Jean Louis <> writes:

> * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide <> [2022-10-28 01:11]:
>> Max Nikulin <> writes:
>> > How are you going to distinguish your personal files and arbitrary
>> > files from non-trusted sources? By signing your files and maintaining
>> > list of trusted certificates?
>> One idea that could work well is to add an explicit allow-list
>> trusted-sources-to-allow-unsafe-modes with entries of domain and
>> path-prefix where people can add trusted sources.
> That implies that for every content type you are supposed to do the
> same.

No, you misunderstood the proposal.

> And what makes you want to limit people how they want to run their Org
> files?

The wish to limit the fallout when¹ this gets weaponized by criminals.

If you explicitly allow-list trusted sources, bad actors have to take
over your trusted server to attack you. That’s much less likely than bad
actors taking over some random long-unmainted server of a link you
stumbled upon.

¹: when, not if.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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