On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 03:31:59AM -0400, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
> Jordan Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, I'd sorta like to *see* them before writing the coding
> > equivalent of a blank check, but given reasonably functional
> > implementations, sure, I'd be happy to commit your "sysinstall
> > mountpoint auto-discovery" and "release package metadata"
> > enhancements.
> One of the nice things I like about FreeBSD (and I daresay I'm not
> alone in this) is that when I install it, I know that I'll get a
> kernel with a corresponding full and functional userland. I see the
> packaging of this `base system' as a bunch of (meta)packages as the
> thin edge of the wedge---pretty soon FreeBSD will resemble the
> hodge-podge collection of different (often conflicting) packages that
> Linux is.
I think all of us are aware of the shortcomings of Redhat Linnex in
this regard and will be working hard to make sure we don't fall into
the same traps, but still improve on what we currently have.
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