind customers, I like to use it
Rahul Siddharthan wrote:
> > Also, you should be aware that in commercial deployment,
> > having a compiler on board the system is often considered
> > a bad thing, as it permits entre to exploiters bringing
> > their own programs onto the system.
> I've seen people disable compilers before, bu
hi, there!
On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, David O'Brien wrote:
> > 3) The default in 4.3-RELEASE is to have the IDE
> > write caching off.
> If you submit a patch to add the proper entries to /boot/loader.conf in
> the MFSROOT image, I'd commit it. This would ensure the installation
> process alw
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:32:32AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> 1)Soft Updates enabled on a root partition.
> This comes back to the old "you can't turn SU
> on or off, except via tunefs". So even if you
> boot via CDROM, it's too late, if the CDROM
> kernel suppor
Bill Moran wrote:
> OTOH: I don't see this as causing sysinstall's partition editor
> to be bad/worthless. How many other installers allow partition
> resizing (I don't know) Just add this feature (I'm not saying
> it would be easy, I'm saying that it doesn't require scrapping
> the existing syste
Terry Lambert wrote:
> David O'Brien wrote:
> > There you go Terry, async mounts for installs.
> Thanks.
> This does not appear to work on upgrades for things
> like /usr/ports.
> Now I will have to go find out why; how annoying: yet
> more work.
OK, I was right.
The damn thing is no
On Jul 12, "Karsten W. Rohrbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> perl might be superior in features at first glance but it has
> serious deficiencies in the resulting code style, due to it's nature it
> not simply enables programmers to do bad things[tm] but almost enforces
> them to do so.
A slo
Paul Robinson([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.07.12 15:44:32 +:
> On Jul 11, "Karsten W. Rohrbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > some rough and spontaneuos ideas:
> > - stripped down python interpreter runs as init
> Wow. If you think about it, that's quite a big departure from where FBSD is
On Jul 11, "Karsten W. Rohrbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> some rough and spontaneuos ideas:
> - stripped down python interpreter runs as init
Wow. If you think about it, that's quite a big departure from where FBSD is
at the moment (or I'm missing the point). You might find a lot more peopl
Justin wrote:
> I believe that all of the members of the Foundation's current board
> are well known to the FreeBSD community.
All 3 being Core Alumni: Jonathan M. Bresler, John D. Polstra, Justin T. Gibbs.
> Having directors from outside the FreeBSD community will
> broaden the perspective
On Wed 2001-07-11 (19:02), Karsten W. Rohrbach wrote:
> Terry Lambert([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.07.09 13:29:23 +:
> [...]
> > There are too many steps.
> >
> > X11 is a distribution set, instead of a package.
> >
> > Etc. (I could go on forever).
> >
> ...then let's wrap up a concept of
On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Rahul Siddharthan wrote:
> I've seen people disable compilers before, but I haven't understood
> how it helps. You can compile elsewhere and bring the binary onto the
> system, can't you? Unless the system is some extremely rare OS or
> doesn't ship with a compiler at all --
Paul Robinson wrote:
> On Jul 11, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Along with that, I think I'm finally getting a handle on what really
> > needs done to sysinstall. It's been a painful process, wrought with
> > misunderstandings and confusion, but I think I'm finally getting what
On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 08:16:34AM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> Are you saying you use DHCP for servers? If so, maybe I should shut
> up and listen for a while because apparently there's something here
> I can learn. I've been using it for client IP pools for years now,
> but not for servers.
David Scheidt wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Bill Moran wrote:
> :Wes Peters wrote:
> :> Just because you don't see it doesn't make it a bad idea. Network admins
> :> begged for years for a centralized IP address space management server;
> :> now that they've been given one (that works, and
On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Bill Moran wrote:
:Wes Peters wrote:
:> Just because you don't see it doesn't make it a bad idea. Network admins
:> begged for years for a centralized IP address space management server;
:> now that they've been given one (that works, and is FREE) people like you
:> bitch ab
Giorgos Keramidas([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.07.10 05:13:44 +:
> Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The base system is not registered into the packages
> > system, because of sysinstall.
> It's not installed from /usr/ports but from /usr/src.
> I don't know if it's a good idea to
Terry Lambert([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.07.09 13:29:23 +:
> There are too many steps.
> X11 is a distribution set, instead of a package.
> Etc. (I could go on forever).
