* On 2015 02 Feb 07:53 -0600, Martijn Dekkers wrote:
> I found this an interesting read:
> * read ahead implementation dropped: in the age of SSDs the benefit is not
> big enough to have this. All systemd developers have SSDs and no more
> spinning disks, nobody could/wanted to support this anym
* On 2015 03 Feb 03:22 -0600, Svante Signell wrote:
> On Mon, 2015-02-02 at 16:54 -0600, t.j.duch...@gmail.com wrote:
> > On Monday, February 02, 2015 07:57:23 PM Vlad wrote:
> ...
> > I think that uselessd or FreeBSD's compatibility projects are probably the
> > most likely solutions.
> What a
* On 2015 05 Feb 08:26 -0600, macondo wrote:
> Hi, i can't install the firewall gufw on jessie because i nuked
> systemd.Will Devuan solve this?thank you
It looks like gufw depends on policykit-1 which in turn depends on
libpam-systemd and so on. However, the ufw package doesn't have the
While I knew of its existence, I never tried Crunchbag, so I cannot
comment on its features or user experience. Seems a shame that for
whatever reason this Debian derivative is ceasing development. The
article doesn't really cite specifics othe
John is a long-time Debian developer who opines on the complexity he
faces in Jessie:
John clearly states that he believes the problems are distinct from
systemd. While many here may not necessarily
John weighs in with a followup:
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux, bikes, an
To me the issue is independent of the source language used. A popular
object of criticism is polkit. For fun I took a look at the polkit man
page on this Sid machine and while I have a general idea of what it
does, it's overkill for my single user machine. While it's likely that
it solves some e
On Debian, at least, console fonts and sizes are set in
/etc/default/console-setup and your distribution may have something
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:
* On 2015 15 Feb 07:33 -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> Meanwhile the devs can't eat their own dogfood because they're not utter
> noobs, and nobody wants the featurelist marketing is pushing.
Indeed. I've followed Planet Debian for some time and do read LWN semi
regularly. It astonished me at fi
* On 2015 16 Feb 12:40 -0600, Svante Signell wrote:
> Hi, it is a little slow without hardware acceleration: -enable-kvm is
> the solution here if you have recent Intel/AMD CPUs.
Thanks for the tip. I had installed the package but was ignorant of its
use (yes, I need to RTFM more often ;-). It
And yet I find it telling that none has so far answered Luke's question
as to why they are not bothered about the recent changes and direction
as he is. Was it bad for me to presume that no one would answer?
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. Th
* On 2015 17 Feb 16:48 -0600, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Feb 2015 16:41:12 -0500
> Neo Futur wrote:
> > > Nate, could you please summarize Luke's question? I haven't been
> > > able to completely read any of his posts.
> > its more than just a question, but you probably want :
> >
> > http
* On 2015 20 Feb 05:55 -0600, Aldemir Akpinar wrote:
> I would say +1 for everything that is written with this e-mail and above.
> However, there's one thing here,
> there are more people running servers than people running linux on their
> desktops, so IMHO devuan should first focus on the servers
* On 2015 20 Feb 09:03 -0600, Didier Kryn wrote:
> Guys, I don't think there is contradiction between server and
> desktop. There is a difference in the user base and installed
> applications, not in the OS. dbus and udev/eudev/mdev/vdev/ are just
> useful services which make life easier if th
* On 2015 20 Feb 11:56 -0600, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 08:59:33 -0800
> Go Linux wrote:
> > We all knew this was coming . . .
> >
> > KDE Will Depend on 'logind' and 'timedated' in 6 Months
> >
> > https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=15/02/20/101235
Following on here since
* On 2015 24 Feb 09:16 -0600, Rob Owens wrote:
> After some debate, that last dependency was changed to
> systemd-shim | systemd-sysv. That it required any debate at all
> makes me wonder where some of the Debian devs' heads are at.
It makes me wonder if the idea of installing anew rather than
* On 2015 25 Feb 10:03 -0600, Godefridus Daalmans wrote:
> Personally I consider task #2 to do a little discovery and documenting of
> what kinds of "middle-ware" I have on my Linux box and how it all interacts
> (things like: what is akonadi/nepomuk/colord/avahi and do I need all of
> that).
