Re: 9.5: coping with loss of ditaa.jar

2021-10-03 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Max Nikulin writes: > On 03/10/2021 11:25, Jarmo Hurri wrote: >> I use ditaa with org on a regular basis. Now that ditaa.jar is out >> of >> org 9.5, I need to cope with the situtation. >> I see two options, and neither was successful today. This is sort of >> what I was afraid of when I voted f

Re: "Orgdown", the new name for the syntax of Org-mode

2021-11-28 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Juan Manuel Macías writes: > Joost Kremers writes: > >> Why not just use the term "Org markup"? It's descriptive and should be >> understandable to people familiar with the concept of markup languages. > > This. 'Org markup language' and 'Org Syntax' are obvious and natural > terms that can eas

Re: Orgdown: negative feedback & attempt of a root-cause analysis (was: "Orgdown", the new name for the syntax of Org-mode)

2021-11-30 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Karl Voit writes: > * M ‘quintus’ Gülker wrote: >> Am Montag, dem 29. November 2021 schrieb Karl Voit: >>> It seems to be the case that the name "Orgdown" is the reason why >>> the Org-mode community does not support the idea of an >>> implementation-agnostic definition of the syntax. Which is

Re: noweb and shell heredocs

2021-11-30 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Immanuel Litzroth writes: > You can set the delimiters used for noweb code. > org-babel-noweb-wrap-end and org-babel-noweb-wrap-end. > > I think I set them to @@ in shell code. I almost always use {{{...}}} via a footer in my org-files: # Local Variables: # org-babel-noweb-wrap-start: "{{{" #

Re: frustrations

2021-12-03 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jan Ulrich Hasecke writes: > There are some more issues. Startup time of my emacs is more than 30 > seconds even after optimizing something with esup. I have 10.000+ files > in my org-roam and fear that I hit some limitation either of org-roam or > my hardware. I use use-package with the :defer

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-08 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > Ihor Radchenko writes: > >> Tim Cross writes: >> >>> Meanwhile, Emacs development continues and new features/capabilities >>> continue to be added. In particular, a new feature is added which is >>> extremely powerful and would be a huge benefit for Emacs org-mode users. >>

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-08 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Russell Adams writes: > On Wed, Dec 08, 2021 at 05:16:20PM +0100, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote: >> >> Tim Cross writes: >> >> > Backwards compatibility is important and changes should never be done >> > lightly. However, that doesn't mean they do

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-09 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > What really doesn't help is to immediately jump to extremes and start > talking about making something volatile just because change is > mentioned. I am wording this so strongly because we currently have talk about creating more abstract org syntax. This is the situation in

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-09 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > Russell Adams writes: >> That Org can also be used to export to other formats is both a >> blessing and a curse. Org can only do high level constructs in the >> languages it exports to, and really should only be expected to do just >> that. It's a paper thin macro or templ

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-09 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Russell Adams writes: > Did Org break your Org editing experience in Emacs for your Org files, > or did this change just break some of the finer formatting details of > your exported Org file? The change to electric indent broke my workflow badly (always having to undo the indentation after eve

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-10 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: >> The change to electric indent broke my workflow badly (always having to >> undo the indentation after every new headline), and it took long until I >> found out how to avoid that. > environment. While

[BUG] 9.5.1 cannot export specific table [9.5 (9.5-g0a86ad @ /gnu/store/qhqhlclxnqsxazs88wrmqz2vi5abcgm0-emacs-org-9.5/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.5/)]

2021-12-20 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
il :ascii-table-use-ascii-art nil :ascii-table-widen-columns t :ascii-text-width 72 :ascii-underline ((ascii 61 126 45) (latin1 61 126 45) (utf-8 9552 9472 9548 9476 9480)) :ascii-verbatim-format "`%s'" :title nil :date nil :author (#("Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide"

Re: [BUG] 9.5.1 cannot export specific table [9.5 (9.5-g0a86ad @ /gnu/store/qhqhlclxnqsxazs88wrmqz2vi5abcgm0-emacs-org-9.5/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.5/)]

