Bill Moran wrote:
> Wes Peters wrote:
> > Oh, come now.  FreeBSD's disk partitioning has always sucked.  It does suck
> > somewhat less than many Linux linstallers, and a lot less than the OpenBSD
> > installer, but it still shoves way too many details and options at the
> > average user.  Something akin to PartitionMagic would be an ideal way to go,
> > given unlimited resources to throw against this particular problem.
> Now, I've never used partition magic, but I (personally) find the
> FreeBSD
> partition program in sysinstall to be the easiest one I've ever used.
> What should be changed to make it easier?

"How much of this disk do you want FreeBSD to use?  ___%"

Was that really so difficult to imagine?  Better yet, a nice graphical
view of the disk and the 4 possible entries in the partition table.  Allow
the user to grab the ends of partitions we can manipulate and move them 
around, either through keyboard navigation or with a mouse.  Focus on the
task we're attempting to accomplish: slicing the disk into 1 to 4 differnt
logical parts, rather than on the crufty underlying details.

            "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                         Softweyr LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 

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