...then let's wrap up a concept of a interpreter language driven
installer. redhat does it in python since year
On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Rahul Siddharthan wrote:
:Terry Lambert said on Jul 10, 2001 at 09:56:58:
:> Also, you should be aware that in commercial deployment,
:> having a compiler on board the system is often considered
:> a bad thing, as it permits entre to exploiters bringing
:> their own progr
ur own
way, pre-installer, eh?
-Original Message-
From: Paul Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 8:15 AM
To: Bill Moran
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
To me, the point seems to be that to increase the userbase an
On Jul 11, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Along with that, I think I'm finally getting a handle on what really
> needs done to sysinstall. It's been a painful process, wrought with
> misunderstandings and confusion, but I think I'm finally getting what
> the point is.
To me, the point s
Joseph Mallett wrote:
> > Are you saying you use DHCP for servers? If so, maybe I should shut up
> > and
> > listen for a while because apparently there's something here I can
> > learn.
> I did for a long time because I simply couldn't get a static IP from my
> ISP. Hell, I'd love to use it
Wes Peters wrote:
> > Hmmm ... well, I was never upset with the "crufty details" ... I rather
> > like
> > to know what's going on under the hood all the time. Then again, that's
> > me. If you're targeting newbies and other less-educated (or less "I sure
> > would like to figure this out" incline
> Are you saying you use DHCP for servers? If so, maybe I should shut up
> and
> listen for a while because apparently there's something here I can
> learn.
I did for a long time because I simply couldn't get a static IP from my
ISP. Hell, I'd love to use it now, then I wouldn't have to make sure
Wes Peters wrote:
> Just because you don't see it doesn't make it a bad idea. Network admins
> begged for years for a centralized IP address space management server;
> now that they've been given one (that works, and is FREE) people like you
> bitch about it and won't use it. Feh.
Are you sayin
Mike Smith wrote:
> > If anyone is taking a vote, I disagree. I do not want any system
> > ever assuming anything about my network. Even Win checks with the
> > user before enabling DHCP.
> Er, you *are* kidding, right? All modern Windows versions will try to
> get a lease long before the user
On Jul 11, Noses <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess you're wrong; it is actually easier to tell customers to use
> /stand/sysinstall for package management and configuration of /etc/rc.conf
> than having them attack delicate parts of the system with clumsy fingers.
Never mind customers, I li
> Oh, come now. FreeBSD's disk partitioning has always sucked.
I just installed NetBSD on a Sun. Believe me, I'd even willing to pay for
sysinstall as it is right now. It was a nightmare.
> The main problem with sysinstall all along h
Terry Lambert said on Jul 10, 2001 at 09:56:58:
> Also, you should be aware that in commercial deployment,
> having a compiler on board the system is often considered
> a bad thing, as it permits entre to exploiters bringing
> their own programs onto the system.
I've seen people disable compil
Bill Moran wrote:
> Wes Peters wrote:
> > Allow
> > the user to grab the ends of partitions we can manipulate and move them
> > around, either through keyboard navigation or with a mouse.
> Hmmm ... we're really aiming at novice users here now, aren't we? I
> suppose
> that's not a bad th
Bill Moran wrote:
> Terry Lambert wrote:
> > > If anyone is taking a vote, I disagree. I do not want any system
> > > ever assuming anything about my network. Even Win checks with the
> > > user before enabling DHCP.
> >
> > FYI: The networking bootstrap process I described above
> > is derived
> > In the "default" case, it should attempt to obtain a DHCP lease,
> > and, failing that, ask the user to give it settings, or let
> > them do IPv4 stateless autoconfiguration. Ad Hoc networking
> > should always "just work".
> If anyone is taking a vote, I disagree. I do not want any system
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
> *sigh* this has gotten way off track somehow. Looking back, I'm
> probably primarily to blame.
> The fact is: *I
Laurence Berland wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Wes Peters wrote:
> > Laurence Berland wrote:
> > >
> > > On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Rasputin wrote:
> > >
> > > > I may be low on caffeine, but I don't see how breaking up the base system
> > > > into packages makes it any easier to upgrade than us
At 2:06 PM -0700 7/10/01, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
>From: Garance A Drosihn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
>Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 16:06:54 -0400
> > I do wish I could find someone who was interested in making
> > changes to it
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 09:49:18AM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> Now, I've never used partition magic, but I (personally) find the
> FreeBSD
> partition program in sysinstall to be the easiest one I've ever used.