2021-12-20 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: >> In org 9.5.1 I get problems exporting a table. Trying to export >> >> as ascii or running the embedded gnuplot source bloc

Re: [BUG] 9.5.1 cannot export specific table [9.5 (9.5-g0a86ad @ /gnu/store/qhqhlclxnqsxazs88wrmqz2vi5abcgm0-emacs-org-9.5/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.5/)]

2021-12-26 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: > Ihor Radchenko writes: >> "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: >>> In org 9.5.1 I get problems exporting a table. Trying to export >>>

Re: LaTeX letters in Org

2022-02-18 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Michael Eliachevitch writes: > For this kind of short writing I'm always wondering whether doing it > in org-mode is really worth it. I see a trade-of between the > convenience of org-markup (e.g. emphasis markers, itemize lists, > links, …), and the inconvience of adding literal latex to org-mo

Re: How do you manage complex project with Org-mode

2022-03-01 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Hello Seb, It sounds like org-mode can be a great fit. Sébastien Gendre writes: > But, as a student, I regularly have big and important projects to do for > the school. The kind of project who need several days to be done, with > deadlines too soon, and if you fail one them the consequences can

[BUG] Exporting italic link with bang inside to html fails to parse the link [9.5.2 (N/A @ /gnu/store/89yvbijwnvsbpa5h33mvbgh1gy9w30n2-emacs-org-9.5.2/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.5.2/)]

2022-04-05 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.

Re: Subject: [PATCH] Fix DISPLAY error on exporting org with plantuml to html

2022-06-06 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Hi Lin Sun, lin Sun via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes: > This patch will re-submit the solution based on the last rev. > > Please help review and merge the patch. Thanks > > [4. text/x-patch; > 0001-ob-plantuml-fix-DISPLAY-error-with-html-export.patch]... > From 6512e94806a4c08f

Bug: org-capture entry sometimes ends without newline, garbles next headline [9.3.6 (9.3.6-elpa @ /home/arne/Disy/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.3.6/)]

2020-08-28 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list. --

Re: Bug: org-capture entry sometimes ends without newline, garbles next headline [9.3.6 (9.3.6-elpa @ /home/arne/Disy/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.3.6/)]

2020-08-29 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Kyle Meyer writes: > Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide writes: > >> Sometimes when I use org-capture to create a new headline, that headline >> ends with a non-empty partial line that isn’t terminated by a newline. >> >> This causes the next headline to be corrupted, becau

Re: Re Org 9.4 is out. Can you help? // breaking apart Org Mode

2020-09-23 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Bastien writes: >> Rather than a huge refactoring or pushing code back into other Emacs >> modes, my thought was that Org should be trimmed into the "core" of >> Org functions and that other things should be implemented as modules >> available in MELPA outside of the official Org core. That way

Re: org-mode time tracking setup integrating with SaaS (Harvest, Toggl, Bonsai etc)

2020-10-10 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Daryl Manning writes: > Has anyone run across a good integration for doing that or has a blog post > on their system particularly where they need to track hours/tasks across a > few clients and projects for consultancy purposes I don’t do consultancy, but we I need to book for multiple projects

Re: buffer name of Org Src...

2020-10-12 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Greg Minshall writes: > ps -- in case it's of interest: possibly i'm frustrated now, and wasn't > so much in the past, as i recently got annoyed by having to go back to > the base file to save and tangle (part of my work flow, to test whatever > i'm working on), and, so, wrote a few lines of emac

Re: buffer name of Org Src...

2020-10-12 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Eric S Fraga writes: > On Monday, 12 Oct 2020 at 15:39, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote: >> Did you find a way to make flycheck or flymake work in the src-buffers? > > This is an example of when I use tangling/detangling: when I need this > kind of support to develop my code.

Re: buffer name of Org Src...

2020-10-12 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Eric S Fraga writes: > On Monday, 12 Oct 2020 at 18:33, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote: >> That’s also when I tangle — but I often don’t move the code back into >> org afterwards, because once I needed this support once, I know I’ll >> need it again. > > Interes

Re: [matlab src is always exported to latex!!] (was: org mode with babel source: execute all source blocks, don't export them to latex)

2020-10-13 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Uwe Brauer writes: > That did not work: I tried > #+begin_src matlab :results output > > But when I exported the org file to latex, the matlab code was also > exported. Strange Do you use :exports results? :results output switches to show what is printed to stdout Best wishes, Arne -- Unp

Re: buffer name of Org Src...