* On 2015 28 Feb 00:57 -0600, Martijn Dekkers wrote:
> > >
> > > http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
> > >
> >
> > some computers need a partition table on the usb-stick to boot.
> >
> >
> unetbootin should take care of that
Give it a try as I've had good luck with unetbootin on various live CDs,
* On 2015 28 Feb 07:56 -0600, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, isohybrid did the trick.
Oh, yeah, I remember that *now*. Slaps forehead!
> What I don't know is whether the isohybridized version of the .iso
> would still work on a CD. If so, it might be effective jus
* On 2015 28 Feb 17:07 -0600, T.J. Duchene wrote:
> As for systemd having "tentacles", there is certainly truth to that, but
> then the same argument could be said of Python or Perl. Both are rooted
> so far into "standard" distributions that it is hard to extract them.
With all respect, T.J., t
* On 2015 28 Feb 19:09 -0600, Go Linux wrote:
> Either this is an incredibly stupid question or it's the elephant in
> the room. Why not one response? This inquiring mind would like to
> know.
> golinux
Actually, it's a good question and some
* On 2015 04 Mar 18:30 -0600, william moss wrote:
> Thunderbird or Claws for email, though the Opera client is good.
To paraphrase, "You'll have to pry my Mutt from my cold dead fingers!"
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fea
* On 2015 05 Mar 07:22 -0600, Jaromil wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Mar 2015, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
> > Mutt is on my todo-stack
> in case you fancy an out-of-the box setup of msmtp, fetchmail, mutt and
> notmuch search over maildirs plus abook integration, have a look at
> https://www.dyne.org/software/j
* On 2015 07 Mar 16:29 -0600, T.J. Duchene wrote:
> > Iceweasel and Chromium are both updated to the upstream-supported
> > version periodically (when the current version is no longer
> > supported). The amount of churn between versions and the number of
> > versions means that it would be very
* On 2015 18 Mar 10:40 -0500, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> Sounds all very clean and nice.
> Kudos to Jude! Looking forward to using vdev* eventually
Seconded. Thanks for your work the past several weeks, Jude. Good to
have you aboard.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best
* On 2015 22 Mar 22:09 -0500, Peter Olson wrote:
> > On March 22, 2015 at 6:29 AM Jaromil wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 21 Mar 2015, Peter Olson wrote:
> >
> > > RMS didn't call me a troll, he answered the question. Somebody else
> > > took it upon himself to refer to the question as trolling. I have
As I've learned there is a good brain trust on this list, I have a
somewhat interesting problem to solve.
A few weeks ago due to circumstances beyond my control, I now have
Internet access where I am behind Carrier Grade NAT. In other words, my
router no longer has a publicly accessible IP addres
Is this really happening?
> Now it appears as though the systemd developers have found a solution
> to kernel compatibility problems and a way to extend their philosophy
> of placing all key operating system components in one
> repository. According to Ivan Gotyaovich, one of the developers
> work
* On 2015 30 Mar 06:37 -0500, etech3 wrote:
> Nate Did you read the devs name?
> "According to Ivan Gotyaovich"
Umm, yes, which is partly the reason why I mention my skepticism.
Remember, all good humor has a kernel of truth.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of al
* On 2015 30 Mar 12:05 -0500, KatolaZ wrote:
> Anyway, this little (disgusting) joke is revealing that some users
> that are currently "tolerating" the systemd-nonsense would be quite
> upset if the systemd-nonsense guys would decide to take the Linux
> kernel aboard (something that I personally th
* On 2015 31 Mar 10:30 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> I think he was probably envisioning Redhat creating a from-scratch
> kernel. This would further differentiate Redhat, and would lock their
> users into Redhat. I think Nate's point is Redhat's scared to do that
> until Redhat has everyone ensnared i
In my case I prefer OpenWRT which uses dnsmasq to handle the task of LAN
IP assignments and name resolution.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us
Hi Jeremy.
Welcome to the wide, wide, world of Linux and in large measure POSIX.
While I am not a distribution packager such as a Debian Developer, I do
help maintain an upstream project that is in Debian so my perspective is
a bit more broad than a single distribution. You wrote that you're
Interesting observations, Go.