> What should be changed to make it easier?
Maybe not "easier" but better:
+ Allow one
Bill Moran wrote in list.freebsd-hackers:
# [...]
# 1. Should sysinstall be fixed or replaced.
Read the fine manual. ;) sysinstall(8):
> This utility is a prototype which lasted several years past its expira
> tion date and is greatly in need of death.
# 2. What needs done to fi
From: Garance A Drosihn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 16:06:54 -0400
> I do wish I could find someone who was interested in making changes
> to it, though.
Why can't we just nominate you and be done with it? :)
- jorda
*sigh* this has gotten way off track somehow. Looking back, I'm
probably primarily to blame.
The fact is: *I* *AM* interested in replacing or helping out with
an effort to replace/improve sysinstall. However, there are two
critical things I must understand if I am to do anything truely
At 10:30 AM -0700 7/7/01, Richard Hodges wrote:
>Could I just ask exactly what the FreeBSD Foundation _is_?
>I read the announcement and bylaws, and it looks like it is supposed
>to be the offical organization representing FreeBSD. On the other
>hand, many people have suggested that there is no
On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Wes Peters wrote:
> Laurence Berland wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Rasputin wrote:
> >
> > > I may be low on caffeine, but I don't see how breaking up the base system
> > > into packages makes it any easier to upgrade than using cvsup?
> >
> > I think the discussio
At 3:42 PM -0400 7/10/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In a message dated 07/10/2001 12:52:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>> BSDi had no effect on ftp.freebsd.org's services and kept things
>> completely unchanged there
>which pretty much confirms my "no impact" statem
At 9:49 AM -0400 7/10/01, Bill Moran wrote:
>Wes Peters wrote:
> > Oh, come now. FreeBSD's disk partitioning has always sucked.
> > It does suck somewhat less than many Linux linstallers, and a
> > lot less than the OpenBSD installer,
actually, there are a few things about the openbsd parti
In a message dated 07/10/2001 12:52:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> BSDi had no effect on ftp.freebsd.org's services and kept things
> completely unchanged there
which pretty much confirms my "no impact" statement in that area.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROT
On 10 Jul 2001, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
:Jamie Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
:> On 10 Jul 2001, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
:> :One of the nice things I like about FreeBSD (and I daresay I'm not
:> :alone in this) is that when I install it, I know that I'll get a
:> :kernel with a corresponding full
Terry Lambert wrote:
> > If anyone is taking a vote, I disagree. I do not want any system
> > ever assuming anything about my network. Even Win checks with the
> > user before enabling DHCP.
> FYI: The networking bootstrap process I described above
> is derived from the process used by Windows
Jamie Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 10 Jul 2001, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
> :One of the nice things I like about FreeBSD (and I daresay I'm not
> :alone in this) is that when I install it, I know that I'll get a
> :kernel with a corresponding full and functional userland. I see the
> :pack
Terry Lambert wrote:
> Bill Moran wrote:
> > Now, I've never used partition magic, but I (personally)
> > find the FreeBSD partition program in sysinstall to be the
> > easiest one I've ever used. What should be changed to make
> > it easier?
> 1) Buy a new laptop
> 2) Make the Window
Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> > These mechanisms existed before without BSDi, so there was no "impact".
> > Actually, ftp downloads got a LOT slower after BSDi took over, so i consider
> > it a negative impact in that area.
> BSDi had no effect on ftp.freebsd.org's services
Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> > David: please install 4.3 --R E L E A S E--, the last
> > official --R E L E A S E--.
> I T I S T H E R E. Man, Terry, do you really get off on being so
> publically misinformed or is there something more pathological at work
> here? :-)
Yeah, there something mor
David O'Brien wrote:
> There you go Terry, async mounts for installs.
This does not appear to work on upgrades for things
like /usr/ports.
Now I will have to go find out why; how annoying: yet
more work.
-- Terry
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd
Wes Peters wrote:
> > I think the discussion is Re: binary upgrades, like putting
> > in the CD and hitting that upgrade option, which right now
> > doesn't quite get you there afaik.
> I don't think the goal was to make the system easier to upgrade,
> but rather easier to subset. Do we really
Bill Moran wrote:
> > If you pick "default installation" or "full installation", it
> > _should_ try to be smart; if you pick "custom installation",
> > you chould have to babysit it like you do today.