2020-10-13 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Eric S Fraga writes: > On Tuesday, 13 Oct 2020 at 09:27, Greg Minshall wrote: >> yes, but. the first time i 'C-c C-v t' in the base file onto a >> changed-but-uncommitted tangled file, even git will provide me no >> succor. > > True. :-( Don’t you get a "do you want to revert file" warning th

Re: best practices query: non-emacs packages based on tangled source

2020-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
TRS-80 writes: > Therefore, any stuff I plan on releasing publicly, I do not do in > literate style (JMHO). However if you are dead set on doing literate > paradigm, then maybe my experience is invalid for your use-case. My experience is that literate style works very well for tutorials, but w

Re: Thoughts on the standardization of Org

2020-10-31 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Asa Zeren writes: > I would appreciate thoughts on these ideas about how to develop and > org specification. The most important point I see here is to avoid hindering the development of org-mode within Emacs. So the most important part of the standard would be areas it doesn’t standardize: Rese

Re: Thoughts on the standardization of Org

2020-11-01 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
> see discussion on Mauro's thread about > the fact that it is probably just easier to use Emacs directly if you > need to export > to a certain format in a specific way. It is free software after all. I would like to add, that this is pretty easy to do, and also to make independent of the users e

Re: Thoughts on the standardization of Org

2020-11-01 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Asa Zeren writes: > Also another note is that the worg syntax document does begin to specify > this. My point is to bring this out into a separate document. Why should this be in a separate document? The obvious place for a standard is worg, and the way forward is to improve what’s there. Best

Re: Thoughts on the standardization of Org

2020-11-01 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Daniele Nicolodi writes: > Maybe the standardization should cover only the "static" parts of Org > (ie no table formulas, no babel, no agenda, no exporters, etc). However, > in this case, what is left is little more of a markup language with an > editor that allows sections folding. You can have

Re: Thoughts on the standardization of Org

2020-11-02 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Daniele Nicolodi writes: > On 02/11/2020 00:10, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote: >> >> Daniele Nicolodi writes: >>> Maybe the standardization should cover only the "static" parts of Org >>> (ie no table formulas, no babel, no agenda, no exporters, et

Re: Thoughts on the standardization of Org

2020-11-02 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Russell Adams writes: > On Sun, Nov 01, 2020 at 05:17:19PM -0800, Ken Mankoff wrote: >> >> To all who argue that Org is too tightly coupled to Emacs to >> consider working with it outside of Emacs, I point to GitHub. The >> fact that GitHub natively renders Org files "well enough" is a huge >> b

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-15 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
David Rogers writes: >> Common indenting in Org mode is: >> >> * Heading >> Text >> ** Heading >> Text >> *** Heading text >> Text >> Heading >> Text here >> * Heading >> Text >> ** Heading >> Text >> >> AND if somebody likes to indent differently electric indent mode >> would help.

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-15 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Kyle Meyer writes: > So, it seems that changing Org to honor electric-indent-mode is now > making some users aware of org-adapt-indentation and that its default > value is not what they want. I’ve seen before that increasing the depth of a headline with M-→ indents all its content. That was mild

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-15 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Kévin Le Gouguec writes: > Before being applied, this change has been discussed on emacs-devel and > emacs-orgmode; it has then been documented in ORG-NEWS. Which other > places do you think we should have reached out to? I don’t think you really had a chance to reach enough people. I’m here on

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-16 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > I can completely understand your position. However, I wanted to point > out that this change was documented in the org NEWS file, where all > version changes are documented. When upgrading to a new version of org, > everyone should look there, ideally before the upgrade or soo

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-16 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Uwe Brauer writes: >> PS: I started to donate to org-mode a few weeks ago when I realized just >> how central it is to my workflows. If it’s the same for you, please >> join up: >> Creating reliable funding for development of essential Free Software >> t

