On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 03:51:15AM +0000, Terry Lambert wrote:
> ] I never said a "CDROM must boot to sysinstall" and I challenge you to
> ] find a quote to that effect. What both Nik and I said was that it
> ] must be an OPTION to do so, somehow, or you haven't provided a stock
> ] FreeBSD experience and people are potentially going to be confused as
> ] to what "FreeBSD" means. This holds especially true if you haven't
> ] provided source code to your wizzy installer and they have no way of
> ] figuring out how or why it's even misbehaving, which you can bet it
> ] will since nobody ever writes perfect software.
> You know that the CDROM boot process is based on a 2.88M floppy
> image. If it "must be an OPTION to do so", then you are saying
> the same thing: that it must boot to sysinstall.
Not at all. If you're thinking of shipping a CD, make sure that
somewhere on that CD is a copy of the existing two floppy images, a copy
of fdimage (or similar), and a paragraph of documentation that says:
If you would prefer to use the standard FreeBSD installer
(sysinstall) then take two blank floppies. Insert the first floppy,
and run "fdimage mfsroot.flp a:", then insert the second floppy and
run "fdimage boot.flp a:". Leave that floppy in the drive, and
reboot (making sure to set your BIOS to "boot from floppy"). The
FreeBSD Project installer will then start. Using this installer is
not documented here (we strongly urge you to use the installer we
provide and document) but it is covered in chapter 2 of the FreeBSD
Handbook, at http://www.FreeBSD.org/.
That would completely satisfy the requirements I've outlined.
FreeBSD: The Power to Serve http://www.freebsd.org/
FreeBSD Documentation Project http://www.freebsd.org/docproj/
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