> >
> > In the "default" case, it should attempt to obtain a DHCP lease,
> > and, failing that,
Bill Moran wrote:
> Now, I've never used partition magic, but I (personally)
> find the FreeBSD partition program in sysinstall to be the
> easiest one I've ever used. What should be changed to make
> it easier?
1) Buy a new laptop
2) Make the Windows partition smaller
3) Install F
The Foundation has yet to approach Wind River about the Trademark,
so I cannot speculate on their disposition.
>>>What are your plans to change this situation?
>>The Foundation isn't planning to do anything about the trademark or
>>in regards to any of its other proposed activitie
>>> The Foundation has yet to approach Wind River about the Trademark,
>>> so I cannot speculate on their disposition.
>>What are your plans to change this situation?
>The Foundation isn't planning to do anything about the trademark or
>in regards to any of its other proposed activities until
Jamie Bowden wrote:
> You're expecting the whole world to keep the source tree on disk and
> recompile the OS. Once I've done this, I cannot regress. This is
> unrealistic in production environments. I can update Irix without
> shutting down, and a single reboot at the end to load the new kerne
Wes Peters wrote:
> Bill Moran wrote:
> >
> > Wes Peters wrote:
> >
> > > Oh, come now. FreeBSD's disk partitioning has always sucked. It does suck
> > > somewhat less than many Linux linstallers, and a lot less than the OpenBSD
> > > installer, but it still shoves way too many details and op
Rasputin wrote:
> > Where as I see the ability to incrementally upgrade only
> > the parts of the OS that have changed from release to
> > release as I can do right now in Irix.
> I may be low on caffeine, but I don't see how breaking up
> the base system into packages makes it any easier to up
From: Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 09:02:06 -0700
> David: please install 4.3 --R E L E A S E--, the last
> official --R E L E A S E--.
I T I S T H E R E. Man, Terry, do you really get off on being s
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 11:54:59 EDT
> These mechanisms existed before without BSDi, so there was no "impact".
> Actually, ftp downloads got a LOT slower after BSDi took over, so i consider
> it a negative
Jamie Bowden wrote:
> Where as I see the ability to incrementally upgrade only
> the parts of the OS that have changed from release to release
> as I can do right now in Irix.
> You know, it's funny that you told me Irix is antiquated not long ago
> Terry, it has most of the feature set you see
Rajappa Iyer wrote:
> > Well, I'd sorta like to *see* them before writing the coding
> > equivalent of a blank check, but given reasonably functional
> > implementations, sure, I'd be happy to commit your "sysinstall
> > mountpoint auto-discovery" and "release package metadata"
> > enhancements.
Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > The base system is not registered into the packages
> > system, because of sysinstall.
> It's not installed from /usr/ports but from /usr/src.
> I don't know if it's a good idea to have a huge
> freebsd_base-5.0-current-20010624 in the packages list, or a zillion
Nik Clayton wrote:
> It's reasonable to want to control what get's called FreeBSD.
I never said it wasn't; I would just like to draw the
line on the far side of sysinstall being what shows
up first thing when you boot from a CDROM.
> The intent here is not to prevent third party installers --
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 09:02:06AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> David O'Brien wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 01:29:23PM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > > Most of the work should be done using async mounts, or
> >
> > IT DOES. Terry please read the code...
> David: please install
Dear BSD"guru",
Can you please refrain from trolling here? There is no point in
bemoaning the past. Come up with a decent software package, put it in
the ports tree, then maybe somebody will listen to you. The way you are
acting just put your address into my mailers trash filter.
Sorry about the
David O'Brien wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 01:29:23PM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > Most of the work should be done using async mounts, or
> IT DOES. Terry please read the code...
David: please install 4.3 --R E L E A S E--, the last
official --R E L E A S E--.
Don't install STAB
In a message dated 07/10/2001 11:14:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> "How much of this disk do you want FreeBSD to use? ___%"
> Was that really so difficult to imagine? Better yet, a nice graphical
> view of the disk and the 4 possible entries in the partition tab
In a message dated 07/09/2001 8:02:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> BSDi really did make an impact. Just because you fail to see one doesn't
> it didn't happen. You might want to read the cvs-all mailing list. If
> like, I can supply you with some procmail
Laurence Berland wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Rasputin wrote:
> > I may be low on caffeine, but I don't see how breaking up the base system
> > into packages makes it any easier to upgrade than using cvsup?