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-16 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tom Gillespie writes: > Would it help if major releases maintained a mini-config that if added > to init.el would allow users to retain old behavior? That way they > wouldn't have to read the NEWS but could just add the relevant lines, > or maybe even just call the org-old-default-behavior-9.1 o

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-16 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > At the same time, us users also need to take on some of the > responsibility and recognise that major version upgrades may break or > change their workflow. If you have a situation where stability of your > environment is critical to your work and your strapped for time so th

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-16 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > There are only two mechanisms by which org-mode is upgraded and as far > as I know, both require that the user either initiates the update or > turns on automatic updates. Your argument would be more compelling for > me if we were talking about updates which occur without user

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-16 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tom Gillespie writes: > with upstream, but it is clear that upstream has done zero testing on > the impact of that change on org-mode (or any other mode for that matter). I think this statement is too hard. If you use org purely for the example usecase (headings with a single content-line) and u

Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

2020-11-17 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Stefan Nobis writes: > "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: > >> Sad story short:... > > I'm with you - last weekend I upgrade my OS and had quite some trouble > to get everything working again and still have some nasty hoops to > jump through. >

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-21 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > When there are more than 2000 people related notes, tasks, > calculations, questions arise if such better be kept in one Org file > or multiple Org files in one directory or multiple directories for > multiple Org files?! This came up multiple times in discussions. I think

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-21 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Hi Texas, > Grepping my 94 Mb 6562 files (excluding archive) Textmind for > "elephantine" takes a few seconds, which is fine. For the sake of ruining my argument ( :-) ), you might want to check ripgrep. Searching within 30k files of in total around 150 MiB for ProviderBuilderFactory (guess wh

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-21 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > So in general I never need to use some general search through Org > files or any other files as my way of thinking begins with People or > Groups and that narrows what has to be searched. How do you deal with stuff that applies to several people? > it comfortable. My way o

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-24 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > Some people maybe access multiple Org files through Agenda, me I > don't. Some items are "non existent" and I do not know how to ask > agenda to refresh itself. Simply press the letter g. For my own setup I run code in a hook to update the agenda whenever I change a TODO s

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-24 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: >> The start of the local variables list should be no more than 3000 >> > characters from the end of the file >> >> >> Given the length of the email, I guess this is why Emacs saw the variables >> as being within the correct range. > > Yes thank you. I was thinking Emacs will

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-25 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide [2020-11-24 21:51]: >> >> Jean Louis writes: >> >> The start of the local variables list should be no more than 3000 >> >> > characters from the end of the file >> >> >> >>

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-25 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide [2020-11-24 21:48]: >> >> Jean Louis writes: >> >> > Some people maybe access multiple Org files through Agenda, me I >> > don't. Some items are "non existent" and I do not know how to

Re: Is Org really so simple?

2020-11-26 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: >> Only philosophy I know is that it is plain text. Is there any official >> philosophy? I have no idea, at least manual does not give me >> references. I cannot find "philosophy", send me references. > > You are right. There is no official "philosophy" in org. In my reply

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-06-28 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Richard Stallman writes: > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > > AFAIU, there are no nonfree payment services

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-06-30 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Richard Stallman writes: > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > > > Yes, sad to say they should not directly o

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-05 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Richard Stallman writes: > Meanwhile, we have a potential solution for donating money: GNU Taler. > It shows promise, for the long term: even national banks are starting > to get interested in it. (See But banking systems are > not set up to interact with it today. GNU Taler requi

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-06 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Richard Stallman writes: > > GNU Taler requires an intermediary to clear the coins. > > I am not sure what that means. Could you state in different words > what job that "intermediary" would do? > > In fact, the Taler developers are hoping that banks will play two > roles: issuing Taler token

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-07 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Richard Stallman writes: > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > > "Note: To be PCI compliant, you must load St

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-10 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Richard Stallman writes: > > PCI compliance is not required by law but is considered > > mandatory through court precedent. > > The crucial questions would be: required _of whom_, in what circumstances? If I understood it correctly, it’s required of the platform. They do not have th


