* On 2015 30 Mar 12:05 -0500, KatolaZ wrote:
> Anyway, this little (disgusting) joke is revealing that some users
> that are currently "tolerating" the systemd-nonsense would be quite
> upset if the systemd-nonsense guys would decide to take the Linux
> kernel aboard (something that I personally think they don't have
> neither the experience nor the skills to do, but still...).

I think Red Hat does have the man power and the people with the skills
to maintain their own autonomous kernel indefinitely.  In fact, there
likely a lot of parts they could simply do away with to streamline the
process.  Also, Red Hat is large enough and prestigious enough to
attract the necessary talent.

> I personally find hilarious that most of the people out there are
> still convinced that the systemd-nonsense is just a replacement for
> sysv-init, while it should be clear by now that it is already becoming
> a pervasive cancer...

Of course, the next step is an "authorized" and signed kernel
distributed only in binary form that can be "trusted" on Win10 certified
hardware.  Add to that scenario that some future version of systemd will
only work with the signed and "trusted" binary only kernel...

- Nate


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