I joined today and made a single post. I did like the split screen
feature that shows a preview in real time.
As for the theme, so long as it is logical to navigate I am not too
concerned. Over the years I've used a lot of Vbulletin and PHPbb sites
that have been t
* On 2015 02 May 23:47 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Sat, 2 May 2015 09:03:30 -0700
> "DLL Hell" wrote:
> > For some reason the men in the Linux community who hate women the
> > most seem to have taken a dislike to systemd. I understand that being
> > “conservative” might mean not wanting ch
Hi Jérôme.
* On 2015 04 May 05:03 -0500, Bardot Jérôme wrote:
> And a last question, how with sysinit can i do the same as a systemctl
> enable/disable ?
I can answer that as I did it just a few days ago to prevent the mysql
server from running on this desktop (CQRlog needs mysql but doesn't need
Well said, T.J. I couldn't find anything to disagree with in your
missive. I will also add that now a technical disagreement seems to
have morphed into somehow opposing the pet cause of various social
justice warriors that now seem to be everywhere. One such recent
example is from Debian Develop
* On 2015 23 May 23:44 -0500, James Powell wrote:
> Remember Lennart's remarks about BSD?
> "BSD isn't relevant anymore. It's a toy OS."
Interesting quote considering OS/X is built on BSD and he is in the lead
of the group chasing Apple's tail lights.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that
* On 2015 03 Jun 08:42 -0500, hellekin wrote:
> As Devuan offers a pretty easy and automated way to make a custom build,
> maybe we should take advantage of this, and provide a way for
> downloading non-free blobs during install, after the detection was made.
> This way would at least make users
* On 2015 03 Jun 11:33 -0500, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
> On Wed, 03 Jun 2015 13:25:42 -0300
> hellekin wrote:
> > the official Devuan network installer should not, IMO, support this
> > case. It is not against users, but against manufacturers.
> So you want to punish users, for the sins of man
* On 2015 03 Jun 16:55 -0500, alexus / dotcommon wrote:
> On Wed, 03 Jun 2015 20:37:22 +1200
> Daniel Reurich wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'd like a straw poll on whether we should include non-free firmware in
> >our installers by default.
> So that people should fork Devuan to get a truly free sys
Daniel, that is a well reasoned approach that puts the users first,
gives them information, and gives them the choice. I think that is why
we are here, at least I am.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true
* On 2015 13 Jun 08:08 -0500, LM wrote:
> Laurent Bercot wrote:
> >As for printing servers, I don't know, but I'd be surprised
> >if cupsd was the only possibility.
> >
> > And if it actually is the only possibility, then we have a bigger
> > problem than just sd_notify: it means that monopolies
* On 2015 13 Jun 18:23 -0500, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> What part of systemd are these various (non-systemd) programs
> leveraging? Is it the sd-notify thingy? If it is that would imply a
> different course of action than if they are using many different
> features.
I know that CUPS can be run u
* On 2015 15 Jun 17:22 -0500, JeremyBekka C wrote:
> Thanks James for pointing that out. I actually did not know that hal
> is necessary for Amazon videos because of DRM. I found the solution
> online and it worked but didn't know why. The fact that it deals with
> DRM makes me a little nervous be
* On 2015 20 Jun 11:28 -0500, KatolaZ wrote:
> I still have problems understanding why this is happening, and maybe a
> caveman like me will never get through it, but this is how things work
> in this community nowadays. And that's exactly why I have now also
> problems recognising this as *my* co
* On 2015 02 Jul 05:49 -0500, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> What will be the alternatives?
I have the same question. While I'm not cheerleader for PA, it works
for me on the desktop. However, due to ridding myself of most traces of
freedesktop.org packages on my main desktop computer running Debian
* On 2015 03 Jul 15:59 -0500, T.J. Duchene wrote:
> Personally, I think that the only solution is the replacement of the package
> manager with something more akin to a version manager, where you can have
> multiple versions of the same binary package chains with differing
> dependencies based on
* On 2015 04 Jul 05:02 -0500, John Jensen wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been following this list for a long time. I'm a supporter of open
> source and the philosophy around it. I studied programming years ago but as
> the work where I live, at the time, was in other areas I moved on to other
> things.
