Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> On Monday, 12 Oct 2020 at 18:33, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> That’s also when I tangle — but I often don’t move the code back into
>> org afterwards, because once I needed this support once, I know I’ll
>> need it again.
> Interesting.  I guess my needs are different: I need these support tools
> when doing the initial code development but not much after
> that.  Subsequently, most of my time is spent with documentation,
> dissemination, and bug fixes.  Doing most of this is easier in org mode.

Do you use org-mode to document stuff after you wrote it?

I often use it to start small tools that I need right now — for example
some data extraction — and I would prefer to keep them in org, because I
then have one single reference. And I often write the code while I’m
writing the text around it. When then something does not work, I need
debugging and exploration to find out how to fix it.

> But whatever works best for you is what you should do!

There are a lot of great ways to use org-mode :-)

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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