2022-07-21 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Uwe Brauer writes: > So the question is, how to generate this file. Maybe there is a > ChangeLog--> exporter/converter? > > I see only 6 calls to git in that file. Maybe the easiest way

Re: the comment environment does not work for checkboxes

2022-07-29 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Uwe Brauer writes: > #+BEGIN_COMMENT > WAIT Computer > :PROPERTIES: > :Nr: 4 > :Comp1:[X] > :Comp2:[X] > :END: > #+END_COMMENT > Does not. Any idea why? In a block, you must escape * as ,* — open the environment with C-c C-' and save it the same way

[BUG] org-forward-sentence does not recognize the end of sentences with footnotes [9.5.4 (N/A @ /gnu/store/zi4gr63h5k2w3y5srydk3k05bjrx9pi9-emacs-org-9.5.4/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.5.4/)]

2022-08-01 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.

Re: [BUG] org-forward-sentence does not recognize the end of sentences with footnotes [9.5.4 (N/A @ /gnu/store/zi4gr63h5k2w3y5srydk3k05bjrx9pi9-emacs-org-9.5.4/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.5.4/)]

2022-08-02 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: > >> If you go to the first word in the following paragraph and press M-e >> (org-forward-sentence), the point jumps to the end of the paragraph. But >> it should jump to just after the footn

Re: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-25 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode. > > Please make EWW recognize Org file when served by WWW server. Currently > it does not recognize the MIME type text/x-org and opens the file as > text, it does not invoke the org mode. In my opinion, it should. This

Re: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-25 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide [2022-10-25 18:06]: >> > This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode. >> > >> > Please make EWW recognize Org file when served by WWW server. Currently >> > it does not recognize the MIM

Re: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-26 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: >> If you ask me whether I can make this work safely: This would first >> require the introduction of a safe-org-mode which strictly disables all >> features that can execute remote code or disguise unsafe operations as >> safe ones. If a user then decides to explicitly call M

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-26 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: > If necessary, we can introduce a special variable in Org mode that will > disable all the potential third-party code evaluation, even if user has > customized Org to execute code without prompt. If that would be part of org-mode, this would be close to a safe-org-mode.

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-26 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > Browser like EWW, being able to accept content types, should give to > user the option to decide if to open PDF file by integrated PDF viewer > or any external PDF viewer, or to download the file, or to open the > file by user's customized function, mode or program. I’m not

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > and people constantly use M-x package-install to install packages > from GNU ELPA, nonGNU ELPA and MELPA, often with this misguided belief > that these packages are being vetted by the security fairies. Yes, and no. There is still a world of a difference between "any random

Re: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > * Jean Louis [2022-10-25 15:14]: >> >> This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode. >> >> Please make EWW recognize Org file when served by WWW server. Currently >> it does not recognize the MIME type text/x-org and opens the file as >> text, it does not invoke

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
writes: > [[PGP Signed Part:Good signature from 05C82CF57AD1DA46 tomás zerolo (moep > moep) (trust undefined) created at > 2022-10-27T06:25:44+0200 using DSA]] > On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 11:16:15PM +0200, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote: > > [...] > >> > That

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > * Andreas Schwab [2022-10-27 11:03]: >> On Okt 26 2022, Jean Louis wrote: >> >> > With "predicate" do you mean URI scheme? >> >> When I write predicate, I mean predicate. > > Can that predicate understand content type? A predicate is a function that returns true or false

Re: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide [2022-10-27 14:23]: >> >> Jean Louis writes: >> >> > * Jean Louis [2022-10-25 15:14]: >> >> >> >> This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode. >> >> >> &g

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > * Max Nikulin [2022-10-27 18:40]: >> On 27/10/2022 11:55, Jean Louis wrote: >> > >> > Now is clear that main problem here is that Org advertises somewhere >> > to be "text" in MIME context, while it is not, it is by default >> > "application" and thus unsafe, see: >> ... >

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Max Nikulin writes: > How are you going to distinguish your personal files and arbitrary > files from non-trusted sources? By signing your files and maintaining > list of trusted certificates? One idea that could work well is to add an explicit allow-list trusted-sources-to-allow-unsafe-modes w