* On 2015 04 Jul 10:00 -0500, Roger Leigh wrote:
> Mostly agreed on all the points you made. But WRT the autotools, they are
> such a baroque collection of tools, requiring knowledge of a minimum of five
> languages to use effectively (Bourne shell, m4, make, autoconf and
> automake), I can't rea
* On 2015 19 Jul 05:22 -0500, Ста Деюс wrote:
> Good time of the day, Micky.
> On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:00:24 +0200 you wrote:
> > I thing mc is useless: Real men don't eat quique.
> Do not know what is quique, and i'm seems to me, not a "real men", but
> the "MC" and it mceditor -- are a
Almost hard to believe that those are nearly 17 years old. I'd been
using Linux as my main system since January 1998 and had played with it
since September 1996 by dual-booting with DOS/Windows and later Windows
To be fair, I think much progress toward ease of use came in the early
years of
* On 2015 05 Aug 21:23 -0500, Joel Roth wrote:
> What dmix doesn't do (and pulseaudio does) is provide a
> separate volume control for each application.
Which is an outstanding feature that I do miss on this desktop that I
purged PA from due to extant SysD dependencies. I would just like to
* On 2015 23 Aug 09:21 -0500, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> Although I have a working Lazarus written frontend, I am getting the
> message, it may not be accepted in Devuan, for the reason it is
> written in Lazarus Pascal. Therefore, I am considering taking the leap
> of trying to rewrite it for GTK2 or
* On 2015 29 Aug 10:15 -0500, poitr pogo wrote:
> So let them build desktop oriented linux, and let us focus on the
> server oriented version.
I'll add my voice to the chorus objecting to the idea that removal of
systemd is for servers only. My first use of Linux (Slackware
specifically) was as a
* On 2015 29 Aug 16:14 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> Yeah, that isn't a problem, and shouldn't be a problem. Interestingly,
> in my LUG, the most pro-systemd guys are the mega-metal admins
> administering hundreds of boxes with hundreds of Docker containers.
> These guys are telling me systemd is nec
* On 2015 30 Aug 02:27 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> You know why, Nate. You were on Debian-User in the bad old days. Back
> in the day, how many times did I get called a conspiracy theorist for
> answering that question.
> Three words:
> 1. Follow
> 2. the
> 3. money.
Sigh, yes, I know. I'm s
And all along I thought a "dock" had to do with a place to put program
icons on a desktop and that "docker" was a tool to handle it. I've
ignored everything about virtual machines except for Virtual Box and
Evidently, I now have to know that a "container" is a virtual machine.
Or is it? Se
A rather thorough reference is "The Linux Programming Interface"
available from: http://www.man7.org/tlpi/ and other retailers.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and m
Reading some of the links left me about speechless. I seem to recall a
time when Debian actions were open to all involved. The requests for
clarification of the discussions supposedly leading to the creation of
live-build-ng in bug 804315 went unanswered.
Besides being heavy-handed and rude, it
* On 2015 23 Nov 00:53 -0600, aitor_czr wrote:
> In my opinion, using C with lists will be the most suitable.
Have you looked at what glib provides? It is an underlying library of
GTK and seems to contain many such solutions.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
* On 2015 23 Nov 06:18 -0600, aitor_czr wrote:
> Hi Nate,
> Yes, i'm taking a look at this.
> gtk, glib, atk, cairo, pango, gdk-pixbuf...
Before you guys go too far down the GTK rabbit hole, which will
eventually force you into GTK3, you may want to ponder this:
My humble opinion, is that GTK is a dead end, unless one wants to be a
slave to the GNOME project, and there has been a dismissive attitude
shown toward third parties in the past. It's one thing to maintain a
program that uses it, but if I were to sit down and learn a toolkit for
a new application
* On 2015 25 Nov 00:07 -0600, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 10:32:31PM +0100, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> > Hi Steve et al,
> >
> > The only problem that comes to my mind about Lazarus and Pascal, is
> > many Linux users would not have a Pascal compiler (fpc)
> > installed on their mac
* On 2015 14 Dec 13:48 -0600, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> Hi All,
> What email client do you suggest me to use so that I can properly
> quote previous replies? I use gmail's classic webmail interface as my
> computer lags with the newer webmail interfaces. I tried claws-mail
> without success: the g
* On 2015 17 Dec 12:45 -0600, Steve Litt wrote:
> I wonder if Devuan could recruit some of the massive brainpower exiting
> the Debian project?
