Subject: Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 11:54:59 EDT

> These mechanisms existed before without BSDi, so there was no "impact".  
> Actually, ftp downloads got a LOT slower after BSDi took over, so i consider 
> it a negative impact in that area. 

This is typical "Elvis hasn't been seen lately.  Aliens are hard to
spot too.  Conclusion: Elvis is an Alien" thinking.

BSDi had no effect on's services and kept things
completely unchanged there, it was merely other factors which changed.
The Internet started to suck more and changing economic realities in
the ISP space forced the archive to move to the east coast, where
things only got progressively worse.  This would have occurred even
sooner had Walnut Creek CDROM been involved and, in fact, we probably
would have pulled the plug a lot sooner since WC had far less money to
spend on things like that.

Bill's points are valid too - looking exclusively on the dark side of
things is an engineer's predilection that's not always fair or right,
and though an honest discussion on what went wrong and right is fine,
let's try to keep the crack-smoking conspiracy theories to a minimum.
Thank you.

- Jordan

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