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jean Louis writes: > * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide [2022-10-28 01:11]: >> >> Max Nikulin writes: >> >> > How are you going to distinguish your personal files and arbitrary >> > files from non-trusted sources? By signing your files and maintaining >&g

Re: bug#58774: 29.0.50; [WISH]: Let us make EWW browse WWW Org files correctly

2022-10-28 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: > >> One idea that could work well is to add an explicit allow-list >> trusted-sources-to-allow-unsafe-modes with entries of domain and >> path-prefix where people can add trusted sources. &

Re: Getting X selection reliably (Re: idea for capture anywhere in x)

2022-10-28 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Max Nikulin writes: > Then you should always have an X11 Emacs frame, maybe behind other > windows This sounds like a tray application. Do you know whether something like that already exitst (mark one frame as system tray entry)? Code the other way round (emacs *as* system tray) seems to alread

Re: Docstrings and literate programming (good practices?)

2022-11-02 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: > Juan Manuel Macías writes: > >> #+NAME: docstring1 >> #+begin_src org :post format-docstring(*this*) :results replace :exports >> results :tangle no >> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. >> >> Consectetuer adipiscing elit. "Donec hendrerit tempor tellus". Donec >> pretiu

Re: [ANN] Looking for new maintainers for ox-html.el

2023-01-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: > I have been informed that our current ox-html maintainer will no longer > able to perform his duties in full extent. > > We thus need volunteers to help maintaining Org HTML export library - > lisp/ox-html.el I depend on ox-html for my personal website. I would be glad

Re: netspend table

2023-02-04 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jude DaShiell writes: > This is a running balance table and I don't know what kind of a #TBLFMT > line would be useful for that either. > > | date | transaction | amount | fee | balance | > |--+--++---+-| > | [2023-01-11] | original

Re: netspend table

2023-02-05 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jude DaShiell writes: > Thanks much for your help on this problem. I've never done anything with > ledger-cli yet and wasn't aware such a package existed. Glad to help :-) I now polished the tips a bit more and pushed them to my org-mode tipps:

Re: netspend table

2023-02-08 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jude DaShiell writes: > I think if I had known about orgmode when studying adjusted trial balance > sheets I would have used it since braille paper has a maximum of 42 > characters in a line. Are you using orgmode blind? If so, do you have a good resource I could send a blind author? Best wish

Re: [POLL] Naming of "export features"

2023-02-21 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Timothy writes: > Both components are crucial to the overall system, however if anything I view > the latter as more important and so am not a fan of describing this system as > “export contexts”. That said, I am open to considering alternatives. > > Here is a list of terms which I’d feel comfor

Re: [POLL] Should we accept breaking changes to get rid of Org libraries that perform side effects when loading? (was: org-ctags land grab)

2023-03-27 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: > Max Nikulin writes: > >>> Sure. This is not by itself a big deal. A number of Elisp libraries, >>> including built-in Emacs libraries are loaded with side effects. >> >> It is still violation of conventions: >> >> (info "(elisp) Coding Conventions") >> https://www.gnu.o

Re: [Q] How to italicize without introducing a space?

2023-03-28 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Hello, Ruijie Yu via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes: > Hello, > > I am working on a piece of CJK text, which requires italicization. > > 任何一个章节可以通过增加例如 =TODO= 或者 =HOLD= 等关键词来被设置成 /待办/ 。 > > > Note the spaces before and after the pair of `?/'. … > Are there any other solutions than

Re: [Q] How to italicize without introducing a space?

2023-03-29 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ruijie Yu writes: > "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: > >> [...] >> You could try using a ZERO WIDTH SPACE around the expression [...] > > Thank you Arne and Steven. I have tried to just insert the zero width > space, and it seems to work very well (at

Re: Clocktable :formatter to record time in hours or work-days

2023-04-12 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
William Denton writes: > How could I format the Time column in hours? How could I format it to > hours/8, > rounded, to represent work-days? I only want this formatting for this table, > I > have other clocktables in the same file I don't want to change. I use the customization '(org-durat

Re: A dream?