Did Russ actually leave the project or just the TC. I didn't see
anything recent (past couple of months) that hints at anything. I no
longer follow Plan
This developer has some thoughts on the matter, Mitt:
Sad news. Looks to be legit.
Okay, I'm ready for 2015 to be over. :-(
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us
Hi Miles, et. al.
As an upstream developer/maintainer and downstream user of packages both
locally built and packaged, I've come to the conclusion that, at least
in the case of Debian, building from source is for "those who know what
they are doing." On the one hand, given the wide array of prebu
* On 2015 31 Dec 14:53 -0600, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> YUP - made it very clear, and I basically agree with delineation. I tend to
> agree with Steve re. when to use, and not use, package management (and with
> Joel's comment re. "checkinstall" making it easier to remove things
> later.
Another g
* On 2015 31 Dec 14:53 -0600, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> Can you say "kdbus?"
That doesn't worry me much at this stage as unlike at the higher layers
where SD support seems to result in support for certain other APIs being
removed, the kernel has gained all sorts of features over the years that
Children! Down that path lies madness.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us
Dng mailing list
Thank you, Roger, for a well reasoned and coherent explanation on /usr
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us
SD now includes a replacement for running ntp/ntpdate to synchronize
time so that is being absorbed. It's probably a wash and low on most
desktop users list, but one more example of SD becoming your complete
middleware system!
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
* On 2016 05 Jan 08:47 -0600, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
> (still) quite plainly states that udev (it names no other examples) is
> developed based on the assumption that / and /usr reside on the same
> device and that any bug reports regarding this are WONTFIXes. IOW,
> that's a policy decision certai
* On 2016 17 Jan 07:21 -0600, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
> A 'consumer' is - by definition - an entirely passive entity, somewhat
> like a refuse bin, who is supposed to swallow whatever is to be
> put into him by people who control 'production'.
I always had in mind one of those pedal operated trash
I scanned that thread at first and my thought was that Network Manager
wasn't being started when he loaded OpenBox. I thought that once
configured that NM will have a network connection before its GUI
component is even loaded.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
I really never thought I'd see an article on programming that managed to
pull both Grace Slick and Culture Club in as a relevant plot vehicles.
Well done, Steve.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham rad
I know Alpine Linux has been mentioned before on this list so I took
some time and have investigated it a bit more. While I still prefer the
Debian way that I've grown to know over the past 16 1/2 years, I do like
certain aspects of Alpine. Even the largest ISO installed a very lean
base system
* On 2016 20 Feb 01:17 -0600, dev1fanboy wrote:
> Seen this before, I think he is a little gullible in this presentation
> to believe there would be a reasonable back and forth and allows a
> dialogue to take place during his presentation.
The video is about 2 1/2 years old. People could be forgi
This is sad, especially in the context that at one point the GNOME/GTK
developers didn't know or care about apps outside of their project:
Scroll down a ways you'll find the following gem from a GNOME dev (read
the whole th
* On 2016 26 Feb 23:05 -0600, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here's info on dmenu:
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/dmenu
> http://linux.die.net/man/1/dmenu
> http://troubleshooters.com/lpm/201406/201406.htm#use_faster_tools_dmenu
> Just for fun, I'd like some opinions. If a Win
* On 2016 26 Feb 17:16 -0600, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 10:46:58 +0100
> Florian Zieboll wrote:
> > IIUC, LXDE's decision to go Qt was based on the fact that it otherwise
> > and rather sooner than later would have to go GTK+ 3, which I see very
> > well in tune with the base m
* On 2016 06 Mar 02:51 -0600, aitor_czr wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just uploaded an image of Devuan for Raspberry Pi 2 with LXDE.
My guess is this will not run on the original Pi model B?
