* On 2015 31 Mar 10:30 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> I think he was probably envisioning Redhat creating a from-scratch
> kernel. This would further differentiate Redhat, and would lock their
> users into Redhat. I think Nate's point is Redhat's scared to do that
> until Redhat has everyone ensnared in their hard-to-remove obfuscation
> code (otherwise known as systemd).

No, I meant exactly what I wrote.  Sure, the Linux kernel and its
patches will be licensed GPLv2 and housed in a repository somewhere and
people can download it, compile it, patch it, etc.  However, the new
Win10 certified hardware will require "trust", AIUI, and that may well
mean that only properly signed kernels will be "trusted" and will only
be available as a binary blob from a certified vendor.  It's not a far
stretch to see how this reaches into userland where systemd can be
uniquely positioned due to its all in one nature to continue the chain
of "trust" through to the desktop.

> Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean Redhat isn't out to get me.

To me "trust" is a euphemism for the cartels divvying up the pie.

- Nate


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