> I think the discussion is Re: binary upgrades, like putting in the CD and
> hit
Bill Moran wrote:
> Wes Peters wrote:
> > Oh, come now. FreeBSD's disk partitioning has always sucked. It does suck
> > somewhat less than many Linux linstallers, and a lot less than the OpenBSD
> > installer, but it still shoves way too many details and options at the
> > average user. S
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 02:26:43PM +0200, Olaf Hoyer wrote:
> We agreed to do something in Europe:
> - providing informational structure for BSD
> - providing a channel where people that want to do booths at exhibitions etc
> may contact and get some help, pre-financing (perhaps) and merchandis
Terry Lambert wrote:
> If you pick "default installation" or "full installation", it
> _should_ try to be smart; if you pick "custom installation",
> you chould have to babysit it like you do today.
> In the "default" case, it should attempt to obtain a DHCP lease,
> and, failing that, ask the
Wes Peters wrote:
> Oh, come now. FreeBSD's disk partitioning has always sucked. It does suck
> somewhat less than many Linux linstallers, and a lot less than the OpenBSD
> installer, but it still shoves way too many details and options at the
> average user. Something akin to PartitionMagic w
On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Rasputin wrote:
> I may be low on caffeine, but I don't see how breaking up the base system
> into packages makes it any easier to upgrade than using cvsup?
I think the discussion is Re: binary upgrades, like putting in the CD and
hitting that upgrade option, which right n
> > ... or maybe we should remind ourselves that the only thing
> > official about FreeBSD is the code. Let the CD vendors figure
> > out ways to attract customers from each other, lets worry more
> > about ways to attract 'customers' from other operating systems.
>Bill and Jordan are right
On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Rasputin wrote:
:* Jamie Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010710 12:42]:
:> On 10 Jul 2001, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
:> :One of the nice things I like about FreeBSD (and I daresay I'm not
:> :alone in this) is that when I install it, I know that I'll get a
:> :kernel with a correspon
* Jamie Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010710 12:42]:
> On 10 Jul 2001, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
> :One of the nice things I like about FreeBSD (and I daresay I'm not
> :alone in this) is that when I install it, I know that I'll get a
> :kernel with a corresponding full and functional userland. I see th
On 10 Jul 2001, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
:Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
:> Well, I'd sorta like to *see* them before writing the coding
:> equivalent of a blank check, but given reasonably functional
:> implementations, sure, I'd be happy to commit your "sysinstall
:> mountpoint auto-di
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 03:51:15AM +, Terry Lambert wrote:
> ] I never said a "CDROM must boot to sysinstall" and I challenge you to
> ] find a quote to that effect. What both Nik and I said was that it
> ] must be an OPTION to do so, somehow, or you haven't provided a stock
> ] FreeBSD exper
Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well, I'd sorta like to *see* them before writing the coding
> equivalent of a blank check, but given reasonably functional
> implementations, sure, I'd be happy to commit your "sysinstall
> mountpoint auto-discovery" and "release package metadata"
> e
From: Dan Cross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 00:22:10 -0400
> The real solution is to define a little language for such maintenance
> tasks, and using that as the basis for installation packaging;
> something along the lin
> The real solution is to define a little language for such maintenance
> tasks, and using that as the basis for installation packaging;
> something along the lines of Inferno's mush(1), which incorporate's
> mk-like dependency graph manipulation rules into a shell.
> This would make it easy to
From: Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 03:42:47 + (GMT)
> Will you commit the changes?
Well, I'd sorta like to *see* them before writing the coding
equivalent of a blank check, but given reasonably functional
> The main problem with sysinstall all along has been that it is a one-off
> program. There is no glitz in writing installers, and they're only used
> once, then rarely if ever again.
The real solution is to define a little language for such maintenance
tasks, and using that as the basis for ins
Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > The disk partitioning sucks.
> This has worked for me without any problems, but you must have met some to say
> that it sucks. Can you elaborate on this, instead of throwing a plain 'sucks'
> and hoping that we ag
] I never said a "CDROM must boot to sysinstall" and I challenge you to
] find a quote to that effect. What both Nik and I said was that it
] must be an OPTION to do so, somehow, or you haven't provided a stock
] FreeBSD experience and people are potentially going to be confused as
] to what "Fre
] > The base system is not registered into the packages
] > system, because of sysinstall.
] As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about. The base system
] isn't registered into the package system because the base system isn't
] PROVIDED as a package nor does it come with the right me
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