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this
* On 2016 16 Mar 15:21 -0500, Daniel Reurich wrote:
> You can uninstall and hide (to prevent from reinstalling) a couple of
> updates to get rid of the nags permanently.
And "they" say Linux is too hard to use! ;-)
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible wo
Interesting. I've been using Aptitude in CUI mode since at least 2000
or so and it seems straightforward and reasonably intuitive to me. It
is miles ahead of dselect which it replaced. Now that was a horror of a
UI. Of course, a dselect lover or two will be along tell me I'm wrong.
I've pr
* On 2016 16 Apr 15:15 -0500, Didier Kryn wrote:
> Le 16/04/2016 19:47, Noel Torres a écrit :
> >
> >I regularly use aptitude's CUI (I use to name it as text-mode GUI). Mostly
> >because it has that wonderful "Mark as automatically installed" mode, that
> >allows packages to be more easily updated
* On 2016 16 Apr 16:04 -0500, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 10:19:44PM +0200, Didier Kryn wrote:
> > Le 16/04/2016 19:47, Noel Torres a écrit :
> > >
> > >I regularly use aptitude's CUI (I use to name it as text-mode
> > >GUI). Mostly because it has that wonderful "Mark as automatically
* On 2016 29 Apr 15:29 -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 11:31:29AM -0400, Steven W. Scott wrote:
> > Alas, some are, some aren't and it seems to depend on manufacturer. Android
> > is a wild-west with tens of thousands of different devices and every
> > manufacturer, ISP, and th
* On 2016 29 Apr 10:17 -0500, hellekin wrote:
> Devuan only packages free software. The non-free archive comes from
> Debian. Activate the non-free component, as you would in Debian, and
> you should be set.
I have my /etc/apt/sources.list set up thusly on my laptop which I just
switched over to
* On 2016 29 Apr 16:53 -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
> Let me see if I understand you correctly. the package firmware-iwlwifi
> is not open software, and so is not available from the devuan package
> archive. So
> a) The sources.list line
> deb http://packages.devuan.org/merged jessie main non
While his rant is about a year old, I wonder if things have improved for
When he discusses GNOME Shell, etc., perhaps what he doesn't realize is
that many of those developers may not be eating their own dog food as it
were. For how long haven't we been reading about and watching various
Agreed and well said.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us
Dng mailing list
* On 2016 01 May 05:04 -0500, Didier Kryn wrote:
> Le 30/04/2016 23:07, Nate Bargmann a écrit :
> > For how long haven't we been reading about and watching various
> >videos from FOSS conferences only to realize they're often using the most
> >proprietary hardware
Hi All.
I've completed the upgrade to Devuan Jessie Beta over Debian Jessie on
both my laptop and desktop. Nice work!
I use Network Manager on my laptop. It is configured for the networks I
attach to most frequently and allows a seamless connection when
tethering to my Android phone via USB. S
* On 2016 01 May 15:23 -0500, Daniel Reurich wrote:
> Yes it is on my personal todo list. It is the only way to have nicely
> integrated vpn connection also. I need this before migrating my wheezy
> workstation to Devuan Jessie. So it is urgently needed.
Do let me know how I may help, Daniel.
BTW, I've already read the other followups and you have a legitimate
question, Hendrik. Here is my 2 cents and why I'm using NM.
* On 2016 01 May 18:58 -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I use wicd instead of Network Manager, in devan jessie. I don't know
> if it will talk to your phone over USB, bu
* On 2016 03 May 16:38 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> "Pen testing" My Aunt's Hat!
I thought it was trying different Linux distributions from a USB pen.
- Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
Ham radio, Linux
* On 2016 03 Jun 15:14 -0500, Joel Roth wrote:
> Steve Litt wrote:
> > Katolaz
> > > IMHO, if and when we would like to make a change regarding init
> > > systems, that change should not be to replace sysvinit with an init
> > > system of *our* choice, but probably towards allowing users to use
* On 2016 04 Jun 04:52 -0500, Jaromil wrote:
> On Fri, 03 Jun 2016, Joel Roth wrote:
> > My system is devuan/jessie, upgraded from debian.
> >
> > It's interesting that 'man init' brings up the
> > systemd man page.
> strange! I don't have that on my laptop (installed from devuan
> directly
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