2023-04-15 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Christopher Dimech writes: > We ran it on the International Space Station. If that is the response of > students, > then they are lame bro, Is there a writeup of this? Or a talk? “Emacs on the ISS” would be a great story to share! Best wishes, Arne -- Unpolitisch sein heißt politisch sein,

[BUG] cannot latex-export images linked to websites (error) [9.6.3 (N/A @ /gnu/store/5bhjhzyn6cnal35xad5x55f7b4hf2jcp-emacs-org-9.6.3/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.6.3/)]

2023-04-16 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.

Re: Suggestion to increase usefulness of TAB key / 'org-cycle' function

2023-04-28 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Philipp Kiefer writes: > Thanks, Eric, I am aware of customization options. > > My suggestion was aimed at improving the out-of-the-box experience of (new) > Org users by extending the usefulness of 'org-cycle' by > folding the subtree at point from anywhere inside it that is not itself a > pa

Re: Suggestion to increase usefulness of TAB key / 'org-cycle' function

2023-04-28 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Esteban Ordóñez writes: > Hello Doctor. > >> That said: C-c C-t or M-x outline-hide-body > > C-c C-t > is org-todo, not outline-hide-body. I guess I customized that … > Thanks for the clarification. Glad to :-) Best wishes, Arne -- Unpolitisch sein heißt politisch sein, ohne es zu merken. d

Re: An Org-mode-based blogging engine?

2023-05-08 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Marcin Borkowski writes: > I'm preparing to set up a new blog, and I'd like to have a fully > Org-mode-based workflow. Ideally, I'd like to be able to do everything > - including publishing the posts - from within Emacs. > > I know about things like "Org publish" and ox-hugo, though I never use

Re: exporting to PDF multi-lingual document

2023-06-30 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Hi, Andrés Ramírez writes: > Could You address me to the proper sintax for the japanese characters to > appear in the output?. I think you have to solve this on the LaTeX-side: including packages that support the required unicode. For a part of that I usually use uniinput, for example this: htt

Re: exporting to PDF multi-lingual document

2023-07-01 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
andrés ramírez writes: > Arne> I think you have to solve this on the LaTeX-side: including > packages that support the > Arne> required unicode. > Thanks. That helped. It ended like this: I’m glad to hear that! Thank you for posting your solution. > #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{CJKutf8

Re: exporting to PDF multi-lingual document

2023-07-02 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Stefan Nobis writes: > Ihor Radchenko writes: > >> The downside of lualatex is that it is slower: >> > > Yes, for sure. But I have the impression that newer versions of luatex > have become a bit faster (maybe it's just a subjective imp

Re: [BUG] WORG example for ob-lilypond is no longer working as described

2023-07-12 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: > >> I typically use it directly, but if the maintenance burden is >> manageable, I could offer maintenance here, too (once I have the papers >> in place). > > I have recently seen https://m

Re: [BUG] WORG example for ob-lilypond is no longer working as described (was: Moving some lisp/ob-*.el files to org-contrib - your advice?)

2023-07-13 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jonathan Gregory writes: > Hi Ihor > > On 12 Jul 2023, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > > [...] > >> I have recently seen >> that revealed a problem with example from >> >> >>

Re: [BUG] WORG example for ob-lilypond is no longer working as described

2023-07-13 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: > Ihor Radchenko writes: > >> "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: >> >>> I typically use it directly, but if the maintenance burden is >>> manageable, I could offer maintenance here, too (once I h

Re: [BUG] WORG example for ob-lilypond is no longer working as described (was: Moving some lisp/ob-*.el files to org-contrib - your advice?)

2023-07-14 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Jonathan Gregory writes: > Given the feedback, I went ahead and changed the file: > > -#+begin_src org :exports none +#+begin_src lilypond :exports none That’s strange — what was the reason for using org a

Re: Add a Chinese version to of

2023-08-08 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Hi lux, Ihor Radchenko writes: > lux writes: >> To facilitate Chinese users' understanding of Org Mode, I have >> translated into Simplified Chinese. Please review it. > Thanks! > However, we already have another, more complete translation pending. > See

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