Hi Texas,

> Grepping my 94 Mb 6562 files (excluding archive) Textmind for
> "elephantine" takes a few seconds, which is fine.  

For the sake of ruining my argument ( :-) ), you might want to check ripgrep.

Searching within 30k files of in total around 150 MiB for
ProviderBuilderFactory (guess what type the files are :-) ) takes 0.4s
with ripgrep.

(that’s on an nvme (M.2) disk)

It’s still too slow for interactive use.

Within 1k files of in tootal 7 MiB it is fast enough.

> Org searching for a nonexistent UID link takes a few minutes, which is
> why I run that search nightly, to refresh the index. My Org Agenda
> search scope is only 252k in 58 files and is effectively lagless.

That lagless is what I see as being required for actual operation.

> I'm not sure what kind of lagless Org database operations are required
> in your workflow, but I suspect they could be mostly replaced by a
> proper Textmind workflow and 10 Bins structure.

I need instant search in the knowledge database and quick filing of
tasks. Also I need the agenda to create a clocktable (that’s on the
limit of being too slow) and the calendar and tasks of the week.

Also I need quick filing of notes and quotes (in specific files, not
part of the agenda) and of long-form articles, one file per article
(using journal.el, also outside the agenda, searched using M-x deft),
and quick creation of website entries for a given category within the
site (i.e. M-x draketo-software).

> I guess I avoid the problem you're talking about by mostly excluding
> bulk prose from the Agenda directory.  They're fundamentally different
> and should be handled differently.

I do that, too. One is source code, one is organisation tasks. I link
from org into the source code, though (but never check the targets).

I do use org-planning within prose, but there the scope is only the one

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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