Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

>> Only philosophy I know is that it is plain text. Is there any official
>> philosophy? I have no idea, at least manual does not give me
>> references. I cannot find "philosophy", send me references.
> You are right. There is no official "philosophy" in org. In my reply I
> tried to follow the topic starter's view:
>  Texas Cyberthal <texas.cybert...@gmail.com>:
>> By philosophy, I mean the dev consensus on the correct way to do
>> things, and coded configuration and usability biases.
> According to my experience with org-mode development (I am not talking
> about third-party packages here), it is discouraged to change org-mode
> towards hiding metadata in org files or store *unique* data (that cannot
> be derived from the contents of the org files) related to org-mode
> externally (not in org files). It is not official statement, but rather
> my impression so far.

As a user I do not want outside-data, because I put my org-files into
versiontracking and access them from several machines. I also provide
them as sources for books on sr.ht and use them to synchronize planning
between the office-PC and the homeoffice-PC. And I send them to people
so they have the complete source of something I built.

All those use-cases I use regularly would break if org-mode started to
rely on an external database.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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